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|||| The Magi’s Digest ||||

Volume #2




Welcome readers one and all to the second volume of the Magi’s Digest. This author apologizes for the delay in publication and is proud to present this paper. Today we will be talking about the Void’s impact on a Mage’s psychology and personality. Admittedly, this edition took so long because of the samples that were required for this research to be done thoroughly. Without further adieu, let us begin!



The Physical Manifestations of Void Exposure

It is a well-documented fact that extended exposure to the Void and its energies greatly impact the physical form. Voidal sickness is the most well-known [1] as it is a trait every single Mage takes on when connected. This sickness results in the gradual weakening of the body the longer the Mage is connected, but eventually stops progressing when the Mage’s soul ‘metabolizes’ the energy [2]. Unless the Mage becomes a Scion this effect is permanent so long as they remain connected[3]. 


Traditionally this ‘weakening’ effect has been attributed to the decaying effect the Void often has when encountering living things (i,e. withers natural greenery, impact of too much Voidal energy being utilized on a person, etc.) [4] however with the new information that has been gathered for this document there may be another explanation. Another notable, major impact that the Void can cause is the drastic personality changes that Mages may undergo. This now leads us to the research portion of today’s theory.




What’s in the head of a Mage?

From much older research I had done as a new Mage it was revealed to me that certain mental conditions or traits correlate with the brain’s structure. Though this is far from an exact science this eventually led to the thought that inspired this edition; does the Void physically alter the brain’s structure? From the beginning I had my doubts [5], considering that many changes are tied to the varying Paths[6] that may be dropped or replaced with another. From merely observing the differences in those who went from one path[7] to another revealed that just from swapping between them your personality can undergo a drastic change. If the Void’s impact on the integrity of the cranial structure resulted in the changes, why did it kick in so quickly? Altering both the shape and internal chemistry of the brain would be a delicate task after all [8]. In order to solve this mystery I gathered my trusty gloves and began to request the corpses of any fallen Magi. This was all done ethically, and legally [9]. Relying on those who either agreed to this experiment or criminals already slated for death [10]. 


Though a rather grim task, over the last decade or so I have had enough cadavers (and background information on the individual) to finally reach a conclusion [11]. There was no observable difference in the brain’s shape that would indicate any changes via Voidal energy. Notably, many of the subjects had brains that were nearly identical to that of Magi without a Path or those who were not Mages at all. 


Now that this conclusion has been made, we must ask a new question; If the brain doesn’t change then how exactly does this change the psychology of a given individual?



A Proposed Answer

Over the centuries we have been able to vaguely understand some of the core functions of the Soul. It is documented that the Soul itself houses memory in some shape or form, but if altered by other Magics this can lead to memory erasure and other deformations to occur to the host . Oftentimes if a Soul is corrupted, whether by Dark Magic or other forces, there is also a physical change that occurs in the body. This information is imperative to the following theory.


Consider this. What if the Void had much more of an impact on the Soul than what we may have initially believed? Theoretically since the Soul houses memory, and memory shapes one’s personality, it could be assumed that changes to it are the true cause of mental alteration. Additionally this may also be the cause of Voidal Sickness. If this is true, it explains how quickly the changes to one’s behavior can be and gives us a more reasonable answer about why Magi are physically weaker.


However this now prompts a dangerous question. If the Void impacts our Soul this much, what else may it do to it? How much of our identity is only real due to the outside influence? Well dear reader, you must question this yourself. Regardless.. We now have a much greater understanding of ourselves.  


In the next volume we will explore the differences between different ‘planes’ and how our reality fits into the greater cosmology of existence. Thank you, dear reader, for picking up this volume. For further inquiries, debate, or theories feel free to pen me a missive. 




[1] - “..however Enchanter’s Sickness, while a newer affliction, is also very relevant, though it’s effects are temporary.”


[2]  - “How the soul exactly handles the load of chaos still remains to be seen exactly. Current theory is that it’s like a muscle, or a pain tolerance. Where over time the Soul gets used to it. Had this idea after seeing [Redacted] act like it was no big deal that he had been cut to shit, saying he'd gotten used to it. Moron.”


[3] - “****. ****. Scions! What the **** do they do to retain their muscles and shit? Maybe they block off or lessen the energy they take in? It would explain the casting…”


[4] - “Sul stood next to the tree in Rosethorn long enough that the leaves started to die. Voidstalkers physically hurt me.”


[5] - “..considering how delicate it is, it wouldn’t make any sense. Even swelling can cause someone to die. Not to mention how the Void tends to literally kill living beings, touching the brain would be more likely to render someone braindead.”


[6] - “How the shit does someone refer to the different ‘subtypes’ of magic? Subclasses? Circles? Remember to debate this with Mika.” | Post: Path has won the debate.


[7] - “..is so ******* creepy. Watching her go from sweet and compelled to help, then turning into a raging sociopathic monster in the next when she became an Eminent is insane. Honestly it makes me wonder what it says about me that my personality didn’t change at all..”


[8] - “..is entirely unresponsive. Cutting chunks out of the brain has proven to be incapable of treating certain mental illnesses. Notably, some parts can be injured or removed that subject may survive - usually with drastic changes.”


[9] - “So fuckin’ slow! Who knew that waiting for people to die naturally took so long? I’ve only been able to study three subjects in the last three years! Eugh. If I were any less patient I’d have started making subjects instead of just taking them. Legality be damned.”


[10] - “..really weird. Usually ‘paying for someone’s head’ means an assassin. Not someone literally giving you a severed head.”


[11] - “..thank Yemekar. At long last I have had enough subject samples, from various races and connection to the void, to serve as evidence. I can finally throw out the jars of brains. Poor Aska walked into the lab once and got the scare of her life when she saw them..”


Signing off, 

Thessalia Elverhilin


Did NOT expect almost a year to pass before releasing another volume. Well, better late then never, right? This is a public publishing and may be reacted to by anyone! The first volume may be found here:



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Lucis points to the paper upon the table. "My wife-not wife did that, that's crazy."

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A young professor of the arcane, enjoying his brief afternoon break, flipped to the next page with a flick of his wrist. What dedication to research, he thought, well impressed.

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"We should make Yisars," Declared Raziel towards Thessie.

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