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Shurozabidd; Realm of the Skywhale-Cities

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[!] Nobody but Raziel, Father Nerium, Olaurae Uriella and Jenny know of this glorified LSD-trip.



Realm of the Skywhale-Cities









Chapter 1.: Arrival in Shurozabidd

Bang! The noise rang through everyone's head. With an explosion Jenny, Uriella, Olaurae, Nerium and Raziel had left the material plane within seconds. They felt… something odd. It all smelled of fish. Jenny pinched her nose. “Ew,” is all she had to say on the matter. Their eyes widened in disbelief as they found themselves standing on the undulating back of a creature unlike anything he had ever seen. It was immense, its skin a patchwork of mottled blues and grays, stretching out endlessly beneath his feet. Surrounding them, a sea of clouds drifted lazily, occasionally parting to reveal glimpses of distant, floating whales.


The air was crisp and cool, tinged with the scent of rain and something else, something they couldn't quite place. As their gaze swept across the horizon, they noticed flying creatures unlike any they had encountered before. “Wait a second- maln!” Uriella pulled on Raziel’s sleeve, yet they were interrupted.


Beneath them, the colossal creature moved with a slow, rhythmic grace, its movements causing gentle ripples to spread across the surface of the clouds. Raziel’s heart raced as he realized the enormity of his situation. This was no ordinary world; it was a realm of wonder and mystery, where the very laws of nature seemed to bend and twist. “Told ya!” Exclaimed Jenny, smiling at both Uriella and Raziel.


With cautious steps, Raziel approached the edge of the creature's back, peering over the side to catch a glimpse of the world below. What he saw took his breath away for a moment. Spread out beneath him was  a bustling city, its streets teeming with life as inhabitants went about their daily routines. But this was no ordinary city; it was perched atop the back of another creature, its form obscured by the clouds.


As Raziel took in the surreal sight before him, he knew that he had stumbled into a world beyond his wildest dreams. With each passing moment, the sense of wonder and excitement grew within him, driving him forward into the unknown. For in this strange and wondrous realm of Shurozabidd, anything was possible, and adventure awaited around every corner. “Everyone! Come here! We are on a giant whale... And- there’s a city on another whale below it!” The elf exclaimed, still startled by what he saw. 


Chapter 2.: The Missunderstanding

As Raziel, Jenny, and Uriella strolled through the bustling market square of the first of Shurozabidd’s skywhales, their attention was suddenly drawn to a commotion erupting nearby. A group of merchants were frantically pointing and shouting, their voices filled with urgency as they gestured towards a stall adorned with curious artifacts.


Intrigued, the cinco approached the stall, where they found a peculiar contraption on display—a gleaming, intricately crafted device resembling a mundane object from their own world: a compass. To the visitors from the material plane the device seemed ordinary enough, a tool used for navigation and orientation.


Unbeknownst to them, however, the compass held special significance in Shurozabidd, where the inhabitants relied on the guidance of the stars and the movements of the Skywhales to navigate the boundless skies. The notion of a compass, with its magnetic needle pointing northward, was utterly foreign to them.


Nerium and Olaurae stood idly on the sidelines moments before the chaos unfolded. Seemingly out of nowhere, the ‘ker lady shouted “FROG!” and lunged forward, capturing the creature with a small pouch into which it was stored safely. They then turned to Raziel, Uriella and Jenny seeing them examine the compass with mild curiosity, yet a group of Skywhale Riders approached, their faces etched with concern. In hurried tones, they accused Raziel, Jenny, and Uriella of attempting to steal the compass—a priceless artifact passed down through generations of Skywhale Riders, said to possess the power to guide travelers through even the most treacherous storms.


Shocked and bewildered by the sudden accusation, Raziel, Jenny, and Uriella protested their innocence, insisting that they had no intention of stealing the compass. But their words fell on deaf ears as the Skywhale Riders advanced, their expressions growing increasingly hostile.


Realizing that they were outnumbered and in grave danger, Raziel, Jenny, and Uriella turned and fled, their hearts pounding with fear as they darted through the crowded market square. Swords were drawn and spells rung through the air, while they made their escape. The streets of the first Skywhale-City blurred past as they raced through the winding alleys and narrow passageways, desperate to escape their pursuers.


With the Skywhale Riders hot on their heels, Raziel, Jenny, and Uriella ducked into a nearby alleyway, their breath coming in ragged gasps as they sought refuge among the shadows. As they waited in tense silence, the sounds of their pursuers gradually faded into the distance, leaving them shaken but safe for the moment. Once they were gone, they stepped outside and Uriella asked, “What if Ivarielle moved here? Other then the Crocodile-Folk many High Elves live here…” Raziel turned, “Now? Really now- we just go away! Let us focus on finding the rest again - and maybe, maybe Ivarielle is here.” Thus the stepped outwards of their hiding place fully. While Jenny was whistling an idle melody about Citrus-Lords, they ran into the rest once more.


