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[✓] [Awaiting MAT Review] Electrical Evocation [Magic]



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  1. 1. Should this lore be implemented?

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This sounds amazingly useful and reasonable. I think a few more 'spells' and uses could be added to this, such as the possibility of an electric evocationist creating a kind of 'protective shield' by evocating electricity around themselves, thus keeping any aggressors away but at the cost of seriously draining the caster at a fast rate. But besides that, I think the idea itself is brilliant and definitely needs to be added to the list of Evocation subtypes. If this new element is implemented, I am definitely be interested in one of my characters learning from it.

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'protective shield'

This cannot happen as if they do, this yes draining a lot of energy butbaking themselves alive also, evocation is summoning elements, and then controllingthem, you cannot control the heat, or what it can cause, it will have the sameaffect one everyone most of the time, summoning electric currents aroundyourself for a 'protective shield' would only hurt you in electrocuting youalive, so this cannot done if it was so many mages can do something like this,fire shield, water shield, ect,

only earth evocation can really place a shield in your face.

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This cannot happen as if they do, this yes draining a lot of energy butbaking themselves alive also, evocation is summoning elements, and then controllingthem, you cannot control the heat, or what it can cause, it will have the sameaffect one everyone most of the time, summoning electric currents aroundyourself for a 'protective shield' would only hurt you in electrocuting youalive, so this cannot done if it was so many mages can do something like this,fire shield, water shield, ect,

only earth evocation can really place a shield in your face.

I was suggesting more of a wider distance between the caster and the shield itself as to avoid this.

Edit: And when I say 'shield', I mean a field of continuous electrical current that if you were to step through, would end up shocking you. Projectiles and such would likely pass through unaffected, unless something really complicated like electromagnetism were involved.

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So now that you have said that . . .

I am getting an image of:


A flat shield that you wish to create, in front of you, from electricity. . .Now let me say how this cannot be possible,

For the start let me explain what it can do:

- Stop fire projectiles, -Stop water projectiles, - Stop air projectiles, -usea lot of energy, - electrocute living organisms.

Now let me say what it cannot do:

-Stop earth projectiles, -stop physical non-organism objects.

Let’s now do a brief summary of these in a sentence or paragraph:

An electric shield that you place in front of you would be nearly impossiblesince of you need full focus on that said piece keeping its shape and formwhile using full energy based upon you since with electricity it does not staystill and would move rapidly around making you use more focus to try andcontain it without it bursting everywhere, The shield can block almost everymagical evocation which then in turn would make the caster invulnerable to mostmages, with this shield if a living organism walks through it they would beinstantly shocked and maybe even fried, you are trying to create a shieldfilling up the space of area when you summon it away from your body which woulduse more energy to hold, contain and keep focus on so it would not be right forthe caster to use this as it would count as POWERGAMMING,

I will add feelings here if I can remember them in a edit,

Thank you


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To clarify what ttwesten said:

- No you can not make a shield

If you attempted to make a barrier you would also end up with a weak barrier as the number of targets weakens the magic i.e. 8 forks on your lightning bolt is weaker than 2. So a barrier would; if it was far enough away not to kill the creator would require a great amount of magical ability to little avail.

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HMmmm. . . Please define your word of “Spells” Since magicis all spells, and creativity. Let me see about explaining what a spell is, I would use fire evocation for anexample,

Summon fire hovering over your hand: Connection to the voidprojecting an image of flames before you rip it out from the void and intoreality,

Sustain the fire- Keeping focus on the flames as you forceit to hover using energy from your own, don’t do this then the reality worldyou live in would collapse over it removing it from the realm.

moving the fire: Moving it hovering over your body whilekeeping sustain over it as you are replacing space with fire you control.

Bending fire- Switching the properties of fire to create aselected object or projection.


Then with these can be taken to electricity evocation,placing things as,

Summoning electric currents hovering around your hand.

Keeping sustain of the electric currents.

Moving the electricity by force.

Bending the electricity.


Spells are all around my friend,

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I have a question, if you don't mind.

Who will be the first person to learn this? You explained very thoroughly how it works and such, but how will it be introduced? (Unless I skipped some part of the lore, which I very well may have)

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It is not specified who will be the first person to learn this and as specified in the beginning I do not intend to have any of my characters learn it. One may discover this magic I suppose if they RP their character into it.

Take for example telekinesis is being learnt my my character Kalenz right now. This is being done by 'discovering it' piece by piece. One might choose to learn this magic in a similar way or an alternate way. It is up to the applicant and if the MAT chooses to accept their method.

As a side note: From a personal point of view I am against finding a book on how to do electrical evocation.

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One thing I'd like to know is what would the requirement be for an elertical mage to imbued a weapon (let's say only his own) and substain it mid-combat. What would the training be required (if it's even possible to maintain) if it was their only focus...

