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Return.. Of A Old Friend...

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   Night, night was falling. Kids gazing to the stars, Abresi quieting down, whispers sound through the night.

   It was but a normal night, a night of nothing un-usual, nothing un-ordinary. But far away, far, far away.

   Over the biggest of mountains, through the long plains, even over great oceans a crack can be heard,

    a figure forms from the rubble of a once great castle. The figure is wearing dirty, and scratched up

   robes. The face was covered in dirt, infact his whole body was, he had many bloody scratches. He

   seemed as if he was on his last breath of life. A wizard infact he was, although not just a normal wizard, it- it was, a great wizard known as "The Wandering Wizard". He was nor dead or alive. Though he was no monster, not at all. He examined his surroundings through his weak eyes covered in dust, squinting.

   This was not Anthos, he didn't even know of Anthos. As he examined it he saw many bugs lining the

   walls of rubble, bats hanging upside down squeaking about. He staggered to a opening using the rubble to hold himself up. He sees the sun, it was coming up. Bats quickly flew away, his eyes were nearly blinded by it. He found himself.. alive. He was in Asulon, he had chosen to go help them. Though he never did. He never found a living soul in Asulon, not even food or water. He had collapsed of hunger.

 He needed something to drink.. something to eat. Though still not dead he was.

 He leaned on the rubble walls looking out. He sees but a bush. A brand new bush it looks of.. He

 mumbles something to himself. He walked very slowly down to the bush. He examined it                       seemed fine.. but he thought to himself "Hmph... why a bush here, this has to be a trick.." he kneels down going to pick a berry, he squints at it. It seemed fine.. he went to go to taste one. As he is eating it

seems a whisper runs in his mind, he hears it was a ladies, it echoed in his mind. He heard:
"Wizard, you.. are our only hope. Please save us, we need you. Do not give into temptation of Iblees, he wants you to feel weak. The berry will draw you in to his grasp, and then you will never come here to save us, we need you. You'll be stuck in the illusion of paradise, he will make more to lure you in. Please do not listen, you must.. help us." Suddenly, he started getting up slowly he looked to the ocean. a sense tingles in him. He can not help them, but maybe he could perhaps give them something to help, he went to pick up his staff off the ground he murmurs something to himself a language no one would know. He suddenly draws his gaze to the cloud temple, he knew something.. something was hidden there... as he stops and stares at the once great cloud temple some of the paths to the race capitals were blocked, others flooded. He saw but the water below he walked down, and down. He made his way to but a normal looking small fish shop, he opens the gate to get inside, coming down the ladder he spots the thing he had been looking for, a egg glistening gray. He walks up to it going to pick it up, he says examining it "Yes.. Yes, \The\ egg." he turns back to the ladder he goes to climb up it, soon he was going on his trail back to the rubble fort. He was burning, tired. He did not know how he was alive. As soon as he reached the rubble fort he came to the same spot where he saw the great ocean. He placed the egg down on the ground. As he looked around he saw trees cut down, perfect he was going to make a small boat, although dumb to cross the great ocean with barely anything but berrys even on a small boat such at that for that matter, it was a foolish. But sometimes foolishness pays off. Soon he reaches a quite un-known part of the island of Anthos. He senses its the right island, he was still new to this.. trusting the voice, that he doesn't even know. He saw a mountaintops he was in the dwarf lands, although behind. His ears were barely working. People called things such as "WHOS GOES THERE!" or "GET OUTA ERE YA DARTY SCUM" he couldn't understand still he walked. He was happy he knew this was the island. But still tucked in his clock a egg laid, soon he got closer to people. A old elf was starting to yell in cheer "WIZAR' WIZARRR!" "THANK CREATOR WERE SAVED" He had returned.


 ((Sorry about any lore type mistakes, this is a fairly big and not really important event, I'm not surprised if this is denied. Edit this as much as you like it, that is if you accepted it. Now good day. This Wandering wizard return thing is supposed to kinda save us from the Iblees bad shiz and returning crapz. And also from then you can finish it. Through how rp works out.


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(Just noticed the format xD)

Event Planners, MC Names:

Event Type: Great return

Event Date: When ever

Factions/Nations effected by the event: Maybe everyone?

Event Location: Where ever he was in.


Concept Images/Screenshots

Other Information:

Do you need the Event Team's assistance?: Probaly

If so, do you require actors and/or builders?: Actors yes.

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I'm going to politely say no. At least, not without the original RPer of the Wandering Wizard here.

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The wandering wizard already returned in asulon back when availer came back for what? Literally a week? Only to disappear off to dungeon realms after it became apparent he couldn't push the staff around like he used to.

I do not think it would be wise to bring back the wandering wizard "again" after the first time under another person's personal control. Even gm controlled I wouldn't want to see him return.

This is very much similar to a guy who I think was Sage Riizu's brother irl who apparently gave permission to his brother to play his character but was denied doing so by Urasept due to the fact that it was not his character to play nor did it fairly justify the return of such a character after his apparent leave.

I would also say that we already have enough characters that effectively fill the role that the ww did now... such as Azurond etc etc. I don't think a character who was quite frankly poorly defined in what exactly he was capable of past "I have everything magic" would really add to roleplay again, in fact, it would probably lessen the point of the role of players in any event that involved this character due to this undefinement.

Lastly I say that it would be very dishonest to use the character of the original owner without his say so, it just seems to give off the wrong impressions to me.

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Blunder essentially covered all the material on this, as it has been a somewhat unspoken rule to keep away from things such as returning such old and influential characters without their original players of the characters supporting it, such as Natuve or Archmage Bell popping back into existance... :P


But, anyways, gonna move this on to Denied as the topic in general can't be helped. Although, if you /would/ like to see the Wandering Wizard to pop back up... I suppose you could email Availer, or contact him somehow. (He would likely be uninterested, though. x3 )

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