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The Ildician Order


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"Grim Garbed soldiers marching off too war,
grim garbed soldiers fighting evermore, 
Pledged until death they do withstand great pain,
Forever in service to our leader and his Thanes" 
-A Poem sung by Adunian women in referrence to the grey shirts of the Ildician Order.




The Ildician Order was formed shortly after the Great War. Lord Rydel had lost faith in his people after the betrayal of his High Thane Icarian Delmar and so rounded up a selection of surviving Adunian Regiment officers who had thought their skill-set unfit for the Rangers. Rydel named these men the Ildician Order. The Order’s purpose was the act as the bodyguards of the Adunian Lord and his Council of Thanes. They also had the job of rooting out traitors and rebels within Adunian society to prevent another event like the Great War. The Order’s sigil is a grey bear and they are often called the ‘Grey shirts’ by members of Adunian society. In modern times under new leadership the Ildician order was formed into the first and only knightly order of Adunia, unlike other nations however the Grey Shirt knights have the title "Sir" in Adunian fashion.


Purpose and Duties:


The purpose of the Ildician Order is to protect the Adunian Lord, members of Clan Elendil and the Adunian Council of Thanes. They seek out those who would harm the holders of these positions, eliminate any threats to the Adunians in these positions, prevent rebellions and seek out those who would cause them. The Ildician Order give their full loyalty to the Adunian Lord, members of Clan Elendil and the Council of Thanes. They are an elite task force purely devoted to the betterment of the Adunian nation.




The Order is an extremely elite group of Adunian Knights. We have no initiate class as we do not enlist any unworthy of the skill to protect the Council of Thanes, the Adunian Lord and the Elendil Clan. There is no ‘learning’ class, you either have what it takes or you are denied entry, we do not just accept anyone into the order.


Orhdú - Commander

The man who holds this position must have the utmost loyalty to the council of Thanes and the Adunian Lord. The Orhdú man must be able to lead men and must have exceptional experience in warfare as well as skill in arms. He is looked on with respect by the Council of Thanes and has pledged his life in the service of the Adunians. None within the order may question his leadership, this office is for life unless said Ordhu is outvoted by the Council of Thanes.


Aerd/Sir - Leftenant

This position is second in command of the Order. Once again experience in warfare as well as skill in arms is required of this position. Second in rank only to the Orhdú, the Aerd’s word is respected and valued by all other members of the Order. Once again, loyalty and devotion must be present in any Aerd of the Ildician Order.


Laochru/ Sir - Elite

The base rank of the Ildician Order. Holders of this rank are extremely skilled in arms and warfare, eloquence of speech is also common but not entirely necessary. Holders of this rank have passed the tests to be permitted into the ranks of the Ildician Order and as such are a fully fledged Ildician Grey Shirt Knight, as such their military experience grants them the right of a respected opinion when discussing military topics. Loyalty to the Council of Thanes, Clan Elendil and Adunian Lord is required and expected.


Fheum- Squire/Apprentice

The word Fheuam literally translates into "useless", although the holders of this rank are in no way useless they are not treated as Grey Shirts or brethren of the cloth until they pass their knightly trials to advance to the Laochru rank and bear the title "Sir" a knight of the Ildician Order. They are not subject to our ways but are encouraged to participate, all must start as a Grey Shirt Fheum until they pass the knightly trials. To become a Grey Shirt Fheum one MUST find a master to serve for, if there are no Ildician Knights taking on squires then one must wait before joining.





(Specialised Rank) Aermid - Medic

This knight must have skill in arms but also skill in the field of medicine, sometimes acting as the Adunian Lord's/Council of Thanes'/House Elendil's personal physician. This rank is equal to that of a Laochru when in the field but is far higher than even the Orhdú when on the talk of medical subjects. This set rank is extremely respected by all members of the Ildician order as one must have extensive healing knowledge to it.


(Specialised Rank) Maighstir- Master at arms

This knight is the "teacher" in hand to hand combat for the Ildician Grey Shirts, although this knight only bears the rank of Laochru he is treated with great respect and is highly valued for his military experience and combat skill. This rank will sit on the panel of judging when a Fheum attempts to advance to the rank of knight.



