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La Corte de Girasol
15th of Francisco’s Resolve, 103 D.R.


[!] A painting of a meeting of the courtiers of the Corte de Girasol.


The following missive will cover changes to the Corte de Girasol, the appointment of Gran Chambelán and open up recruitment for the court.



Sovereign Consort

(Sovereign Prince Dimitri Otto de Pelear)

The sovereign consort holds all authority over the courts and will run such as they deem fit with no requirement of permission from the Sovereign of Hyspia. In such a role the Sovereign Consort will be expected to dedicate a lot of time to ensuring the courts run smoothly, and provide care and entertainment for the people.



Grand Chambelán

(Princesa Royal Renata Alba de Pelear)


The Gran Chambelán holds the second most amount of power over the courts and can act on behalf of the Sovereign Consort with the required permission; the Gran Chambelán sees to the daily running of the courts and ensures the court runs smoothly alongside the Sovereign Consort. They can also make decisions on behalf of the Sovereign Consort, should they be given the permission to do so from the Consort themselves.


Maestra/o De La Modas

(Baronesa Fleur Halcourt)

This position is dedicated to overseeing fashion and cultural trends within the Sovereignty of Hyspia; they see to setting a theme for different styles and aethetic trends within the Sovereignty, as such they will work with tailors, designers, and artisans to create clothing and fashion accessories that tie into the overall culture of Hyspia. The Maestra/o may appoint those beneath them to aid in the role.


Maestra/o de Musica

(Lady Marcela Denodado)

The Maestra de Musica is responsible for overseeing all the musical aspects of the court from the creation of new musical compositions, to running performances and other musical events. It is also the role of the Maestra/o de Musica to preserve traditional music and performances of the Sovereignty. The Maestra/o may appoint those beneath them to aid in the role. 




Maestra/o De La Caza

(Señor Alejandro Flores)

The Maestra/o De La Caza is responsible for running hunting expeditions and games for the Sovereignty, as well as preserving the flora and fauna that are native to the lands of Hyspia. They are also responsible for the upkeep of any royal animals used in the hunts, such as hounds, horses and falcons. The Maestra/o may appoint those beneath them to aid in the role.




Court Chaplain 


The Court Chaplain is the spiritual advisor and head clergyman for the courts and is responsible for hosting Canonist ceremonies, offering counsel to the people of Hyspia, and helping maintain healthy ties between the nation and the Canonist church. This is an integral role for also ensuring the spiritual well-being of the court and nation.




Court Event Runners

(Princess Royal Renata Alba)

(Infante Rafael Arsenico)

(Princess Mona of Dunfarthing)

(Baroness Fleur Halcourt)

(Señor Alejandro Flores)


While in the name, the role of Court Event Runners is to plan and host events for the Sovereignity of Hyspia. Their work takes place in the writing of missives, the detailed planning of what shall happen during said event and even the setting up of events beforehand. This role is a particularly important one, integral for any court and nation.




Court Scribes

(Princess Royal Renata Alba)

(Señorita Amelia Miramaris)


Court Scribes are responsible for documenting the proceedings of the court, royal decrees, and historical events. They will be required to be able to write in various writing forms, from elegant calligraphy to swift shorthand, and must maintain detailed and accurate records. The scribes will also manage the royal archives.



Court Alchemist

(Vizcondesa Maria Denodado)

The Court Alchemist holds the responsibility of conducting tasks of both scientific and  alchemical importance. They will have to do such whilst upholding Canonical law, and only make concoctions that will aid the Sovereignty, such as brewing medicinal concoctions to aid the sick and injured. This role may also involve researching more functional aspects of alchemy, perhaps even being used within the military for conflicts or military strategies. 




Court Astrologer

(Infante Rafael Arsenico)

The Court Astrologer has the ability to study the stars and grow to know the Hyspian zodiacs in an more in-depth fashion. Their job is to keep track of the stars and skies movements, detailing it in a monthly report to the Sovereignty of Hyspia, all the while keeping track of the fortunes and lack thereof provided by the Zodiacs.





(Lady Sera Denodado)

(Señora Gabriela Salazar)

(Señorita Amelia Miramaris)


The court handmaids are tasked with the personal care and assistance of the royal family members; they are responsible for a range of duties such as attending to their daily needs, providing counsel and perhaps even providing protection if needed. This is position that required trust, discretion and loyalty.



To conclude the missive, I would like to congratulate Princess Royal Renata on her appointment as Gran Chambelán, and urge those who are interested in a court position to contact either Prince Dimitri or Princess Royal Renata to organize a meeting.




HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Koravia,

Sovereign-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca, Del’mar and Monterro, Lord of La Dorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk

Edited by La Corte De Girasol
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