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Undead Incursions in Urguan


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An Undead Scourge



Citizens of Hefrumm and of The Grand Kingdom of Urguan,


Over the last few stone’s days, a scourge has shown itself amongst the land of the dwarves. Roak, a forest dwed of Hefrumm - was assaulted and maimed by Darkstalkers while visiting the capitol hold of our Kingdom, his foot being amputated. And further - bands of undead riders have been seen amongst Hefrumm’s lands as well… No doubt traveling from the North to bring trouble amongst the dwarves.


Even now, The Vale in the North faces the threat of the Undead at their borders… How long will it be before our Grand Kingdom is met with the same threats? The Vale is only a quick ride from our lands. It is time for the Dwed of Urguan to open their eyes - to fight against the enemies that seek to sow chaos from the North. 


I call upon the Silverbraid king, and the Legion of Urguan to make plans, these threats must be taken seriously. We cannot be lost to pointless conflict amongst the elves - We must show the realm our strength in the face of true darkness.



Dungrimm Guide.

ᛞᚢᛜᚱᛁᛗᛗ ᚷᚢᛁᛞᛖ




Tuzic the Ember,

High Chief of Hefrumm, Servant of Anbella, Chief of the Mossborn, Seer of Hefrumm

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"Yemekar punishes th' treeshumpers for t'eir wickedness." Says Jorvin Starbreaker

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Margaid'Dorn would require a big damn axe!

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. . . A certain goblinite Darkstalker grinned, polishing it's bones for the upcoming battles.

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Grand King Thurgrim Silverbraid sighed, running a hand across his brow at the missive that Tuzic had written and sent out across the kingdom. If it wasn't Gashadokuro, it was the elves, if it wasn't the elves, it had been thefts within the city, if not thefts, then vampires. The list goes on.

"Ah wish he'd at least bring 'et up to me in person 'afore resortin' to a public cry fer action. Et's nae like ah'm against receivin' his issues an' concerns."

The page was laid aside, the Dwarf King instead reaching out to draw up a metallic quill and begin writing. 


It was time that the letter from Kaethul received a response.

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"Oi didn't see anything, so clearleh ets just Forest dwed propagandah tryin teh make the capital city look bad!" Grumbles a prideful mountain dwarf from atop his treasure pile.

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"Oi cannae believe dah false High Chief o' dah Hefrummites 'as caused a rise in undead attacks! Dis wood nae 'appen ef oi wus dah high-chief!" Proclaimed Stumpy.

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