Order Values:


-Loyalty is the key to success. Through patience and loyalty the Ildician Order will win back the trust broken by the traitors of our kind. Loyalty to the Order and the Adunian leaders above is expected.

-Devotion to the cause is first and foremost. Marriage is acceptable but any physical intercourse between unwed beings is punishable by expulsion from the order. We must not allow weaknesses of the flesh to interfere with our duties.
-Respect to the citizens the Adunia is a must, we serve the Adunian Lord and we must respect his citizens.
-Any member of society harbouring said citizens of unholy thoughts will be punished accordingly; treachery and unholy resolve to harbour criminals will not be tolerated.
-The Adunian Lord, Clan Elendil and Council of Thanes are the pinnacle leaders of our race; to them we owe everything so protection of these people is our highest priority.
- Any brother of the order who is assaulted or killed without proper reason will be avenged. Loyalty to ones own fold is a must.
-Do not gratify verbal insults or barbs with an answer, ignore their ignorance and continue. You are not so weak as to react to a verbal barb.
Oath of the Ildician Order:
I, [name], do solemnly swear to serve the Ildician Order until death or release from the binds of this vow. I shall use my skill to protect the grand leaders of the Adunia and in turn the people they lead, I shall bring honour to my race and my Order, and I shall prove myself worthy to hold a position among it. If I am to forsake this oath, may my head be swept from my body and my remains left to rot, never to join my forefathers in the lands beyond. I swear this oath upon my life and all that I hold dear, before the leaders of our race and the [god/gods] above.
Order Mount:
The Ildician Order ride a specific breed of Adunian coursers known as Northern Apollos. They are a medium sized mount standing anywhere between 14-16 hands high. Because they are not as heavy set as other military chargers or destriers they are more faster and able to handle mountain terrain a lot more ably than typical Oren knightly mounts. They are bred as a hybrid Garron and courser (war horse), this means they have more stamina than the usual charger but less strength. Nothern Apollos are trained  to come to the call of a Grey Shirt member. 


Order Garb:
The Knights of the Order
The order knights wear a simple wool spun grey tabard depicting a roaring bear, the sigil of the Ildician Order. We do not wear bright colours or expensive materials. We are an order of humility, wearing simple tabards with light chainmail is enough for us. 



The Squires of the Order:

The order squires wear a white smock bearing a grey roaring bear and leather armour, the white symbolizes innocence of an untested soldier.






List of available knights willing to take on squires

 Applicants must first contact said knight requesting that they be partnered and trained, without a knight to partner with you, entry into the order will be void.

- Earl Starke McHaryn, Lord Commander Ordhu, (Minea, Australia)

-Sir Jock McHaryn, Leftenant Aerd, (Tunata001, New Zealand)

-Sir Thomas (james2k, Ireland)

-Sir Tance Nikkelsen, Master at arms Maighster, (Trooperx40, USA)

-Sir Aldari, Medic Aermid, (Yimmya, Australia)

-Sir Leon "The Burning Cross" De'Travenchi, Elite Laochru, (Radferrari Australia)

((Yes I realise we spell Ser as Sir, its Adunian fashion, very slight nuance with the pronunciation VERY slight, hardly noticeable.))







[OOC: If you wish to join simply post at the bottom of this thread, you will be tested and required to have a predetermined knight to take you on as a squire and please no hating if you’re denied entry, also it would be wise to read up on Adunian lore so you see how important this order is to the clans http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/83903-30-adunian-thread/]



Minecraft Name:
Character name:
Char Bio (one or two paragraphs):
Char military history:
Reason for joining:
Referees to your app (people willing to support the information given if asked by Minea):
Time on Server:
Skype Name:
Pledge of Loyalty:
Ildician Knight willing to be my master:
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 ((Please no OOC comments, even if its a compliment, if you have issues with this thread or want answers simply send me a message over the forums I always answer PM's))

