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[Advice] Baselines For Your Application


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Greetings, apprentice. :rich:


Hopefully you will read this before you apply, because with this guide I hope to help you get accepted in this wonderful server!


As a start,  you might get frightened by the big scary application format. Don't worry though! It is smaller then it looks!


After you fill in your name, activity, etc. You come along two probably unkown words.

First off, you are asked, what is roleplay?


:crys:  How can I ever explain that! "You might ask.

Simple, roleplay is playing a whole other person which might or might not exist. Your role fits with his/her surroundings, and acts like his/her role is described. You can't simply pull out your rolex watch in 1653, nor can you go on a crusade to Jeruzalem in 2013. I personally suggest you take a quick look at the lore and ask yourself, what world am I going to play in, and what is possible?


"A sudden random word appeared"


Metagaming.. You need to know this, as this will be your forbidden rule on the server. They ask for it in the application ,  if you fail to describe, you fail. :pokerface:


Don't worry! it is quite easy though.


Meta gaming is using information what your charater could never know.

For example : "I could see that Jerry was home, his nametag appeared through the wall" Or "You told me on skype I should come to the gate "




This is not allowed, and should never be. You are not god to know outside information then your charater has learned and experienced. Play the game, if you don't see jerry through the window, you do not see him. If someone is behind you and emotes that she is trying to remain silent, you do not know she is behind you because of that.  You have arsenal's of examples for meta gaming, pick one :grin2:


Then when you think you're done, you get slammed with the hammer of justice the Application team once again. You must know what powergaming is.. What?


Powergaming is the most simple of the three. It is that you do a emote, like "Pushes Fatima through the window", Fatime could never react, poor cleaning maiden :aww:

When you do a emote, you must attempt it, like "Launches at fatima to push her out of the window".

So fatima can react "Dodges the push, while falling down the staircase next to her". RP'ers have alot of fantasy, so don't worry your good emote will go unheard.


Now your real challenge begins.

Eventually you come along the request for a biography. Many people find this hard, and it is understandable. When you start with your biography, don't feel restriced by size. Let yourself write down every detail of your charaters life. What happened when he was born? What happened when he grown up? Why can we expect the personality he has, did his parents die, was he spoiled? Get real deep into your charater, every detail of his/her life in one story.


It is easier said then done, I know. Fortunatly for you, I got a nice tip which will really help you writing your biography. Make your charater like you, or partially. My charater is the exact me, only extreme.

If you are real ambitious, social, rich, and did your parents never give you alot of attention? Then make your charater experience that throughout its youth. It is how I can get real deep into my charater, maybe it works for you too?


Afterwards, you can look if it is too big or small. It is essential that when you write, you write, and that nothing else matters than your keyboard and that format.


Beware though, some Application reviewers  are very critizing, and are never fully satisfied with what they see.  :beer:


Fortunatly, you get some simple questions like "What is your charaters ambitions, etc". Just answer them related to your biography. Don't write in your biography that Adam wants to become a farmer and become rich, if you say that your ambitions are to become a priest. :dontsay:



Now that we have shortly discussed how to write your application, this is what you must know afterwards.


We, the veterans, understand how you feel when you are denied.


Many will feel like :idk:  Idk what I did wrong?! or :watchout:  Wow. we got a badass AT over here.


But the Application Team knows what they are doing, so don't be human and start thinking outside the box. :notbad:  . I know you want to be all like :why:Why! and :flipdesk:F*ck you all!


But that will only make the Application team look like this: :shirlie:Is he seriously crying? :eww:I'll better ban him...  :jackiechan: Why u beg!  :srsly:Did he just call me a *****?


Keep calm and apply on, if you get denied try again in 24 hours. Follow my advice and you'll be back on track. Be as deep as possible and, if you get denied, don't push it further.


At the end, everyone will be like :agog:  After so many hours! and :freddie:Did it!


And the whole server and its staff will be :thumbup:  Nice work.


Now, go apply for this amazing server! :truestory:

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you joined two months ago..


Yeah.. you sure are fun at parties :P. I didn't mean that I'm now a veteran, it was just a sentence to fit with the story..

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This gave me a good chuckle, which I find important in any guide, as stuff like that grabs your attention.. and makes one more likely to fully read it.



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Yeah.. you sure are fun at parties :P. I didn't mean that I'm now a veteran, it was just a sentence to fit with the story..


I love dem parties.

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Beware though, some Application reviewers  are very critizing, and are never fully satisfied with what they see.


Not true. We are critical of what makes sense. It also helps to go through your character a little more critically.


Avoid cliches and avoid ripping off characters.


*self promotion* Also reading THIS GUIDE may help in developing a unique character.

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