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Everything posted by rep2k

  1. Prelate Alfred would gesture to the acolyte to put a stamp on the thesis, before taking his medicine for headache.
  2. From his bedridden state, Alfred smirks upon the news about the new Lady Palatine, his very cousin Marcella, "God blessed this family, to be prosperous.. I can't be more happy..", the older man says with a light cough, offering a grin before turning to the side to sleep again.
  3. Reading Father Basil's @Basil Moroul very informative letter, Patriarch Alfred nodded several times from his bedridden state before taking his pen to write the answer, his hand still trembling a little at the illness he had contracted. " Father Basil, brother first of all, greetings and God help you. Reading your sentences rich in blissful meanings, I sympathize completely. The times have come that I feared, but also sidelined because I thought our “faithful” rulers and nations were aware enough to see the problem and solve it. However, I see that this is not the case. As a patriarch, including the Kingdom of Norland, I want us to have patience. I am currently compiling a very informative text, which will solve this problem, slowly but surely. Until then, may GOD help us to be alive and healthy. "
  4. Alfred's health is slowly improving, giving him time to look at his nephew's thesis. Looking at the thesis, he nods his head twice before stamping the document with a wearly smile. "Adelric.. s-surprisingly good..", he says as he coughs quite loudly, nodding once again before moving the thesis to his side.
  5. How I love that my comment has been removed and I just wrote worthy in Greek!
  6. [!] Letter should arrive in one Saint's day, stating your position in the Holy Mother Church.
  7. From the bedridden state, Alfred takes a look at the letter which was brought to him by his cousin, Bishop Adelric. With a few wearly nods, the elder man puts the letter to the side, resting his head on the pillow. " GOD works in favour to His Holiness.. I pray that these Qalasheen get to the common sense, and be reasonable, so we all may sleep better. ", with a chuckle he says, waiting for a nurse to make him a Tom Collins cocktail.
  8. The Prelate wearly nods in approval of the thesis, gesturing from his bed for his cousin to put the seal of Jorenus on the document.
  9. The infected Patriarch laying in the bed, surrounded by the doctors, nurses and his family. [!] Upon entering the basilica, the change that befell her is noticeable. Normally, Patriarch Alfred would sit in line of the pews, reading a book that would fall into his hands. But this time, he was not there, only for a letter by him to be written in no time.. The Invisible Threat’s Surprise Duchy of Reinmar, 360 ES Dear faithful folks and beloved people of Haense, I look at this world, motionless, like one tall, sturdy tree in a forest. I watch it, and I actually realize how happy some people are without them knowing it. If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world. But believe me, many have not yet experienced that one turning point, a moment that can decide your destiny, or simply, change your life in various ways. Coincidentally, I was overtaken by a wicked, if I may say tragic accident, for which I do not want to catch anyone. It was my turn, probably by God's command, to become fatally ill, from a disease unknown to my faithful doctors and nurses. Miraculously, I do not feel so ruined as I write this, and for this reason I am sending this letter to my faithful clergy, what to take, what to do, and how to maintain the balance we had until I fell into the hands of some higher power. Looking back at the list of my dear priests and bishops, I feel proud as the patriarch of a great nation, a religious region in this vast world. Otherwise, I would meet my dear clergymen through the streets of Karosgrad, in the clerical district, and even through our dear basilica, but in this case, I have to address them this way. The task of dear Archbishop Karl Kortrevich is very clear. As an archbishop, I expect him to continue his work, spreading our faith in the one GOD, as well as to perform various ceremonies, as GOD commands. I expect regular liturgies, which will not be a problem for a clergyman like Archbishop Karl. My dear bishops, just continue with further work, the work because of which they came to this position where they are now, as well as to accept new adherents of our faith and to teach the people what it means to be a canonist. When I will return to the clergy garments, I am not sure, and until that moment, the clergy of Jorenus should go forward with GOD and his strength which he gives them. I have nothing more to write further, but only to direct my dear people on the path we have all taken together so far, and to remind everyone that with faith in GOD, we can do everything. God is our refuge and strength. A very present help in trouble, therefore we will not fear. GODANI JEST WIELKI Alfred Cardinal St. Tylos, Patriarch of the Kingdom of Haense and Kingdom of Norland, Prelate of the Clergy
  10. Cardinal Alfred heartedly chuckles as he reads the missive, sharpening some wooden axes for the boys.
  11. "Son ... they'll pay for this, I swear on my life..",said Alfred, regretting that he had not apologized to his eldest son when he should have. Unremembered memories will remain in his memory, and the toy he still has with him will remain a memory of Nicolas, a man who never failed..
  12. Possibly the former Patriarch of Jorenus, Alfred Barclay has seen enough.. Sitting in the barracks dining room, with each subsequent blink he can notice the stings of swords, axes, and even mallets that have passed through his son, Nicolas. Is one father, who left the sword and bloodshed aside to create a family that is faithful to God, really ready for this? Tears from Alfred's cheeks speak enough about the responsibility and temperament of one King and Emperor, as well as about a cruel event that happened only to an ordinary priest...
