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Everything posted by Javert

  1. [!] A Missive from the Island of Cahir reaches the mainland of Braevos! The Passing of the King Issued 2nd of the Sun's Smile, 1930 To all Denizens of Cahir and Braevos; As many within the lands of Cahir will know Our Monarch Armitage, First of his name and King of Cahir, had recently been suffering from profound bouts of paranoia-induced insanity. One such incident occurred two nights ago in which the aged Monarch bashed his head against his desk numerous times until the intervention of members of his family. As a result of the aforementioned incident King Armitage was rushed to the royal clinic where the medics on site attempted to treat his wounds. Due to the King's progressed age, the wounds proved to have an increased effect on His Majesty, and he succumbed to his self-inflicted injuries this morning. With the news of His Majesty's passing, His Highness Andrzej Vyztoryas Roza has been proclaimed as Andrzej I, King of Cahir and shall be coronated following a mourning period of three saint's days ending with a state funeral. Preparations are underway, and we ask good Canonists of both Cahir and Braevos to send forth their prayers for the soul of the deceased Monarch. Requiesce in pace Armitage I, King of Cahir (1838 - 1930)
  2. On an island far from Braevos Armitage Roza, the son of Oisin O'Breathnach Roza and a claimant to the Rozanian throne, seethes profusely.
  3. Maegor Valraenos, leader of the Aeltarosi, gives the missive a thumbs up
  4. THE BATTLE OF VJARDENGRAD The clash of Norlandic and Skanarri warriors in Vjardengrad, 8th of the First Seed, 133 S.A. Hark, people of Solheim/Braevos! Three Saint's Days ago, the men of the Skanarri warbands launched a daring raid upon the Norlandic capital city of Vjardengrad. During a late-night tavern event hosted by the local barkeepers, a man who called himself Balg had entered the capital with his head and body covered in chainmail armor. This man engaged in friendly conversation with the citizens inside the tavern, especially an Ashguardsman known as Grimm. When Balg became comfortably established in the crowd of Norlanders, he was heard asking for a match from Grimm - whom he had tricked into a sense of security - for the purpose of lighting a Cigar. Upon receiving said match, Balg proclaimed his hatred of magic (Grimm had revealed himself as a user of housemagery) and threw his match into a bottle of alcohol. Balg revealed himself to be a Skanarri and proceeded to slam this newly made alcoholic cocktail onto the floor, causing an explosion in the Tavern and a fire to begin. It was then that a Skanarri warhorn was heard. The saboteur at the Tavern was a mere distraction, and the main Skanarri force swarmed in through the undefended gates! Before the Norlandic forces could shut them out, the Skanarri had already managed to get their entire warband into the exterior entrance of the city and were making their way towards the third and final city gate. Under the leadership of Balon Eiriksson Ruric the Norlandic forces rallied and sallied forth to drive the Skanarri tribesmen from the city. When the two armies confronted each other, Balon called forth and named the Skanarri cowards, demanding that they meet him in single combat. The Skanarri surprisingly agreed and sent forth their own champion by the name of Thorvig. As the two warriors clashed, a Norlandic flanking force under the command of Hilda Freysson Ruric exited the city through a secret gateway and made their way around the city to try and hit the Skanarri from behind. Unbeknownst to the Norlanders, the Skanarri had seized the first gate and had closed it behind them to slow down reinforcements or a potential flanking maneuver. As Balon and Thorvig fought, it seemed as if the two were evenly matched. Both gave each other substantial wounds; yet before the duel could reach a conclusion, the Skanarri at the first gate spotted Hilda Freysson's flanking force and raised the alarm. The Skanarri, outraged by the Norlandic flanking effort in the middle of a honor duel, charged forth at the Norlanders in a shield wall and a brutal melee ensued. In the meantime, a Norlander had managed to send out a call for aid from the Vale of Nevaehlen for reinforcements. The Skanarri manning the first gate sallied forth and engaged Hilda's flanking force in a brutal melee of their own. In both fronts of the battle, Norlandic and Skanarri blood ran thick on the ground. The objective of the Skanarri was clear: Wound as many Norlanders as possible, then escape back into the woods. Despite the Skanarri initially gaining the upper hand, reinforcements from the Vale forced the Skanarri to make a breakout effort on the front against Hilda's men. Despite losing many men of their own, the breakout was successful and the contingent of Skanarri managed to escape by jumping off the bridge and into the water. As for the rest of the Skanarri, they quickly realized that they had been surrounded. The Skanarri refused surrender when offered to them and resolved to fight to the death in the walls of Vjardengrad. More time passed and blood continued to spill across the pavement of the city - yet in the dawning hours of the next day, the battle was decided. The Norlanders had managed to slay the remaining Skanarri within their walls, yet had taken severe injuries that required urgent treatment in the aftermath of the conflict. This has marked the beginning of Skanarri aggression in the North. Stay alert, Descendants of Solheim/Braevos, for War has come upon us once more.
