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Everything posted by Commander_Jester

  1. IGN:Cmmdr_Jester Discord:Thegentlechaos#5378 Skin:Legacy Bid: 60
  2. IGN: Cmmdr_Jester RP Name: Finley Grandaxe CANDIDATE: Norli Starbreaker
  3. Disc: TheGentleChaos#5378IGN: cmmdr_jesterSkin: GraceBid: 110
  4. Disc: TheGentleChaos#5378IGN: cmmdr_jesterSkin: GraceBid: 95
  5. Skin: Pirates go Arrggg Bid: 60 Skin: Blue Halfling Bid: 60 Stateswoman Bid: 50 Discord: CrazyMCranium#5378
  6. Skin: Pirates go arrggg Bid: 60 Skin:Princess of Roses Bid: 70 Discord: CrazyMCranium#5378 (@ Desired: >:D )
  7. Skin: Pirates go arrggg Bid: 50 Discord: CrazyMCranium#5378 Skin:Princess of Roses Bid: 50 Discord: CrazyMCranium#5378
  8. These questions I see in Miscellany... It ain't nothing, but a heart ache.
  9. I swear to **** I thought I'd never see a post like this again. I swore too soon!
  11. Finally, Auswolf can recreate the Among us Deaths where he shoots me in the back where I’m weak.
  12. Let’s go, what is my pokemon, please tell me
  13. Evar’lae Myriils eyes slowly scanned over each word that is printed on to the document. His eyebrows knitted together, as well as his lips pressed into a thin line. Then, with a breath, he smiles and nods in approval at this. “Less troubles to worry about.” He murmurs to himself, putting the document back from where it came, and turn his attention towards his medical books once more.
  14. you are a lovely chicken nugget, Pup

  15. RP Name::Cassim Ambrose MC Username: Commander_Jester Discord: CrazyMCranium#5378 What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Northgate – Paladins Why Do You Wish To Come?: Initiate wishes to aid Paladins What Skills Can You Bring?: Some sword and shield experiences, also parental if children are coming along for some reason...
  16. Cassim would lay on top of the Fennic Clinic’s bed. Staring blankly at his best friend; Datura’s face as the traumatic event is burned onto his mind, the entire scene replaying over and over for him. The sounds of his now-dead wife’s screams, the cackle of the fire, and Salthor’s rant of mother on loop.
  17. Cassim was born in Curon to a single mother. She was ridiculed for having a child out of wedlock and soon moved herself and her son to the Trade Nation of Sutica. Cassim lived there until he was about fourteen. His mother fell ill and could no longer work. He began taking odd jobs from anyone who would hire him to try and buy her some of the finest medicines from the Mother Grove, but it wasn’t enough. Then, a stranger approached his doorstep, claiming to be his father. Cassim didn’t question it, it seemed to make his mother happy. Soon, she passed on peacefully within a few months of getting sick; both men at her side. Yet, Cassim decided from that point on he would wander and continue to take odd jobs in any city he stopped by. Leaving his father but on good terms, allowing what they had to remain the same: no contact. Cassim stayed in Adria- now known as Ves - for a few months before moving on to Haense. The stay in Haense was short lived however as he found himself not getting along with the citizens well. Since Haense, he has wandered without staying in one place for long. His only goal being just to do what he can to make himself proud.
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