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The Mortuli; Priests Of Khali-Shi ((Wip))


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The Mortuli; Priests of Khali-Shi

Our History:

The fist Mortuli was named Lysle Rigger, A calm human dedicated to the gods of Om'echan. Living in Hanseti, he mixed a potion that caused symptoms similar to those in the legends of old about Khali-Shi's minions. Taking it upon himself as a sign, he stumbled upon friends and gave them the same gift he had given himself. 1 by 1 their numbers increased. Living in isolated areas of the world to stay away from civilization, they became one with the gift. Growing stronger by the numbers, the became more of a cult instead of a group.Now, they look to expand their group to all corners of the world, all races and all preexisting groups in hopes of spreading their beliefs.

Who are we?

We are the servant of Khali-Shi, The Judge of Souls.

We Worship her divine knowledge over all lost souls in their journey to their final resting place.

Bringers of Justice to those whom need it.

Givers of the Gift of the Mortuli.

Our Rankings:

The Black Gavel - The Head Priest

The Mortuli - The Priests, Those blessed with the gift. ((Having the gift requires a VA))

The Judged - The followers who have yet to prove themselves

What is the Gift?

The Gift is given by The Black Gavel to those who are worthy of it. It heightens your survival instincts and lets you feel free. (( Basically "The Gift" is a potion given to you by The Black Gavel that causes Paling of the Skin, Reddening of the eyes, Sharpening of the teeth and urges to kill in the name of Khali-Shi. *Cough* Non-Gay Vampires *Cough*))

Our mission is to send souls on their journey to Khali-Shi's halls. The Gift allows us to do that.

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