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A Note About Strength And Muscle


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Now we really understand the true power of Skippy.


Skippy's just fat.


It's the fact that he's a fellow Troll of Mylasism that blesses him with the ability to actually walk.

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I don't think the OP is saying that only fat people have strength. At least that's not what I got from it. I think he's saying that not everyone is a walking tank who looks like a model. The majority of the server makes females who are very voluptuous or slender, but they are capable of taking on a much larger foe. Or they make a male that looks like a twig or a model, but somehow can punch an orc hard enough to break a jaw or toss a boulder like its a pebble.


I've been guilty of doing this too, however I try to find ways to make it realistic. Samantha, my little human, completely useless. She's just a little scrap of a thing, but she knows how to use her body as a counterweight so she can lift up SMALLER wine barrels. Nothing significant but yeah. She has no idea how to use this in battle, but her thin body does help with her speed when not blocked by five pounds of dress. Caoi my feorc has core strength, she has fat, especially in her thighs and hips, I actually based her body off a pole dancer with a bit more curve on the bottom, these people while having very little visible fat, are capable of holding their body completely horizontal to the ground with just core strength and having the support from their shoulder and neck muscles, its amazing.


Honestly I'd love to see more variations in body type. More rollie pollies like Bog, or little tubs of lard like Skippy. There was someone who played a fat human girl, I can't remember her name but I adored her, it was such a pleasant character. really having a different body type from 'perfection' can help create some rather interesting RP and character dynamic, instead of everyone looking the same with a different face.

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My personal opinion on it is this. I don't believe in the time period this is set people purposely worked out like they do today. Their build would be dependent on the environment and the way they were raised. What I'm saying is plan your background carefully, or make it simple and decide just how strong your character would be from how they were raised. For instance, a boy who was raised with a father as a merchant and the boy just played all day on the streets all day with friends. Do you think he would be a particularly strong man? No, he might have basic strength and a little endurance but that is where it ends. This guy would be best suited to follow in his father footsteps as a merchant. What I'm saying is try and make your character as strong as he would be, not as strong as you want.

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My personal opinion on it is this. I don't believe in the time period this is set people purposely worked out like they do today. Their build would be dependent on the environment and the way they were raised. What I'm saying is plan your background carefully, or make it simple and decide just how strong your character would be from how they were raised. For instance, a boy who was raised with a father as a merchant and the boy just played all day on the streets all day with friends. Do you think he would be a particularly strong man? No, he might have basic strength and a little endurance but that is where it ends. This guy would be best suited to follow in his father footsteps as a merchant. What I'm saying is try and make your character as strong as he would be, not as strong as you want.


This. Way back when, people were not nearly as strong as bodybuilders or heavy weightlifters. Knights, way back in the day, were not much more muscular than farmers, if at all. They wouldn't be big and bulky, they'd be slightly more muscular than your average Joe Shmoe, just with armour and the knowledge to use a sword that makes them everyone else's better in a fight. People didn't understand that lifting heavy objects would build them muscle, and even if they did, there is no evidence to show that this was practiced in or anytime around the middle ages.


In LotC, the most muscular people should be longbowman, and that very specifically is their stronger arm which ought to be muscular. Other than that, we shouldn't really have anybody nearly as muscular as any of these images.

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That second strong man picture is exactly I imagine my main character being built. I'm glad you brought this up.

I'm Elrond Elensar not really that strong usually cant win a fist fight, but is good with throwing knives good to meet you :)

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Excellent guide. I have only played meek, combat-useless characters, so this doesn't apply, but thank you for pointing it out!

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We dont' take kindly to Necromancy around these parts. Locked

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