  13. The Prelate nods a few times, saying to himself, "Good. Though, ich should point dear acolytes towards writing a longer thesis. Ich have no doubt in them, after all.", he says with a light chuckle, putting a seal on the document.
  14. The Prelate nods in approval, putting a seal on the document.
  15. PATRIARCHAL LETTER ON THE DIET OF KAROSGRAD By Alfred Patriarcha Jorenus Capital City of Karosgrad, Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska To the Prince Heinrik II; & the people of Hanseti-Ruska, The High Pontificate of Owyn III and Patriarchate of Jorenus are pleased to see that Canonism is alive and well within the borders of Hanseti-Ruska, and the fervency to which its faithful hold itself to ecclesiastical law and the state of our Holy Mother Church. The Crown Prince, whom His Holiness High Pontiff Owyn III looks forward to crowning during his Coronation, has proven entrepreneurial in his initiative to hold a Diet in Karosgrad. The Holy Mother Church shall see to its proper execution and hosting, entrusting His Beatitude Patriarch Alfred of Jorenus to preside over this Diet, with the diligent aid of the haeseni clergy, especially including wise Cardinals Ailred & Benedict. GODANI JEST WIELKI Alfred Patriarcha Jorenus, Patriarch of the Kingdom of Haense & Kingdom of Norland, Prelate of the Clergy
  16. "Mhmm..", the Prelate hums as he reads the thesis of the acolyte Joseph, closing the document before taking the ink and quill, going to write the time for his ordainment. "The man understands and knows, that is important.. Now I must prepare everything.", he says, going to put the seal on the document before heading out of the Basilica of St. Henrik.
  17. [!] Letter should arrive in one Saint's day, stating your position in the Holy Mother Church.
  18. Second Patriarchal Address To the all faithful canonists of our realm By Alfred Patriarcha Jorenus Capital City of Karosgrad, Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska God bless dear brothers and sisters; Most esteemed noble houses; Dear faithful folks throughout Almaris. As the evolution of people, as well as our lives, functions, it is destined that something very evil and full of hatred happens to us at some point, so evil that it could even make God cry. This world of ours, is nothing but one great sphere of various events in which suffer those who fight bloodily for themselves, their loved ones and God, and not those who deviate from the path of God, destined for every believer who with his heart treads the sum of troubles and sufferings before him. As every living being and believer knows, his judgment will come at some point, and only God will be the judge of that heavenly and otherworldly court. When we have God with us, there is no such evil, no malice, no trouble that we should be afraid of, because as it says in Scroll of Virtue: ‘1:9: I am the Lord God without peer, and My Word is the holy word, and My path is the virtuous path, and all the blessings of the Virtue shall fall before the righteous who tread it. In any possible case, no one, not even the Holy Mother Church, can tolerate certain actions and deeds, especially threats and crimes, that are capable of great harm to her dear faithful people. As I write this from the Patriarchate of Jorenus, I think deeply about the ungodly incident that took place in the capital of Holy Orenian Empire, Providence, and I pray day and night for the salvation and safety of all believers in there and all around the world. We are currently witnessing a time in which our faith faces Xannite heathens, the ungodly beings who were on an equal footing with the rest of the world, until a few days ago. This way, with this very simple piece of paper, I call on the minds of all believers throughout Almaris, I call you all, the people from every canonist place, every diocese and archdiocese, including my own Patriarchy of Jorenus, to look at what is happening around us and to react in time, all believers together, with God in our warm hearts, following his path of happiness and joy, self-confidence. and courage, a path full of love and safety. The shed blood for God and our religion that has been going on for a very long time is what we need at this time, of course, if it comes to drawing our blades. We can’t sit back and watch for the possible massive expansion of these heathens, I hope you all agree with this, wherever you are from. God has a purpose for your pain, a reason for your struggle, and a reward for your faithfulness. Trust Him and don’t give up, dear faithful. GODANI JEST WIELKI Alfred Patriarcha Jorenus, Patriarch of the Kingdom of Haense & Kingdom of Norland, Prelate of the Clergy
  19. "Oh, Your Holiness, ich think we've been slightly quicker.." Alfred Patriarcha Jorenus remarks, offering a smirk as he takes a drag from the cigarette. "GOD's in no rush. Soon.."