Chapter 3.: A strange Understanding

With the group reunited, they rested in a lonely floating tavern ontop of a skywhale youngster, only the size of a singular house. It took them to another, large skywhale upon which a city, seemingly Qalasheen rested. Within seconds, Nerium pulled out his comically large spyglass and began making notes on its architecture and began speculating on their culture, “Crocodile-folk!” He informed the others. The tavern swayed gently as the young skywhale drifted through the sky. The group of adventurers huddled around a table, their minds still reeling from the chaos of the market. As the whale carried them closer to the next city, Nerium’s eyes gleamed with excitement behind his spyglass.


"This architecture is fascinating," he murmured, jotting down notes in his leather-bound journal. "These crocodile-folk clearly have a deep understanding of aerodynamics. Look at how the buildings curve with the whale's movements!"


Raziel leaned in to glance at the sketches Nerium was producing. "You think we can find a way to communicate with them? Explain our situation?" Nerium nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely. Cultural understanding is key. If we can show them that we respect their customs and heritage, they might help us." As the young skywhale docked with the larger one, the group disembarked, finding themselves at the entrance of the bustling city. The air here was warmer, infused with the scents of exotic spices and fragrant flowers. Market stalls lined the streets, and people dressed in vibrant, flowing garments moved gracefully through the crowds.


"First things first," Nerium said, adjusting his spectacles. "Let's find someone who looks like they might be willing to talk."


While Nerium scanned the crowd for a likely candidate, Olaurae was already causing a minor commotion. She had pulled out her small pouch and was coaxing her newly captured frog out of it. "Here, froggy, froggy," she cooed, much to the amusement and bewilderment of passing locals. "Look at this little guy!" Olaurae exclaimed, holding the frog up for the others to see. "I think I’ll name him Murgle," Olaurae declared.  Jenny stared vividly but couldn't suppress a smile. "Olaurae, we're supposed to be laying low! We need costumes, we need to look like the frogs," Jenny nodded sagely then, as if there was some deeper truth to it.


"Oh, don't worry," Olaurae said dismissively, placing Murgle on her shoulder. "Everyone loves frogs." As they wandered deeper into the city, Nerium spotted an elderly man sitting under a shaded canopy, surrounded by scrolls and artifacts. His robe was adorned with intricate patterns, and he wore a necklace of delicate shells. "He looks like a scholar," Nerium said. "Let's start with him."


Approaching the scholar, Nerium offered a polite bow. "Greetings, Master. We are travelers from a distant land, seeking to understand your culture and customs. Might we ask for your guidance?"


The old man looked up, his eyes twinkling with curiosity. "Travelers, you say? How unusual. What brings you to Shurozabidd?" Nerium explained their journey, omitting the part about their recent misunderstanding with the Skywhale Riders. The scholar listened intently, nodding occasionally.


"Your arrival here is indeed unusual," the scholar said thoughtfully. "But the Sme’ranien people are always eager to learn about the world beyond our skies. I am Kadir, a historian and keeper of our city's knowledge."


Raziel stepped forward, "Kadir, we need to prove our intentions. Perhaps you could help us understand more about your people's way of life?" Kadir smiled warmly. "Of course. Follow me, and I will show you."


As Kadir led them through the city, Nerium bombarded him with questions about the architecture, social structures, and history. The more he learned, the more he was able to connect their world with the Crocodil-folk, finding common ground in their shared love for knowledge and exploration.


Meanwhile, Olaurae had managed to gather a small crowd of children around her, all fascinated by Murgle. She performed little tricks with the frog, making it leap from hand to hand, much to the children's delight. The spectacle seemed to endear the group to the locals, breaking down initial barriers of suspicion. Her smile grew over its usual boundaries and many butterflies followed her, summoned from within the void to entertain the children.


As the day turned to evening, Kadir invited them to a feast in the city square. Lanterns hung from every archway, casting a warm glow over the festivities. Music filled the air, and the aroma of delicious food made their stomachs rumble in anticipation.


"See," Nerium said, smiling as he observed the scene, "understanding and respect can go a long way." Raziel nodded, watching Olaurae entertain the children. "Yeah, and a little bit of fun doesn't hurt either." Jenny chuckled, "I knew a frog could be so useful. Hence I brought it into existence."


As they joined the feast, the group felt a renewed sense of hope. In this world of skywhales and floating cities, they had found not just adventure, but also the promise of new friendships and understanding. And as they toasted to their journey, they knew that their adventure in Shurozabidd had only just begun. Or so they thought. Suddenly, one of Jenny’s sagely nods was displayed and she suddenly screamed, “Alrighty! Time to go! My goldfish needs patting!” Father Nerium and Raziel were ripped out of the middle of a conversation, yet their protest was to no avail.


And with an explosion, they returned to Aevos, manifesting within the Starlight Winery once more. Yet Jenny, Jenny was still missing. Odd…

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Father Nerium took a precise quill, freshly inked, and made the final lines of a blueprint he'd began since their return to Aeos. It was a colossal structure, semi-organic in make, designed to bend beneath the winds of a familiar sky upon it's mammalian firmament. Twisting and yawning in great sweeps of marble, he designed the first ever cathedral upon the back of a Skywhale, with wide flying buttresses that served as aqueducts, spilling holy water upon the earth below. He shed a tear at his creation, and basked in some new cherished memories.

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