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The Kirvel Dynasty


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~The Kirvel Dynasty~


The Kirvels were originally a Kotan(Tribe) in the Subudai Tribal Confederacy in which they were brought in by Vladivoj Kirvel, the current elder.They were warmly welcomed by the Khagan, Sauros Alanbataar.Under the Subudai, the Kirvels thrived, even adopting some wayfarers into their culture and tribe.The differed from their distant Subudai cousins, as they were more peaceful and welcoming than the other tribes.As time passed, Vladivoj became a good friend with Varin Ulfgar, who was the leader of the fierce Ulfgars.After spending sometime with the Ulfgars, Vladivoj realized that violence is a natural part of life, and that he should not have such a disdain for it.After years of being with the Subudai, Sauros Alanbataar,noticing the friendship of the two tribes, but also some similarities, came toVarin and Vladivoj, and offered their tribes a chance to make a place to call their own.They reluctantly accepted ,and thus, the settlement of Varivik was formed.

[Pre-Varivik lore]

The Kirvel Kotan

In this tribe,the Syrmatae would have less power and influence then in the other Kotans,due to the presence of a council,which is made of all the most prominent Kotansmani in the Kotan.The Syrmatae would consult the council if any decision was to be made.The decisions that wall in that are:Would the Kotan establish relations with that settlement,would they raid if presented with enough reasons,and so on, but he/she(the Syrmatae) will always lead the caravans,a representative of his tribe with the Khagan,and would lead in skirmishes,raids and his/hers word is always respected.He also tends to the daily activities of his fellow Kotansmani.When the Syrmatae dies,the Kotansmani choose,in a democratic fashion,who shall be the next Syrmatae.The wife of the Syrmatae would have an honorary title "Udovica".

The culture of this Kotan is a bit different than usual.This Kotan is more peaceful then the rest,but would still engage in conflict if the presumed target has done any harm to any Kotansmani of this tribe,or any other Subudai.The Kotansmani would welcome all travelers,sit around with them by the campfire,trade food,stories...They prefer to stay in one place,only moving if it's critical,but will always move if the Khagan says so. They also hold feasts,called Drevlas,which are held once a year,in a certain time of the year when the stars are at a certain place at a certain moment.It's an evening spent in singing,eating,drinking...

In battle,the Kotansmani of this tribe mainly use melee weapons,such as axes and swords,and most of them dislike using a bow and arrow,but have respect for the skilled archers of the other tribes.Each man and woman is expected to fight,wearing little to no armor,excluding the Syrmatae and the Gospodars.The Kotansmani are usually bright skinned and haired,though there are a few exceptions.They are also higher then the Kotansmani of their fellow Kotans.

The Social Structure:

Vojnuks-the warriors of the tribe,prefer being on ground then on horse,the majority of them use axes in combat,but there are a few sword users,those being the men who spent some time with the more advanced cultures,such as Oren.

Zanatliks-Craftsman of the tribe,proficient in either making food for the tribe,or making an repairing armor and weaponry.

Skupljaks-The gatherers,they gather resources for the tribe,by either lumberjacking,mining,farming or fishing,although priority is now on getting food and wood.

Some tribesmen can fill multiple roles,for example,a Vojnuk may be skilled in lumberjacking,and to that and his warrior job,and a Zanatlik can perhaps mine/gather the materials/ingredients himself.

Those who prove to be the best in their craft,are part of the Elder Council,and advice the Syrmatae(also called the Zhupan by the Kirvels) and have a say in political matters.

-Present Kirvels-

Nowadays, the Kirvels are a family, a dynasty, which one could call a noble in the southern lands, while still upholding the morals of their past as a tribe of the Subudai.They still have their customs, one of them being the Slava, a feast, during a certain day in the year.The Elder makes the decisions and all Kirvels vote on any actions that might have serious consequences for the family.These meetings are called if a situation is dire and the Elder needs to consult his family.Most ofthe Kirvels are now residents of Varivik,where the Elder, Vladivoj, is the Carnyx Chieftain, who concerns himself with the day to day affairs of the settlement and judicial affairs.He hopes to one day lead Varivik to greatness, while also helping other City States of the land of Levanthus.


Coat of arms:




-Hobbies of the Kirvels-

~Tapestry Making~

First thought of by Vladivoj Kirvel, while he was still living in his tent in the Subudai camp.He was looking to decorate his tent by doing something with the wool of the tents.He made random lines on it,and colored them with different forms of dyes.It looked awkward, but, every day, he kept adding something new to it.He then placed some wool down on the dirt in the tent, and id something with it.The result was something very colorful and pretty to the eye. He wanted to invest more time in it, but diplomacy and war got in the way.He almost forgot about it all when they founded Varivik.When the first longhome was finished, he was not content with only having wood.He lived for the most of his life in woolen shelters, and wanted to add some bits of it in the new environment.He remembered his old hobby, and quickly brought a long and decorated piece of wool from the cart, which looked like a carpet, andp laced it on the floor.To the Ulfgars, it looked completely unnecessary and a waste of time, but to Vladivoj, it looked as if they had changed the entire thing.Soon,he passed this onto other Kirvels, and to this day, they keep making beautiful tapestry.



Music is a part of every culture, and the Kirvels have their own.They play their music using instruments that are quite easy to craft,and are from things easily gathered and refined.The two instruments are :

The Flute


The Gusle



The traditional dance of the Kirvels is called the Kolo,It is performed amongst groups of people (usually several dozen, at the very least two) holding each other's having their hands around each other's waists, ideally in a circle.Kolo is usually performed at weddings,feasts, celebrations and Slavas.


OOC:Joining the Kirvels

If you wish to become a legitimate bloodline member,just fill out this short application below.If you wish to be an "adopted" member,just PM me.

Current members:

Vladivoj Kirvel(KoToTamoPeva)

Atila Kirvel(BuildToSurvive)

Ramaji Kirvel(Slic3man)

Ugliesha Kirvel(XkynarethX)

Milena Kirvel(Strawberry114)




How long have you been actively RPing on Lord of the Craft?Do you think of yourself as a good RPer?

Have you read the entire lore?

Why do you wish to join the Kirvels?

Will this be your main character or an alt?

What skills do you bring to the family?

Do you have Skype and a mic?

Are you willing to provide good roleplay and help improve those new to RP?

Anything else?

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