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~The Patriots~ MC


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The Patriot Mercenary club

What are we?

The Patriots MC is as the name describes. A group of mercenaries. Tactical muscle for hire. However, the Patriots have morals. They are in essence a criminal group but it is just there way of making coin. The Patriots have set in stone rules that will not be shifted. Originally there will only be one chapter, based in Arethor. As the numbers grow multiple chapters will be formed being placed in certain cities. We will try to gain control of all merc hire in each city, and all competitors will be "forcefully moved out". Ranks play an important part in the MC.


Supreme President- Jock Hennigan(higgsyy)

Vice President-(open position)

Sergeant at arms-(open position)

Members -

Supreme President is the head of the club, controlling all current chapters. Vice President is the second in command, distributing payments and helps control all current chapters.Sergeant at arms stands down the troops, keeping them in check and is the primare leader on contracts. Obviously the Presidents will be there in control also. As more chapters are made, more Sergeants at arms will be made to lead each chapter. The capitol chapter will be lead primarily by both presidents, but the original chapter Sgt will be in charge of he new chapter.


I~ No member shall "mix" with another members love interest.

II~ All members must be present to all called meetings at designated club houses (unless for OOC reasons)

III~ Desertion of the club is simply not allowed. Your in it for life.

IV~ Do not murder children. All contracts envolving children must be denied

V~ When hired for battle, all chapters must be notified.Failure to comply with any of the rules will leed to banishment...or worse.



How did the club come in to being

During the year 57 of Asulon, former solider and blacksmith Jock Hennigan began taking contracts for murder. Being a former solider Jock had many morals, keeping them through his time as a "bounty hunter". As time progressed, Jock decided to for a group of mercs. His hope was to be the largest Mercenary group in Asulon and began recruiting. Uniforms were made, weapons bought and he got to work. Jock always viewed himself as a Patriot thinking he was doing good. Thus, the name. The Patriots resemble that of a slight militarised group.


You may edit each skin as you like, (cloaks, more armor, faces, beards etc) However, you must use the alocated skins. Each president and Sgt has a badge on their skin holding their rank. ~red(Supreme President) gold (Vice president) blue (sergeant at arms) Regular members are not permitted to have badges.

Vice president-

Sgt at arms-


Joining form

MC name:

Character name:

Stats (for placement purposes):

VA (Not required to officially join, but in the long run you'll need one):

Position you will be applying for (Vice pres, Sgt at arms, member)


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