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Minecraft Name: yimmya
Character name: Aldari
Char Bio (one or two paragraphs): Aldari, Born in Asulon half elf, Half dwarf. Soon after he was born his father (The dwarf side) Left, leaving Aldari with his Mother in the elven city, Years passed and he spent his childhood in Asulon. The sudden move to Elysium had left them homeless, And without money like many. His mother was a nurse, Teaching him things of medical knowledge. After a few weeks they had acquired a small shack in Elsyium, Though they could still barely afford food. Leaving Aldari to hunt, He learnt a lot about survival and archery as he hunted. They heard of a new Malinor on an island in Kalos, Leaving their hard earned shack behind hoping to forget the struggles of Elysium they left to Kalos.
They lived in a small house in kalos Malinor, Aldari's mother continued to teach him her knowledge as a docter. On a day, when Kalos was falling he lost his mother among the screaming crowds. He found his way onto the boat leaving Kalos, Arriving to Anthos he found out his Mother had never got on a boat in time, And was left in Kalos.
Char military history: None. 
Reason for joining: Aldari has been looking for something to join, To be a part of since he arrived in Anthos.
Timezone: Aest
Referees to your app (people willing to support the information given if asked by Minea):
Time on Server: Month and week. Round that time.
Skype Name: michael.yimmya
Pledge of Loyalty:
 I Aldari hereby do solemnly swear to uphold the beliefs of the Ildician Order, I pledge my honour as a warrior or scholar to the quests and duties of this order. I swear that if I shirk these responsibilities without the permission of my leaders then my life and the life of my close kin is forfeit in Adunian lands. I pledge my all to the full time task of a Grey Shirt of the Ildician Order. 
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-Double Post-

*A message is sent to Aldari*


Hail friend and perhaps future brother in arms. Your application to join the order of grey shirts was received. A test of your skills with blade or bow will be undertaken when an opportunity for both parties presents itself, the Ildician order has recieved its first mission so this must be preferably soon. I wish you the best of luck in the test. Your lack of military experience might be a disadvantage in your test but your extensive knowledge in the healing arts is greatly smiled upon. We will arrange a time for a test of arms and skill of military knowledge.


Sincerely and with luck, Starke McHaryn, clan elder of the McHaryn clan and Ordhu commander of the Ildician Grey shirts.

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Eoghan Campbell mutters to himself when he hears word of this new guild from his clansmen. He grumbles to himself, scratching his large beard.

"Wut 'aype of 'Dunian Lord tries t'eh give MORE soldeir t'eh Oren!?"

He spits agrily on the floor of his Clan Hall, then sulking into his large chair.

'Nut a real 'Dunian Lord in me'h option. . . This is 'ay we left Adunia."

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Eoghan Campbell mutters to himself when he hears word of this new guild from his clansmen. He grumbles to himself, scratching his large beard.

"Wut 'aype of 'Dunian Lord tries t'eh give MORE soldeir t'eh Oren!?"

He spits agrily on the floor of his Clan Hall, then sulking into his large chair.

'Nut a real 'Dunian Lord in me'h option. . . This is 'ay we left Adunia."

[Dont dog my ninjas]

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Minecraft Name: FalconByte
Character name: Logan Ilych
Char Bio (one or two paragraphs):
Logan Ilych never knew his perants and never had a true family till the Ilych clan took him in, during this time he also found a home with Thorenir Elendil, working for him as a guard and doing what he wanted to be done.
Char military history: Has worked for the Adunian rangers, for Thorenir and other small military groups.
Reason for joining: Wants to contribute to the Adunians once again.
Timezone: UTC +11
Referees to your app (people willing to support the information given if asked by Minea): Thorenir Elendil
Time on Server: Since unban is about 3 months
Skype Name: jonathan.andrews46
Pledge of Loyalty: I Logan Ilych hereby do solemnly swear to uphold the beliefs of the Ildician Order, I pledge my honour as a warrior or scholar to the quests and duties of this order. I swear that if I shirk these responsibilities without the permission of my leaders then my life and the life of my close kin is forfeit in Adunian lands. I pledge my all to the full time task of a Grey Shirt of the Ildician Order. As the creator is my witness I swear to fulfill these duties.
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Minecraft Name: FalconByte

Character name: Logan Ilych

Char Bio (one or two paragraphs):

Logan Ilych never knew his perants and never had a true family till the Ilych clan took him in, during this time he also found a home with Thorenir Elendil, working for him as a guard and doing what he wanted to be done.
Char military history: Has worked for the Adunian rangers, for Thorenir and other small military groups.
Reason for joining: Wants to contribute to the Adunians once again.

