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Bardic Hall of Briagdh


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The Briagdh Bardhall of the Mountain Elf Wilds

*A Wooden tablet, Beautifully carved, with well detailed Lutes carved into the corners of it, is posted on a noticeboard at Arethor. It appears to be not nailed, but stuck on with some very tough and sticky Sap, gathered from a pine tree. The message is etched in clearly, but simply.

The Hall of Briadgh, owned by all, is opening to Welcome men, women, Dwarves, orcs, elves and halflings wishing to learn Music, Drama, and Arts.

*As one looks on, it continues to give detail.

Many other Guilds these days focus on rankings, Fighting, and all of that. I, Hanrahan, have felt it time for a change of pace, from all the violence and greed.

There are no Rankings, aside from "Bardling." This is your "Title", if you choose to train, learn, and practice here.

Me, and my Family are the closest thing to "Leaders" There will ever be. No one is in direct command of anything.

No promotions will be issued, unless you request it, and earn it. We are located very far away from all Civilization, and trouble in the world.

If you wish to come, you will be leaving everything behind for the time you are here, and that includes Racial prejudice, Grudges against a country's people, or any personal Grudges. Violence towards other Bardlings is not permitted, and will never be permitted.

All Food, room, and any other expenses will be taken care of, free of charge. We have ample supplies, and can easily support any number of people. No Minas need be issued.

If you seek any Questions, send a Bird to Briagdh Hall, Mountain Elf Wilds. (( Shamus on Forums, Radahan ingame. ))

Be forewarned, we are located in the Wilds. The trip is long, and hard, but I will make sure, if you wish to join, you make it here safely.

We do not send normal carrier birds. You will receive a Crow, Raven, or Osprey. This is a warning, so you are not alarmed when one starts pecking at you with a message.

*The last part of the message has a small wooden peg embedded in it, with a tiny leather bag on it. Inside the bag, is Birdfood, bits of Oats mixed with Apple slices, and a piece of parchment big enough to send a message via Bird.

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This current Guild has been deemed inactive and has hereby been moved.

If you wish to appeal this decision you must present evidence to myself proving the guild is still active.

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