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Feta'chirr: Sheet And Journal


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Nickname(s): Fey, Chirp
Age: 124
Gender: Female
Race: Elf; Wood Elf
Status: Alive
 Light cocoa skin and dirty blonde hair are the first indicators of Feta’chirr’s race,
the bright green eyes an easy second to draw people to their conclusions. Her attire
is that of different hues of green, dyed leathers and leaves sewn together to cover the
majority of her small form. Despite her small stature of 4’11”, her ears stand proud
and hold the length that Elves of average size adorn. Her hair is littered with leaves
and bells, a few small traces of cocoa seeds scattered within. She also holds an old
floppy hat upon her head, the cap a few sizes too big and fashioned for a male.
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 92lbs
Body Type: Lithe, agile, swimmer's build
Eyes: Green
Hair: Mousy, dirty blonde - reaching to waist, untied
Skin: Light cocoa
Marking(s): None
Health: Active and in good form; healthy
Personality: Feta’chirr has a high sense of loyalty that allows the friends she meets
to call on her, even with years of separation between them. For those she has not been
previously acquainted with however, that do not make a positive impression upon first
greet? Her moral code points strictly in a selfish direction. She is under the impression
that most people are out for themselves and, unlike when she first set out on her journey,
she refuses to make the mistake of relying solely on others. She is pleasant, of course, to
those strangers she meets, but the pleasantries cease when they are not needed.
She is also something akin to an introvert, able to converse freely and adequately with
others for lengths of time, but requires lengths of time equal to or greater than those of
socialising to recharge and feel like ‘herself’ once more. She has also been referred to by
as a ‘hermit’ before, spending stretches up to a year in dense forested areas, only surfacing
to haul large quantities of leather and dried meats to the towns and cities surrounding the
forest, to sell and barter for anything she may need before re-submerging back into the tree
Single-minded and dedicated are decent descriptive words, as well, though typically only used
for her by those that have known her long.
Inventory: Dyed green leather attire with leaf accents, green woolen cap, skinning knife,
herbal tipped arrows, bow, journal, dried fruit, bread, and dried meats.
Life Style
Alignment*: Chaotic Neutral
Deity*: N/A
Religion: N/A
Home: Hole behind a waterfall 
Job: Professional hermit
Title: N/A
Profession: Skinner
Special Skill(s)Aside from being rather proficient with a bow, she has something of a calming
effect on animals. She doesn’t believe there to be any magical properties behind this, and simply
chalks it up to her being a Wood Elf. She is also exceedingly fast on her feet, up to the point that
if she is near a tree line, a quick sprint will have her back into the natural camouflage and away
from harm. 
Flaw(s): She is tiny, and thus cannot even hold an average sized sword - much less wield one.
Being short also holds the unfair advantage that she does not look intimidating, and if she is
in close range without her bow, is easily overpowered. Outside of the forests, she easily loses
her way and is naïve in that she will trust a stranger to give her directions, even if they give her
false ones.
Fighting Style: Range, avoidance
Trained Weapon(s): Bow and dagger
Favored Weapon: Bow
Archery: Yes please
Like many, if not all of her Wood Elven kin, Feta’chirr was born within the sanctity of the forests,
living amongst the tree tops and finding solace in the sanctuary-like community her people typically
thrive within. 
As a child, there was nothing more that she had wanted in life than to make her parents proud, born 
the only daughter to the two upon the eve of her mother’s five-hundredth name day. Her parents
considered her to be something of a miracle child, though would never let that get to her head. Still,
despite being raised with a sense of humility, she was raised as any well-bred Wood Elf would be
and holds a sense of pride for her heritage and people.
Growing up, she spent more time than typical alone. She rather preferred it to being with others,
taking the time she had to train her skills in archery and spend nights beneath the stars to reflect
on the days of the past and those to come. Not long after she was born, her father fell ill to an
infection from an arrow, the tip presumably poisoned. Specific cause was unknown to Feta’chirr,
but it reinforced to her that life was something worth living and, almost as soon as her father was
given back to nature, the desire to get out and into the world settled heavily on her heart.
Not wanting to leave her mother alone, she resisted her urge to pack her bags and leave in the night,
taking over heavily for her dearly departed father, carrying on his workload and some. Despite her
cheery demeanor, her mother understood her daughter’s desire to travel and gave her blessing,
stating that she’d move in with her sister on the other side of their forested city.
Hesitant, at first, it wasn’t until her mother sold their land and home, giving the money to Feta’chirr,
that she finally felt comfortable enough to leave. And, of course, leave she did.
Much to her chagrin, she had much to learn about the land and, once out of the trees she loved so
much, was much resembled to a ‘fish out of water.’ It took years for her to grow accustomed to
travel, wandering aimlessly - and sometimes without food - until she was so lost and tired that
she felt as if she had rock bottom. It was then that she remembered what her father had always
said, “It’s not the destination or the trifles, but the journey and what you make of it, that matters.”
Of course, back then, she thought it was cliché`, but it was what she needed to pick herself and
decide to make something of her travels.
Money was easy enough to come by, when opportunity struck to sell the pelts of her game or
fashion articles of clothing out of them, if she had enough raw material, and any perishable
meat that she knew she wouldn’t be able to go through was more than enough to take into towns
to trade off for something that would last for a few days.
With a new sense of pride and direction, she continues to travel the world for a small piece of
land she can claim and call her own. 
Parent(s): Father - Ker'vuln (deceased), Mother - Mayilu'turrii (living)
Sibling(s): None
Children: None
Extended Family: Aunt - Taliamonn'malii (living)
Pet(s): Wolf - Chirr'lirr (living, nickname 'Chi')

NONE YET, DRAW HER, ARAARA (kidding, but seriously)

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                                                                                                   The journal of Feta'chirr, kept in the safest of places.

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