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  1. Won't deny being extremely disappointed that the Vasoyevi Settlement App was denied.

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      "Hello there, we are sorry to say that your well-written culture months in the making is not special enough to warrant a settlement ran by experienced LOTCers. Please become a vassal instead and cease to have any political significance so as to not disrupt the stability of LOTC's nation leader clique"

      I honestly don't know why Settlements are even an option if stuff like the Vasoyevi Settlement App get denied.

    2. Laeonathan


      Because there are enough that do get accepted. That's why they are an option...

    3. Tiresiam


      I'm very gutted, not only was it something fresh that had massive support, but it had fresh new players at the head, a great unique culture, and phenomenal build.

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