I"m really interesting in having my character pick up magic, but his limitation would be unable to lash out with the magic (IE: Firing bolts, sending balls of energy.) His only conductors would be his lifework, his blades.

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If you were swinging a sword, and parrying blows, I feel maintaining the necessary concentration would be extremely difficult, to nigh impossible.

Though, that is for people who are actually mages to decide. :D

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Meta doesn't swing his swords, he dances with them through instincts and tactics :P Concentration is focused on an area of combat to insure effective use of all four stances, and while it may be hard I do not see why it would be impossible, when you do something so long and dedicated it becomes as natural as breathing. This woulnd't be a move he would do in mid-swordplay, if I was to get it and to a stage I could use it during a fight Meta would do something more like this...

Panting heavily as he darted back on steady legs, grinning from the blood dripping from his forehead. The pain, the glorious pain that drove him in combat was the only burning lust in his head, the rest was dedicated to the task at hand as the man before him threw aside his large arms, and withdrew a tower shield, moving upon the eccentric swordsman. Shield again...hopefully the years of training mean something... whispers softly to himself as he checks his distance, closing his eyes, and his heart to enter both the flow in his heart, and the void within his mind...focusing intently on the blades in his weapon, he willed, and continued to will the eccentric energies of the sky and the void to surge through his blades, and with a sudden rush of energy could almost feel the sudden apperance of the magic. Knowing he had precious seconds to maintain the sudden increase in power, focusing his mind on maintaining the connection, and letting his heart and body focus on the combat. He rushed forward, bringing both his blades surging forward, as the energy itself almost leaped out with a hunger for the new source of nearby metal...

While a very poor excuse for an RP fight and the actual methods of magic (IMO I could have done it more detail) it would show the kind of things he'd have to do to actually charge it, he couldn't do it while the man's directly on top of him, he needs a moment to recollect, reform, and then go back in. As sword art is his life, it is like breathing for him, so I can't see how it'd be impossible to do both.

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Magic requires a great deal of effort on LOTC. While I would say it is possible to charge your sword you certainly aren't going to be outmaneuvering a swordsman whose only job is to swing his sword at you. Sure you can try to charge it but as far as I could tell it would be an inferior method to just stabbing someone.

That being said an electrical mage & enchanter might be able to enchant something to retain such electrical power. Though, it is likely a mage at that level would not be able to fight well with said weapon.

However, despite what I have said you may ask the MAT what their policy on doing such with a flaming blade is right now in magical Q&A. If such would be allowed to be done by a fire evocationist, perhaps it may be done here.

It must be remembered that one skilled in magic will lose their skill with a sword if they want to be a truly powerful and proper mage.

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First off, Meta, your words in that wondering example keptmy heart pumped and racing, I don’t know why or how but I feel you would be grand at writing teenage books, even at your age, you have a gift,


Now Kalenz, I have RolePlayed with Meta on some occasions to see he is a grand RolePlayer at defining detail and everything he does, Now Iam not on his side either as I need to keep a non-bias pack upon things, Now,from Meta and I talks on Skype about him learning this electricity evocation just for his blades at arms. Since I know his character is fully in the stancesof focus and mind he has given me some descriptive sections on what he onlywants to achieve with electricity evocation,

He would not for himself to cask electricity from off his hands or hovering over them but you get the point, his does not want hischaracter that skilled in the magic, he only wants to learn how to summonelectricity then move it to another part of his body which he treats his bladesas an arm, so he would only be extending the electricity from himself onto the wielded arm,

Now I have also talked towards him on the limitations asmall bit of this occurring and how he would start to RolePlay this out, near the end conclusion he has agreed or has only stood by the action of onlylearning how to extend the electricity to one other certain point of his arm(blade) again comes at limitations and weaking, although he is only doing thiswith magic, the skills with his swift movements would not be going down as withand electricity mage you need to be fast while also keeping focus such thingsas what Meta has performed and told me as what I have seen, although this canbe near impossible for other to gather, if someone focuses on this part of amagic they would truly succeed at it with great rates.


A fire mage if skilled enough can summon flames as if theykeep focus on the blades at hand, but at a cost, soon the blade would begetting at an alarming rate too hot for someone to even hold then near the endthe blade would melt due to the heat given off by the flames.

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First of all I would like to point out you used 3 full stops in that entire 5 paragraph post. It makes it impossible to tell when you have finished one thought and moved on to the next.

Secondly I would like to point out the fact I did not say no. In fact I said I would find it a highly unlikely scenario and he should ask the MAT. His RP quality has nothing to do with whether this should be allowed to happen or not and is something which would be sorted out on an individual basis. Even in your edit you pointed out a fire mage wouldn't be able to do this with a fire blade. But - If we were to say he spend an appropriate amount of time to discover the idea of a non-conductive substance then perhaps it is possible.

Finally I would like to point out he can make his own posts and make his own points within them.

Thank you.

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