  5. Destroy the children

  6. A Report on the resurgent Skanarri \ Author's depiction of a Skanarri warband sited close to the capital of Norland 15th of Malin's Welcome, 133 S.A. Inhabitants of the Northern domains of Solheim/Braevos, Many may have forgotten the dangers that may lurk this new continent, and it appears that old threats have found new hunting grounds. Highlanders who inhabited the old northern domains of Nyrheim may be familiar of those I am about to speak of - The Skanarri. Nomadic tribal raiders who inhabit anywhere where snow or ice touches the ground. These folk are vicious warrior-survivalist Humans who wander their territory in warbands, both to hunt animals and those crossing into their lands. The Skanarri, as seen in the Raenrland War and the Nyrheim Northern War, are extremely territorial. It is unknown as to how much territory these Tribal bands now inhabit, but it is safe to assume that they will make or have already made their temporary tent cities in the entire winterlands of the North. In this document I will provide my knowledge on their culture, their behavior, and what to do if encountered by them. I will also elaborate on what to do in the event of a Skanarri raid on your settlement. Make no mistake: This is a warning. The Skanarri are active. They are known to be relentless. Skanarri Culture & Behavior Skanarri culture is strange, even to a Norlander like myself. They worship a seemingly altered version of the All-Father, yet incorporate multiple "lesser" gods into their faith. It is unknown how extensive their religion is, but it does appear to add to the Skanarri's fervor in battle. The Skanarri are uncountably a warrior people made up of multiple different Clans and Tribes - sometimes united, more often disunited. The Skanarri have been known to fight each other in the past just as much as they have fought other descendant-folk, however they have been brought together in the past under a man they dub their "High King". While this position is not always filled, nor am I aware if it is currently filled or vacant, this "High King" has the ability to amass a grand war host and strike out at whatever target he so chooses. For the last hundred years, that target has been Norland. Nonetheless, do not be deceived. The "High King" does not always have the full loyalty of all their Clans and should they manage to anger enough of their own clans they will fracture into infighting once more. Although it has not been attempted before, it is highly theorized that an outsider can exacerbate the means in which Skanarri unity falls apart. This brings me to the next chapter of my document. How to combat the Skanarri The Skanarri, like all other Humans, are fully capable of adapting to their circumstances. Nonetheless, their style of warfare can be fairly predictable. For example, the Skanarri greatly favor formations such as a Shield Wall or prefer to outright overwhelm their enemy with superior numbers. Should they lack said superior numbers, they are known to engage in guerrilla warfare and terror tactics. Such terror tactics include: Mutilation of captured persons, Placing the heads of executed persons on spikes in front of their opposing settlement, slaughtering civilians and trade caravans to weaken the economy, assassination attempts, et cetera. Here are a few points in how to counter the Skanarri war effort. - Do not engage them on hilly or mountainous terrain, this is where they excel in combat. Attempt to lure them onto flat ground where Cavalry is deployable - Utilize stone fortifications. The Skanarri are capable of utilizing ladders and other wall-scaling methods, but if your walls are wooden the Skanarri will attempt to burn their way inside. - Do not sally out to attack the Skanarri on their home territory unless you have far more soldiers at your disposal. At their height, the Skanarri were capable of mustering 100,000 men in their warbands. - Do not accept meetings in open spaces. The Skanarri do not adhere to the same code of honor that most Descendants do. They can and will ambush you at any meeting you may have in the open. - Do not send clergymen to negotiate. As previously stated, the Skanarri are adherents to their own religion. They are not afraid to kill clergymen of any faith and have done so previously - Do not pursue them into their own territory if they are "routing". The Skanarri are known to utilize "false retreats" to lure opposing armies into kill zones or preferable territory. Likely Skanarri Territory Below is a map that I have attached showing the likely Skanarri territory highlighted in blue. It is advisable to travel through these areas with extreme caution and to remain armed at all times. Be safe, follow my advice, and do not attempt to negotiate with them on a one-on-one basis. Your safety is never guaranteed. Signed, Dominic Kvitravn, Chieftain of Clan Kvitravn OOC: Please read
  7. A Long-forgotten Dwed named Urugail looks at the missive with utter confusion. "Da fook dey doin' over dere? Swear tae fook oi'll never come back a'this rate."
