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Elsillumiran - The Weeping Blades Of The Mali'aheral


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The following document is pinned to Elsillumir base in Haelun'or:


.~-Elsillumiran - The Weeping Blades-~.


Elsillumiran have long been the defenders of Haelun'or. Disciplined and resolute in their commitment to the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya the sillumir watch the walls of the cihi, securing it from those who wish the blessed denizens of Haelun'or harm.
Elsillumiran are lead by the okarir'tir whose purpose is two fold. The okarir'tir both protects the city from the threats outside it and investigates any and all threats from within, namely the impure filth which lies hidden or dormant within Haelun'or.


.~-The Code of Elsillumir-~.

I. Take it upon yourselves to rid each and every one of your comrades of weakness and insubordination. To do so is your express duty, not only to the blessed city to which we have pledged our allegiance, but to yourselves as well. For your very life lies in the hands of your comrades, and theirs in yours.
II. Insubordination- even to the smallest degree- will not be tolerated. Even the most miniscule of cracks widen given time, crumbling even the mightiest of walls, tearing asunder the staunchest of defenses.
III. Never forget: Through knowledge, we glimpse the future- The path revealed. However, only by wisdom and strength do we pave the road upon which we will tread- Marching towards our destination.
IIII. Balance must be observed- Through words followed by action, theory into application, thoughts into manifestation, and dreams into reality.



Okarir'tir - Lord Commander of the Sillumir, answers to the members of the Triumverate. Okarir'tir in elven literally means "Master of The Law". As of now the Okarir'tir of Haelun'or is Elavern'sil.
Sillumir - The Sillumir are high ranking members of Elsillumir who operate as advisors to the Okarir'tir while being able to enforce the laws of Haelun'or to the highest degree. Sillumir in elven literally means "Weeping Blade".
Hileia'sair - The second rank of those within Elsillumiran. The Hileia'sair enforce the laws of Haelun'or while aiding the Sillumir. Hileia'sair in elven literally means "Spreader of Peace".
Evarir ​- The beginning rank of those who join Elsillumiran they are tasked primarily with aiding those of higher ranks. However, in dire circumstances they may enforce the law as required. Evarir in elven literally means "Protector".




((These must be given out IC. Note that the mask may be cut off the skin to reveal one's head for every day use.))











Elavern'sil, Okarir'tir
Delonna, Sillumir 
Safrill Tinuvriel, Evarir
Elisar, Evarir
Lanon, Evarir
Shezara, Evarir



Apply here and also speak to the Okarir'tir, Elavern'sil ((SerahLove)) to join Elsillumiran. If the Okarir'tir unavailable one may also speak to any Sillumir or the Sohaer, Kalenz Uradir ((SupremacyOps)).


((MC Name)):
Preferred Weapon:
How do you lay claim to the fact you are pure mali'aheral?
How long has one resided within the Lin'evaral?
Will you place the wellbeing of Haelun'or and the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya before any individual desires of your own?

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Name: Safrill Tinuvriel
((MC Name)): Arelalith
Age: 55
Preferred Weapon: Blade mayhaps magic in the forseeable future
How do you lay claim to the fact you are pure mali'aheral? My phisical traits would make it rather obvious
How long has one resided within the Lin'evaral?   An elven week.
Will you place the wellbeing of Haelun'or and the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya before any individual desires of your own?  I would do so.

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Name: Elisar

((MC Name)): Ballista47

Age: 145

Preferred Weapon: A bow

How do you lay claim to the fact you are pure mali'aheral? My appearance suggests none other.

How long has one resided within the Lin'evaral? A few days

Will you place the wellbeing of Haelun'or and the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya before any individual desires of your own?
Without a doubt. My life is meaningless without them.

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Name: Shezara Kayden
((MC Name)): SLY_F0X
Age: Not relevant, old enough.
Preferred Weapon: A  leaftear flail. However, I can also wield Katana's.
How do you lay claim to the fact you are pure mali'aheral? I reside within lin'evaral, My visage and body can prove my claim.
How long has one resided within the Lin'evaral? a month or more.
Will you place the wellbeing of Haelun'or and the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya before any individual desires of your own? Obviously.

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Name: Lanon
((MC Name)): Yimmya
Age: 22
Preferred Weapon: Long Bow
How do you lay claim to the fact you are pure mali'aheral? My appearence, place of living and actions.
How long has one resided within the Lin'evaral? 2 elven weeks
Will you place the wellbeing of Haelun'or and the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya before any individual desires of your own? Yes, I will.

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Name: Telind

((MC Name)): greener161

Age: 100

Preferred Weapon: Sword

How do you lay claim to the fact you are pure mali'aheral? That my apprence of a usual Mali'aheral and that my parents were Mali'aheral.

How long has one resided within the Lin'evaral? Less than a day but wanting to do something for the cihi

Will you place the wellbeing of Haelun'or and the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya before any individual desires of your own? Yes I will

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Name: Kael'Thas Sol'Enrai


((MC name)): mthdominator


Age: 228


Preferred weapon: Over all blades, I prefer the rapier, having mastered it in my youth. If such a blade is unable to be provided, all forms of pole-arms and other varying blades have been given much of my attention.


How do you lay claim to the fact that you are pure Mali'Aheral? I lay claim to a pure bloodline, and the visage of the pure.


How long has one resided within the Lin'evaral? Multiple years now. My presence has been spotted, due to various research outside of  our blessed cihi. This has been halted, and my presence has been improved by a large degree. ((Five weeks in real time.))


Will you place the well being of Haelun'or and the Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya before any individual desires of your own? Undoubtedly. 

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Name: Galdor Singollo

((MC Name)): QC_XxUltimatexX

Age: 92
Preferred Weapon: Bow

How do you lay claim to the fact you are pure mali'aheral? The wisdom I have can be seen right into my eyes. My long platinum hair, my long ears and the power of my toughs and my minds are proofs of my purety.

How long has one resided within the Lin'evaral? Almost two weeks.
Will you place the wellbeing of Haelun'or and the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya before any individual desires of your own? Until my death.


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