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♦ = ♦ The Black Hand ♦ = ♦


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  1. 1. What are your thoughts about a new religeous cult?

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Well, I Just Killed off Halfhand and Have Gone Orc as I am Unable to Be a Villain Anymore, EVER.

I dont want to Go Into Details, but be dure to Rp with my New Char!

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I come...bearing a gift, a tool that you may find useful...I know not if there are many other Altars in the Verge, but I offer the full use of mine to your guild...I only ask that you try to keep suspicions low. The idiots that live nearby still believe me to be a pure-at-heart drunkard. Fools. May their carefree attitudes be the death of them all.

Send me a hawk (/tell Ever) if you wish to discuss matters. You can also talk to me personally at my inn, if you'd prefer.


Heh heh... I am glad you are using your taint well... I am proud.

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Me, Camulous, Mr_Taylor, and Murgaw just had a battle, and Murgaw's nursing me :P!

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Hey Simon, feel good. An RPer you took under your wing early on is PotW!

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Delthor's Black Hand Application.

-In-Game Name: BannanaToYou

-RolePlaying Name: Delthor_The_Slaughterer (Can change if asked to by yourselves)

-Sword and/or Axe and/or Bow Skill: Delthor is a legendary swordsman and reacts to fights well and is apparently the most skilled in Aegis ((I think I'm the highest Sword level out of everyone, not sure yet. Mines Lvl 100))

-Are you a Mage: [Not Needed for Now] N/a

--If so, what type do you specialize in: [Not Needed for Now] N/a

-Villain Application Link:

The Link You Asked For Sir!

-Race and Subrace: Delthor is the Human's and his Sub race is the Southeron's

-Previous Guilds/Armies Joined: S.A

-Are you still a member of this organization: No

-Reason for Joining: I've loved torturing people and such, I've killed a lot of people with my friend, Stickymayhem. We tortured about 3-4 people and killed them, Some people died by falling in our pit a lot of people did to think. I also want to join a larger group in doing this, I always try to improve Rp, playing with buddies is fun, but you guys can increase Rp like no other guild since the Black Hand play a big role in Aegis. I'd love to join and RP with you men.

-Evils you have committed: Torturing 2 people, Killed the High Constable Of Alras, stolen from someone (500 minas), and I dropped about 3-5 people in a trap after being in a battle for some time. (Rp was provided for there deaths)

-References for Evils Done: Delgarad, Mr Taylor, Falkor.

-Are you a good RolePlayer and do you understand the rules of PvP: I think I'm a good role-player and you can ask the men above, a certain VAT thinks I try hard to Rp as well.

-Do you have any connections with trusted people within a Kingdom: I don't have any connections with Alras now since I killed some of their men. But I might have connections with Galahar.

-Time Zone and playing Times: GMT 0:00. I try to play as much as possible and I enjoy Rp'ing but I always have H/w to do, so time will vary from now and then. But I try to get on as soon as possible if not I can go on the forums.

-If you have a change of allegiances, except anything Undead related, you must kill the character off for security reasons. Do you agree (Not following this can get a ban): I agree, even though I love Delthor but rules are rules.

-Telling any one of our secrets or who your allegiance belongs to is prohibited. Do you understand (No loopholes)? ((OOC Also counts)) I agree fully.

-Will you take ScreenShots of anything related to killing, murdering, scaring, worshiping, etc. to fend off ban requests? ((Again, OOC counts)) I will, I already have many Screenshots of my victims I've killed and tortured.

-Scenario 1: An Oren Guard halts your passage due to having a hood on. What do you respond with? I would respond by telling them I have scars and need it a hood to protect myself from the sun, Doctors orders. If the guard continued to push me around about my hood I'd flee until I get to my red stone engineered house, if he followed traps would be sure to end his puny life.

-Scenario 2: A person rants about Iblees being a great god. What are your thoughts upon this individual? I would come straight up to them, if they're nothing to do with Iblees I would tell him to shut up and shut his mouth about the word of Iblees, I'd pull my sword out slowly so he wouldn't get startled. I would then point it at him telling him to shut up as he knows nothing of Iblees, followed by "Leave this place now, or you will be sacrificed for my pleasure!". He would run like a coward and I would chuckle as he ran for his life.

-Scenario 3: In an Undead battle, your fellow brothers are injured or in battle. What do you do? I'd run into battle as running away would prove be being a coward, We'd work together to defeat the enemies. I'd also bring food for the fallen and then once I was done healing and protecting I would take some cover behind trees, bushes, and maybe even grab an enemy and let the arrows hit him into his guts while I swing my sword around, this was scare any man off as the fear of death in the weak would seep through.

-Are you an Undead Wannabe? Most people would accept to be Undead, I would join myself if asked to. But the thing I have about Undead isn't the Undead themselves but to be able to use magic. That's why I'd be Undead. But I don't ask Undead to put in a good word about me. I've never done that.

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Heh. I'm proud son.

Hmmm? PotW? I would be flattered if these partains to me...

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Figured so :l, wuz woo anyways :3

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I'm starting to write the lore behind a town/city I plan to create with 200x200...

Still need creative mode though... Can't just make a cobblestone citadel, no?

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I'm starting to write the lore behind a town/city I plan to create with 200x200...

Still need creative mode though... Can't just make a cobblestone citadel, no?

Lolz indeed! (I'll help, I be good slave :3)

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