Timezone: UTC +11

Referees to your app (people willing to support the information given if asked by Minea): Thorenir Elendil

Time on Server: Since unban is about 3 months

Skype Name: jonathan.andrews46

Pledge of Loyalty: I Logan Ilych hereby do solemnly swear to uphold the beliefs of the Ildician Order, I pledge my honour as a warrior or scholar to the quests and duties of this order. I swear that if I shirk these responsibilities without the permission of my leaders then my life and the life of my close kin is forfeit in Adunian lands. I pledge my all to the full time task of a Grey Shirt of the Ildician Order. As the creator is my witness I swear to fulfill these duties.



*A letter is sent back to Logan*


Hail Master Logan, I am sending this letter to confirm that we of the order have received your application. I must say it is impressive, and better still if you have served with Adunians before. When can we meet for a test of your military skills and combat tactics? 


Hopefully your brother of the Grey shirts in future, Starke McHaryn.

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[Thread updated, mate]

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Minecraft Name: Jielin12

Character name: Athairne McHaryn

Char Bio (one or two paragraphs): Athairne McHaryn is the youngest son to Konagan McHaryn the II's brother (his father dying before he was born), his known relations include Starke McHaryn and Jock McHaryn. He was born in the Skirling highlands north of Ildon in Asulon, he grew up learning the ways of war and knowing that some day as a McHaryn his service to the Ildician Order would be required. His uncle and mentor Jock McHaryn forced him to learn the ways of the clans in terms of eloquence of speech, Jock didn't want anyone referring to a McHaryn as savage and uneducated. His trip to Anthos forced him to adapt to the life of a common sell sword, however he never forgot his roots and has returned to the Adunian ways of old.

Char military history: Athairne McHaryn was the captain of the SteadFast guards in the barony of the Skirling Highlands.

Reason for joining: I wish to serve an honorable Lord and all McHaryns are to take the pledge of the GreyShirts.

Timezone: GMT +10

Referees to your app (people willing to support the information given if asked by Minea): Tunata001

Time on Server: More that 6 months 

Skype Name: jielinding

Pledge of Loyalty: I, Athairne McHaryn, do solemnly swear to serve the Ildician Order until death or release from the binds of this vow. I shall use my skill to protect the grand leaders of the Adunia and in turn the people they lead, I shall bring honour to my race and my Order, and I shall prove myself worthy to hold a position among it. If I am to forsake this oath, may my head be swept from my body and my remains left to rot, never to join my forefathers in the lands beyond. I swear this oath upon my life and all that I hold dear, before the leaders of our race and the [god/gods] above.

Athairne McHaryn

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{Updated info, added a unique order mount}

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((The whole of this app is to be considered OOC as Tance cannot read or write to a high enough degree to answer such questions, nor would he be willing.))

Minecraft Name: Trooperx40

Character name: Tance Nikkelsen

Char Bio (one or two paragraphs):

Tance is a large, brutal northerner who was raised in a frost-bitten logging town near Hanseti in Asulon. At the age of 18 this man followed the tradition of his bloodline and left the bitter cold of his home town to find his way in the world. He quickly came to serve under Aedric Ulfhaedyn and his Norsemen of Holmstrom until the group’s disbanding in late Elysium.

Now roughly 23 Tance soon found employment for a curious elven farmer as both a body guard and laborer. This, of course, ended when the elf stuck her nose in the wrong direction and the two were attacked by orcs. Tance survived the encounter only to bear many horrid scars from the night in question, his most visible wound being the large burn that covers a rather large portion of his face and head. Needless to say the man was never the same since that night.

While nursing his wounds Tance was approached by a secretive, shifty man by the name of Brigham Hadwin who recruited him as one of his sergeants in the beginning stages of a mercenary guild. However, just as the guild would come to fruition Tance, who had valued comradery over coin, would leave its ranks after being betrayed by one of its members and losing his faith in the guild itself.  

