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Riven Guardsman


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* A Flier Hangs in the Cloud temple area, and in Several Oren settlements and Arethor Itself*

Greetings People of Asulon. The Town of Riven is Offering a job for able fighters. In order to propely defend the town and the counties it count rules over from Bandits, monster, and other evil things that haunt the woods. If ye wish to join this flier will show ye the ranks and the application in order to join.


Militia Man- A Volunteer who aids the Guard force when the militia is rallied by either the Baron/Baroness, Or Guard captain. They are usally armed with leather armor and every day tools ready to fight.


Guardsman- A man who has sworn his blade to the Service of the Town and Baron/Baroness. They usually patrol the city and the nearby woods to make sure bandits and the local Monsters are not a threat for the citizens of Riven and travelers. They are usually in Chain or Iron armor equipped with Iron weaponry. And are usually pay a decent wage every Elven week.


Guard Captian- The Leader of the guard. And who has a say in the matters of Riven as well as the Baron/Baroness just in a lesser voice. And are usually the towns best fighter. And is paid the best for the elven week as well. They are in charge of Recruitment and training of the guards. Usaly armed in Iron or better armor and usually the best weaponry they or Town can supply.


Commander- The leader of the Silverblade Bannermen a Veteran soldier and greatest warrior of the house. He controls all Bannermen and branches of the Silverblade Bannermen. The Guards of Riven being a Branch of the bannermen.



Milita man- None for Volunteer fighter

Guardsman- 200 Per Elven week

Guard Captain- 300 Per elven week.

Commander- 400 an Elven week.


Commander- Peter Chivay

Guard Captain- Hailmar

Guardsman- Trig

Guardsman- Leric

Guardsman- Richard

Guardsman- Open

Guardsman- Open






Guard Application

Mc Name:

Rp Name:



Prefered Weapons and Skill Level:

Do ye Live in Riven? Or are going to?:

Can ye be active around the town?:

Any Military or Guard Like experience in the past?:

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We have filled all current guard positions, we will open when positions are available.

Current Roster;

Captain; Hailmar

Guard; Richard Olyvarsson

Guard; Lewn

Guard; Lerin

Guard; Trig

Ranger; Halt








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*looks at the updated list*

"You're welcome."

*chuckles to himself, as he recruited the captain*

"Mayhaps he needs a serjeant..."

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Dayum we should get a uniform, look good and propper as well, also what lands belong to Riven?

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The Counties of Monde and Gruskar ((Forest_6 and Forest_4)) And If any lads have Uniform suggestions then bring em forth to Count Uthor silverblade

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Commander Peter nails a notice outside the barracks of Riven, stepping back, and reading the words out loud to himself to assure their correctness.

"Any and all Riven guardsmen are to report to Commander Chivay as soon as possible. If you fail to contact Commander Chivay within an Elven week, you will be stripped of your rank, armament, and bunk."

[[ OOC note: This is an activity check, if you wish to remain a guardsman, send me a PM or RP with me in-game. I will be making a new roster, as well as Recruitment board ]]

The commander nods after reading the note aloud, flipping his visor back down, and clanking off.

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This current Guild has been deemed inactive and has hereby been moved.

If you wish to appeal this decision you must present evidence to myself proving the guild is still active.

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