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Drake Lancefeld


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Character Name


Drake Lancefeld

Age - 25
Gender - Male
Race - Hansetian Human
Status - Alive




Height - 6'1
Weight - 79kg
Body Type - Lean
Eyes - Blue
Hair - Brown
Skin - Fair
Markings/Tattoos - Burn scar on the left side of the face.
Health - Healthy
Personality - Fierce and Loyal


Life Style

Alignment - The Holy Oren Empire
Deity - The Creator
Religion - The One True Faith



Fighting Style - Swordsmanship
Trained Weapon - Shortsword and Longsword
Favored Weapon - One-Handed Longsword





Parents - Oskar Lancefeld and Myra Lancefeld
Siblings - Asha Lancefeld (Dead)
Children - N/A
Extended Family - N/A




Born into the small Lancefeld House near the end of Asulon, Drake was born into a humble, but prestigious family, a gallant Hansetian knight called Oskar as a father and a Renatian clergywoman in the service of the church of Arethor as his mother. The family lived happily for years in a knightly manor near the region of Saltridge in the Kingdom of Renatus. The young Drake used to watch the grand knights of Oren from the stone wall near his home every day in the morning and night; marching down the cobble road near the manor wearing their shining crested armour and expertly crafted weapons with awe, hoping that someday god would grant him the honour of being a knight of Oren himself. Like his father, Drake valued honour and chivalry above all else, believing that people who can protect themselves have a responsibility to protect those who cannot. When his father wasn't serving with the Oren military or guarding the Crown lands, he attempted to tutor Drake in the arts of Swordsmanship. His blows were not always the strongest or the most accurate but the balance he showed in his stance impressed his father, in his training he was always taught to use a regular blade and shield but Drake excelled further with a saber, leading to him using one of those instead of regular blades.

Drake did have a sister when he was young, he barely remembers her now though. It seemed like a normal day in The Kingdom, the farmers farming, cooks cooking, but through all this, a strange chill could be felt in the air. Dusk was falling upon the land as he searched for his sister to bring her in for dinner, he had been searching tirelessly when he came across a cobble wall near the edge of his family's land. He heard a familiar voice from the other side and ran to climb over it, but then he heard another voice, unfamiliar to his ears. Hearing the voice, instead of climbing, he peeked his head over the wall slyly in order to see who it was, his sister stood next to a tree facing Drake and opposite her was a man in a strange robe with his back to him. Most of their conversation was too quiet for him to hear but then, suddenly the man swiftly pulled a sword from a sheath on his hip and impaled his sister with a killing blow to the chest. Drake then naively vaulted over the wall and tried to run past the man in order to attempt to save his sister. However as he passed the man, the man struck him in the face, hard with the back of his armoured hand, knocking the young Drake unconscious.

Drake finally opened his eyes as a number of hours had passed, and he was almost blinded by the sun. The blood from the sword still stained the earth but the body of his sister was gone. Drake was found by a Squire where he fell and lay for hours after he awoke and was taken back to his parents. The incident scarred the family for a long time but in time it was forgotten. However, it left a lasting impression on Drake who tried to prove he was strong by repressing the feelings of sadness he retained from the incident. This leads him to sometimes have outbursts of anger at sometimes random points. The incident combined with his chivalrous personally has also lead to him having a somewhat suppressed personality at point feeling that he needs to be more powerful in order to be protect the people that he cares about and who he is loyal to. Drake’s inner emotions bury themselves deep inside his mind, the hustle and bustle of his everyday 19 year old life in the outskirts of Oren repress his feelings.

Years pass.. One day at the Cloud Temple where Drake was passing through on his way to Arethor to deliver a letter, he would meet someone who would change his life for the better; Fionn Frostsword. Drake could see just by looking at him that he was a knight, so the aspiring young Drake approached him somewhat nervously and straight away asked him if he was in need of a squire, and to Drake’s good luck, he was indeed. In the coming months Drake and Fionn, as well as numerous other members of the Vallark house, fought together against many enemies of the empire including the menacing fire lich Evark, who gave Drake the extremely noticeable burn scar on the left side of his face. A few months later, Fionn disappeared and the journey to the new world was imminent.

Whilst walking into the entrance of Kingston in order to escape the rain; Drake's eye is captured by a distinct poster on the Kingston notice board whilst he is strolling through the city rather aimlessly. He initially decides to walk past and pay no heed to the poster, but then twists around and trots casually towards the board, starting to read as he gets close, mouthing parts of the speech to himself, subconsciously nodding in agreement as he reads.

"There exists an enemy at every reach of our borders... The empire can only go forward... We have done great things... Do away with your idle lives..."

Drake then stops and shuts his eyes for a second, reflecting, then a gives a more solid nod as he stops reading. He then produces a piece of paper, writing a note offering his services to the Teutonic order, then attaches it to a bird and sends it on its way.

Drinking a cool ale in the Kingston tavern a few days later, a bird flies noisily through the door and onto Drake’s shoulder with a note attached to its small talons, its entrance attracting the attention of everyone in the tavern with him. Whilst gulping a last sip of ale down his throat, he places the nearly-full mug of ale onto the table, he unravels the scroll and reads it quietly but out loud to himself.

“Drake Lancefeld, we have received your application and thus, you have been accepted into the Teutonic Order, please report to Castle Greywynn in the north for your enlistment and the taking of your oaths.”

The young man, visibly scarred already from years of combat, however young he still may be, yearned to serve the empire once more. His dangerous journey began, exiting the towering Kingston gates he strapped on his warm clothing and headed north to the bitter cold near Castle Greywynn. About a half an hour walk north from Kingston, Drake came to the White Rose checkpoint, while passing through a putrid smell entered his nose as he inhaled, assaulting his senses thoroughly. As he looked left, he saw what caused this terrible odour, a series of dark elves strung up against wooden poles, repulsed by this and utterly disgusted by the actions of the perpetrators, he carried on walking through the checkpoint, coming to its end.

Miles north, the snow started to appear on the ground, at this very moment he looked up at Castle Greywynn, standing out in the white landscape, he had made it. As he stepped through the fresh snow onto the wooden bridge, two men were present, one of them was clearly a Sariant, the other was a possible fresh recruit from the south, just like he. The ironclad Sariants Drake saw in front of him was OrdenMarschall Eldak, Eldak guided Drake and the other recruit into the courtyard of the castle. It was at this point that Drake saw how large the castle was, he looked up in awe at its size. Eldak them showed the duo around the castle, showing them where they would be sleeping, the store rooms,, the throne room and every other point they would need during their time in the Teutonic Order. Finally, they entered the war room and stood at the table as their vows were read out to them by Eldak. The pair repeated them to the word, closely synchronised with each other; and that was that, they were Sariants, from then until their deaths.

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