Char military history: The closest true military job Tance has come into contact with would be his early days as a Norsemen where he would participate in guard duties, brawls, and the like.

Reason for joining: Tance intends to join simply for food and a place to sleep.

Timezone: pacific Standard Time.

Referees to your app (people willing to support the information given if asked by Minea): Was not asked for.

Time on Server: I have been present on this server since late October of 2012.

Skype Name: Trooperx40

Pledge of Loyalty: The whole of this app has been done in an OOC fashion as Tance cannot write to a high enough degree to answer these questions. If Tance is to be sworn in it will be required to be done IC and in-game.

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Minecraft Name: radferrari
Character name: Leon "The Burning Cross" De'Travenchi
Char Bio (one or two paragraphs): I would rather not put this here. I will be writing a VA/Character profile soon that will hold the required information.
Char military history: One full scale battle (backstory one), soon to take part in a war against Malinor, regular sparring, many, many small fights, usually with him walking out with a slightly dented shield and a maul covered in bits of brain.
Reason for joining: Political power, a chance to gain allies for any kind of attack or raid on bandits or some person he needs gone.
Timezone: AEST/GMT+10
Referees to your app (people willing to support the information given if asked by Minea):
Anyone who wants to.
Time on Server: Almost daily, but I have quite an active IRL life.
Skype Name:   radferrari 
 Pledge of Loyalty: I, Leon, do solemnly swear to serve the Ildician Order until death or release from the binds of this vow. I shall use my skill to protect the grand leaders of the Adunia and in turn the people they lead, I shall bring honour to my race and my Order, and I shall prove myself worthy to hold a position among it. If I am to forsake this oath, may my head be swept from my body and my remains left to rot, never to join my forefathers in the lands beyond. I swear this oath upon my life and all that I hold dear, before the leaders of our race and the gods above.

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((The whole of this app is to be considered OOC as Tance cannot read or write to a high enough degree to answer such questions, nor would he be willing.))

Minecraft Name: Trooperx40

Character name: Tance Nikkelsen

Char Bio (one or two paragraphs):

Tance is a large, brutal northerner who was raised in a frost-bitten logging town near Hanseti in Asulon. At the age of 18 this man followed the tradition of his bloodline and left the bitter cold of his home town to find his way in the world. He quickly came to serve under Aedric Ulfhaedyn and his Norsemen of Holmstrom until the group’s disbanding in late Elysium.

Now roughly 23 Tance soon found employment for a curious elven farmer as both a body guard and laborer. This, of course, ended when the elf stuck her nose in the wrong direction and the two were attacked by orcs. Tance survived the encounter only to bear many horrid scars from the night in question, his most visible wound being the large burn that covers a rather large portion of his face and head. Needless to say the man was never the same since that night.

While nursing his wounds Tance was approached by a secretive, shifty man by the name of Brigham Hadwin who recruited him as one of his sergeants in the beginning stages of a mercenary guild. However, just as the guild would come to fruition Tance, who had valued comradery over coin, would leave its ranks after being betrayed by one of its members and losing his faith in the guild itself.  

Char military history: The closest true military job Tance has come into contact with would be his early days as a Norsemen where he would participate in guard duties, brawls, and the like.

Reason for joining: Tance intends to join simply for food and a place to sleep.

Timezone: pacific Standard Time.

Referees to your app (people willing to support the information given if asked by Minea): Was not asked for.

Time on Server: I have been present on this server since late October of 2012.

Skype Name: Trooperx40

Pledge of Loyalty: The whole of this app has been done in an OOC fashion as Tance cannot write to a high enough degree to answer these questions. If Tance is to be sworn in it will be required to be done IC and in-game.

((Accepted in game this app is purely OOC info. Welcome aboard mate!))


Minecraft Name: radferrari

Character name: Leon "The Burning Cross" De'Travenchi

Char Bio (one or two paragraphs): I would rather not put this here. I will be writing a VA/Character profile soon that will hold the required information.

