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The Valiants


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~The History of House Guivret~

~The Merge of Guivret and Gracchi~

~House Valois~





Since House Valois left Kalos for the new land of Anthos, it found difficulty maintaining their bannermen. They did not initially get land, and therefore did not have anywhere to keep their men. So, many of the Valois bannermen went their separate ways, taking the largest guard force of all of Oren, and turning it into a small, spread collection of a few remaining men. However, now that the House has been granted land, and building has begun, it has been decided that the House will once more collect men to serve and hold its banners, but under a new name, and with that, a new form. This reformed guard force shall be called the Valiants.





The Valiants are the defenders of the Noble House Valois. They protect all members of the House and its lands, as well as their allies if commanded. The Valiants are subject to the command of the Grand-Master and the members of House Valois. They will act as the House’s military force and will be under direct command from the leader of House Valois. The Valiants also patrol the lands of Oren to in search of criminals. They effectively take as many known criminals as possible to a nearby Sheriff. It is expected that a Valiant will always be the better man, and never be the one to start a problem. A Valiant will never look down on another person due to their race, and should always seek to solve any problem without violence if possible.  


The Valiants are also a strict religious group. They bring heretics to the church and have them punished how they see fit. All Valiants must swear to protect the church of Oren and the holy lands that reside in the Empire.




Grand Maître (Grand Master): He is the leader of the Valiants. He has absolute authority over the actions of the Valiants. The only exception to this rule is if he is not of Valois blood, and a member of House Valois gives an order contradictory to his, or if he is of Valois blood, if a higher-ranking Valois gives an order. Other than this, he has direct control of the troops, and has the power to issue orders to all troops, give punishment, promote others to higher positions, and delegate his powers to others if he deems it necessary. He also has the power to select his successor, with the approval of the Head of House Valois. In general, he will be slightly more involved in the political side of running the Valiants, whereas the lower ranks will be more involved with the actual ordering of the guard.


Commandant (Commander): Commandants hold nearly as much power as the Grand- Maître, although they are still directly below him. The Commandants generally spend more time running the guard, and are more involved in day-to-day actions of the Valiants. They may take some part in training troops or disciplining them, but he is generally sought-after by the sergeant(s) if permission for something is required. Only if it is important will the Commandant go and request further permission from the Grand Maître. He would usually be the one to discipline Sergeants, if it were ever needed.


Sergeant (Sergeant): The Sergeant is the next in the chain-of-command. This is the first distinguished position within the Valiants. Sergeants are the ones who will typically discipline troops, unless it is a Sergeant or higher who needs disciplining. He will also be the one who is most hands-on with the troops, typically being in charge of training and often recruitment. This would be considered the first officer position.


Caporal (Corporal): The position of Caporal has no significant power over a Fantassin. It is primarily a ceremonial position, rewarding an active dedication to the House or prowess in combat. Caporals can give commands to footmen, but are only expected to in times of dire urgency, when there are no officers available.


Fantassin (Footman): Fantassins are the initial rank for recruits of the Valiants. This is the lowest rank from those who have not yet proved dedication to the House or special military prowess.


Besides the linear, chain-of-command style rankings, the Valiants also have certain “special rankings.” These rankings do not affect one’s standing in the Valiants, but instead indicate any special skills a Valiant may have. As such, officers will typically refer to lower-ranking members of the Valiants as their special rank rather than their lower rank as a sign of respect for their special skills.


Chasseur (Archer): The Chasseurs are those proficient with bows, composite bows or longbows. To attain this rank, one must not merely be able to use a bow, but must show noteworthy skill with one.


Cavalier (Horseman): While it is not uncommon for officers to have horses of their own, this rank is for those who have proficient combat skill on horseback before being granted a horse as a perk of reaching a higher rank.


Chevalier (Knight): This is simply a special title within the Valiants for knights to recognize their servitude to the Order and their status within the Empire. This ranking will rarely be used, however, as typically knights will have officer positions.




1. You must always remain loyal to House Valois.

2. Do not steal from or harm members of the House, members of the Valiants, or those living in or loyal to House Valois or Auvergne in any way.

3. You must remain loyal to your superiors

4. You mustn't seek to give offense without any applicable cause.

5. All Valiants will serve other Valiants with honor.

6. A Valiant must live with honor and show it no matter the circumstance

7. Valiants must obey and worship the creator and his church.






“The Valiants are not just a helpin’ hand, nor are they only an iron fist, but both. An iron hand....or a helpin’ fist.” - Morg Candridge


“T’at bloody bugger bled all over me new uniform. Look’s like I nee’ t’e kill someone else te make the color even” - Dvari Steel-Anvil


((All recruiting will be done in character. There will be an OOC application but other than that everything shall be entirely IC.))


OOC Application:

MC Name:


Skype Name:


Amount of Time on Server:


Link to Villain Application (If any):


Have you recieved a ban, strike, or warn before?:





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MC Name: morganmc 


Skype Name: brantlysoccer


Amount of Time on Server: 1 year (Since last March)


Link to Villain Application (If any): None at the moment


Have you recieved a ban, strike, or warn before?: None

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MC Name: Galendar_Aveere


Skype Name: you have it


Amount of Time on Server: Since last July


Link to Villain Application (If any): http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/85256-galendars-second-va-for-alexander-valois/?hl=galendar


Have you recieved a ban, strike, or warn before?: Yes, two, but that was when I was new to the server, other then that, any strikes I may have would be for things I had done early in my time on the server.

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MC Name: GurenRycerz


Skype Name: GurenRycerz


Amount of Time on Server: Since last November.


Link to Villain Application (If any): N/A


Have you received a ban, strike, or warn before?: Nope

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MC Name: DKC1011


Skype Name: daragh_carroll


Amount of Time on Server: I have been on this server since October 2011


Link to Villain Application (If any): None


Have you recieved a ban, strike, or warn before?: Never

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MC Name: casanova9
Skype Name: theswimmingmango
Amount of Time on Server: About a year(maybe another half)
Link to Villain Application (If any):
Have you recieved a ban, strike, or warn before?: No
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Current men training, and awaiting acceptance:


-William Frederick. Trainer: Sergeant Dvari










Forum PM me if you would like to be added as a trainer to any recruits.

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MC Name: hockeyguy16627


Skype Name:hockeyguy16627


Amount of Time on Server:about 6 months


Link to Villain Application (If any):none


Have you recieved a ban, strike, or warn before?: no

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MC Name: aquaticsunnymoss


Skype Name: mnoco7


Amount of Time on Server: 5-6 months


Link to Villain Application (If any):  http://www.lordofthe...maletone's 

http://www.lordofthe...9;s#entry700573 http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/85680-maletones-minor-va-for-1a/?hl=maletone 



Have you recieved a ban, strike, or warn before?: I have had a ban report against me, though I was not banned and it was locked

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MC Name:Anakulos


Skype Name:Minecraftphysho(As if you didnt know :3)


Amount of Time on Server:Since Aegis, So I guess a year,maybe?


Link to Villain Application (If any):None.


Have you recieved a ban, strike, or warn before?:No.

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((To clear any confusion everyone may have with the recruiting the application is only for OOC purposes so I am able to get your information to contact you. All recruiting will be done in character and filling out the application on this post only completes the OOC requirements.))

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MC Name:Xemnas2132


Skype Name:Tristan Janosik


Amount of Time on Server:Couple hours daily, unless I have practice.


Link to Villain Application (If any):N/A


Have you recieved a ban, strike, or warn before?:N/A

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      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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