  20. The Patriarchal Address By Alfred Patriarcha Jorenus Capital City of Karosgrad, Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska Dear Royal Family of the Kingdom of Haense; The most esteemed noble houses of the Kingdom of Haense; & My beloved faithful people, dear church colleagues from every diocese of this world. As the dear Lord commands us, so it will be. As He commanded, so it was. After every rain and storm, comes the clearing of the sky. Neither right nor wrong is on one side, the divisions are bigger than the differences and "here are our general misfortunes", not only yours! You may not understand me best, because some like to hear only what they like, but I believe that people of good will will understand that I am speaking to you with a clear conscience, and that for me you are all equal before God, whom I only serve. People of good consciousness will understand that true sacrifice of Saint Karl, the sacrifice that brought us all home, which we call Haense today. One nation, which has gone through many years of hardship, hard and unbearable moments, is today a nation that should be proud of the successes it has achieved, along with God and its people and state. We realized that all great things happen from some smaller thing, which if we take the memory back a bit, and some things happened by maybe one man. Our saints and martyrs, knights and ascetics, had a fear of God, they believed that God sees everything and they did not want to be ashamed and lose their soul and face neither before God nor before their ancestors. If we want to have a life illumined by the love of God, then we will see to it that we do everything through holiness and purity. And then we will find ourselves that we are sons of light. And if we do the opposite, we will find ourselves sons of darkness. When we attribute a certain way of acting to God, it then affects the image of His character. Knowing what kind of rulers existed in this world, what picture can we expect if we say that He sets up every authority? The shadow of doubt cast by this view of God's goodness, prudence, and omniscience is obvious. Our peoples have gone through all sorts of moments of suffering and anger, which is reflected in some of the works they do today. What would a state be without a ruler, and a ruler without God in itself? Nothing. Nevertheless, the nations always cope, because God himself sees someone's misfortune, so for the sake of his goodness that he possesses, he gives happiness and love of His. This is what makes me, as a clergyman, happy to the heavens, seeing among what nation I was born. The harmony in good that our people have always strived for means faith in one good God, but not just my beloved faithful from Haense, but from every faithful place on this world of His. Those who believe in this way are ready to agree with all other people who want such harmony, that is, harmony in the name of the God of good, who is the source of all good. Every soul is to obey the ruling authorities, for there is no authority that is not of God, and that which is the authority is appointed by God. Thus those who oppose authority oppose the command of God, and whoever opposes will receive sin upon himself. If you want not to be afraid of the government, do good, and you will have praise from it, for the servant of God is for thy good. If you do evil, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain, for he is a servant of God, an avenger of wrath to him who does evil. Thus one should obey not only out of fear but also out of conscience. Be obedient, therefore, to the authority of every man, in the name of the Lord: if to the king, as lord; if to princes, as his messengers for revenge on criminals and for praise to benefactors. But while I write this, I indeed remind myself of the good deeds of our Most Holy Father, who blessed us with many things which came from God, and only Him. The canonist people must remember that the Holy Mother Church has changed recently, and that Pontiff's deeds and judgements must be taken seriously, as the Vicar of God guides us through these horrid and hard times. The Church, as a strong institution in our lives, must stay in our hearts, and her integrity must stay strong as much as our faith in our God, with who we go with a clear mind, following his path of success and unity. Brothers and sisters, let us now go in peace and unity, as only God commanded and commands. Stay to yourselves, celebrate any minor thing that occurs in your lives, be happy everyday and cheer for you close ones and respect your "enemies" as God commands. It is true that a fine and pleasant refreshment has arrived in our Church, with the number of priests growing, the reforms filling the holes that should have been filled a long time ago, and the faith - more widespread than ever! During this new patriarchate, through which I, Alfred Patriarcha Jorenus, will represent God, I will do my best to pass on my knowledge to all the believers of our and other regions, as God commands me. GODANI JEST WIELKI Alfred Patriarcha Jorenus, Patriarch of the Kingdom of Haense & Kingdom of Norland, Prelate of the Clergy
  21. [!] Letter should arrive in one Saint's day, stating your position in the Holy Mother Church.
  22. "Rejoice, for GOD's will is our salvation. Rejoice, for GOD is our Father, and He will keep us safe. Rejoice, for GOD's love will keep us safe." Patriarch Alfred says the hymn in the square of Karosgrad, signing the Hussariyan cross before heaing to the Basilica, praying for the King, and other passed people.
  23. Reading the Bull, the then Episcopus Alfred smiled warmly in his seat, before commenting on the outcome of the Bull itself with his cousin Adelric Episcopus Reinmar "Astonishingly.. New challenges are ahead of me, but I hope that the expectations of His Eminence Cardinal Jorenus will be met. May God help me. " Patriarch Alfred said, tapping Adelric on his shoulder with a genuine smile before heading towards the Basilica of St. Henrik.
  24. "Cardinal Jorenus is right.." Alfred exclaims with a wearly nod, letting out a sigh as he remembers the previous deeds of those who thought they would make the Church better with protests. "If our Holy Mother Church suffers, we immediately suffer, which means - GOD's disappointment because of us, and only us."
  25. After returning from Osanora, Alfred Episcopus Henrikev sat down in the middle of the road to Haense, leaning against a rock that was nearby. At the same time, his anger reached its maximum, being both disappointed and tired above all. "Ich will never have a normal day..ich swear to you, mein Lord.." the wearly man signs the Hussariyan cross three times, saying the prayer before heading to his bed. "At least, His Holiness has been saved, thanks Godan."
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