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Bounty - Ivarr

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An Announcement from the Office of the Chief Justice 

- Issued on 12th of the Grand Harvest 181 SA-





For crimes of Kidnapping, Assault, and Attempt 



[i] A Sketch of a shirtless individual with many tattoos could be seen here. [i] 





400 Minas





Named Ivarr, the individual pictured above poses a threat of the highest caliber towards the citizens of Brabant and their safety. Riding in on a bear, he will most likely appear shirtless with several blue tattoos all over his body. Although he may appear friendly, he is a man of dangerous nature who through his own actions attempted to kidnap a granddaughter of the Duke of Brabant, assaulted a lady of Brabant and through his magic assaulted its Chief Justice. 


Such heinous crimes shall not go unpunished. Ivarr will face justice and immediate verdict upon arrest as the judiciary has deemed that there is no question of guilt for the crimes of Ivarr. 


Ivarr is a dangerous individual, most likely a warlock. His tattoos are not just for decoration but serve as an embodiment of his magical abilities. From what was observed, Ivarr is capable of using the wind and spewing fire out of his hands. Though he may also contain other dangerous abilities, he also has a bear so be weary of fighting this man alone. 


Any Information relating to ’Ivarr’ must be reported to the Chief Justice or the Duke of Brabant.






His Grace, Ser Sterling Blaxton-Whitewood,

Duke of Brabant, Marquis of Lotusgrad, Baron of Blackwell, Lilenburg and Swan’s Keep, Lord of the Peaks, Protector of the Weefolk.


Firr Stefan Starling

Chief Justice of the Duchy of Brabant


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Juniper squinted at the missive. And then, she shrugged, unsurprised. "Magic beggars always seem to get themselves in extra trouble..."

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it was another casual day for Panya, continuing with the  construction of her new city. She points a few people around and plans the designs for various buildings. Such a thing requires a /long/ break. She ventures out in which she comes across the missive.

"I knew we should've killed that [REDACTED]." Panya rolls her eyes, pocketing the missive and taking it back home to show the other Rah'tumans in the temple of Hesthor. She sit's down a handful of her people, especially Atemu and Arvel. 

She tugs at the edges of the paper to de-crinkle it a bit and put it on display for the others to see.
"You'll never guess who has a bounty on his head. Beard-scratching sniffy guy." - "I knew he was gross but I didn't think he'd be a kidnapper. Though, this should be no issue. Mina for construction, and I think we all know the punishment for harmin' kids. Dont we?"

And for those that do not know . . 

31. Committing violence against a child is especially prohibited in Rah’tuma. The punishment includes being burnt alive in the fires of the Ra’tuhmet’s temple, or being fed to a pit of crocodiles, or execution by beheading.

"Fingers may have been removed the last time that a child was hurt, though I do not believe mercy should be shown this time around." With that, her speech comes to a conclusion. Allowing others to respond . . 

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