Char military history: One full scale battle (backstory one), soon to take part in a war against Malinor, regular sparring, many, many small fights, usually with him walking out with a slightly dented shield and a maul covered in bits of brain.

Reason for joining: Political power, a chance to gain allies for any kind of attack or raid on bandits or some person he needs gone.

Timezone: AEST/GMT+10

Referees to your app (people willing to support the information given if asked by Minea): Anyone who wants to.

Time on Server: Almost daily, but I have quite an active IRL life.

Skype Name:   radferrari 

 Pledge of Loyalty: I, Leon, do solemnly swear to serve the Ildician Order until death or release from the binds of this vow. I shall use my skill to protect the grand leaders of the Adunia and in turn the people they lead, I shall bring honour to my race and my Order, and I shall prove myself worthy to hold a position among it. If I am to forsake this oath, may my head be swept from my body and my remains left to rot, never to join my forefathers in the lands beyond. I swear this oath upon my life and all that I hold dear, before the leaders of our race and the gods above.

*An Adunian Mountain hawk carries back a message to Leon*

Hail Master Leon,

I have successfully received you application and would request an opportunity for you to prove your worth as a fighter and scholar. We in the Ildician Order are extremely close, we only want the best joining our ranks. Please send your response as soon as possible for a time we can meet up. 


Sincerely Starke McHaryn, Commander of the Grey Shirts, Leader of the McHaryn Clan.

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Minecraft Name: james2k

Character name: Thomas Doune

Char Bio (one or two paragraphs): Thomas was born in Salvus, and he lived there with his brother and parents for several years before bandits raided the town. He managed to escape in the chaos and he just ran for it basically. While he was running aimlessly through the wilderness, he tripped and banged his head hard off some sharp stones and blacked out. He woke up in a small home in the wilds, where some people who found him brought him in and bandaged his head. But he still had severe amnesia and forgot a lot about his life before that(until he one day met his brother and who filled him in). Then they became his foster family until he was 19 and he decided to head off and see the world and live in proper civilisation, as he'd grown tired of living in a small house with nothing but plains and forests for miles. When he left home and headed for Oren, he got lost and wandered around tired and hungry. Eventually after days of travelling, he saw some town off in the distance. He rushed to it, and collapsed as soon as he got there. The town was Ildon. Some of the residents gave him some food and drink and suggested that if he wanted a job and a bed in the barracks, he could join the Elendil Bannermen and so he went to the keep and Artorus accepted him into the ranks. Then decades later, in Elsyium, Godfrey broke all oaths people had to Torrhen(Artorus' son) and Thomas joined the Imperial Guard. Then he served in that until it was disbanded in Kalos.

Char military history: My char was in the Elendil Bannermen for a good while back in Asulon. Then the Imperial Guard for a while during Elsyium/Kalos. And then he joined the Dragon Guard looking for a new job but did nothing before all recruits were fired because a Dragon Guard was thought to be helping thieves and they didn't know who.

Reason for joining: I want to RP with the Adunians again.

Timezone: GMT

Referees to your app (people willing to support the information given if asked by Minea): Owl_7/Alzaan(Thorenir Elendil II)

Time on Server: Over a year(I joined July 2011)

Skype Name: james2kmc

Pledge of Loyalty: I, Thomas, do solemnly swear to serve the Ildician Order until death or release from the binds of this vow. I shall use my skill to protect the grand leaders of the Adunia and in turn the people they lead, I shall bring honour to my race and my Order, and I shall prove myself worthy to hold a position among it. If I am to forsake this oath, may my head be swept from my body and my remains left to rot, never to join my forefathers in the lands beyond. I swear this oath upon my life and all that I hold dear, before the leaders of our race and the [god/gods] above.

Ildician Knight willing to be my master:

*sends a bird back to Thomas*


Master Thomas,

Your application is impressive and your skill with a blade was indeed adequate for the order. I have contacted your referee who is also my lieglord and I would like to congratulate you on acceptance to the order.


Please report to the Ranger hall for your gear and initiation ceremony into knighthood.


Sincerely Starke McHaryn, Ildician Commander, Adunian Lord and Ordhu of the Grey Shirts.

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