  8. Styregg Eiriksson Ruric, Son of Ingvar Eiriksson and grandson of King Ragnvald, sat alone at his desk in the Eiriksson clan home. The elderly Ruric sighed - he had grown bored with life, there was no excitement like in the days of his youth. No rebels to fight, no bandits to expunge, just peace and stability. While he knew it was good for the Kingdom, Styregg longed for the old days. Styregg withdrew a piece of paper and a quill from a drawer in his desk and took to writing. "To whomever comes across this letter," "I have grown tired. If you read this now, presume that I have found my way to the woods so I may find a peaceful - or violent - end to my long life. I have seen much, some that I regret. Some more that I miss. Nonetheless, I wish to keep this brief. The All-Father calls. I ask that the letters below be distributed to their respective people." "- Chancellor Styregg Eiriksson Ruric" After concluding his many letters to the many people he wished to write to, the old Norlander set off into the snowy forests in the dead of night - never to be seen or heard from again. To Balon, my Nephew To Artyom, my Son To Hilda Freysson, To King Odin,
  9. Make NLs have a daily requirement of hours on their NL persona to avoid alting Make NLs susceptible to PK clauses If you think the chaos in the aftermath of an assassination is a bad thing, it really just leads to good RP (Imagine the wars of succession, The Anarchy 2.0, etc)
  10. The Aeltarosi ships landing upon the shores of Failor, 130 S.A. For months they had sailed, searching for new lands to disembark and establish a new home. Weary of travel, the Aeltarosi rejoiced at the sight of a landmass on the horizon - a landmass that they later discovered was the land of Failor. "Prince Maegor, land has been spotted. Shall we disembark and begin construction of a camp?" "Indeed, Corlys. Sound the horns - we sail no longer." The Aeltarosi; Humans of different Gods, different physicality, different mentality, and different culture. No Aeltarosi man or woman had set foot upon another continent for centuries - Prince Maegor Valraenos would be the first among his many followers to do so. He came down from his flagship with a stoic expression upon his face, and when his feet hit the wet sands of Failor he turned to those behind him. "Here, our destiny is made. Here on the beaches of this new land shall we make ourselves known to the outside world." The Prince then looked back upon the forests and beaches of Failor, taking in a deep breath as the smell of the forest flowed through him. With a satisfied smile, the Prince beckoned for the Aeltarosi banner to be brought to him. The Prince staked the Banner into the ground upon which he stood and made his declaration. "Let this land that we shall transform into our Camp be forever known as Dragon's Rest. Onward my brethren, for our future!" And so the work began.
  11. Dominic Kvitravn, Father of the now-deceased Leon, hides his emotions publicly upon discovering the death of his secondborn Son. Once he was in private, the Chieftain allowed his emotions to overcome him as he removed his helmet from his head. "Milki...My Wife...I am sorry. I could not protect our boy." After regaining his composure, Dominic took a deep breath and looked down upon the helmet in his hands "But, no matter our Son's alleged crimes, I can avenge him. I will see you both soon, my love." The aging Kvitravn placed his helmet back upon his head, then went off to find his surviving Sons and Brother. @SirSniffins @Pancho
  12. Means more time to wipe out bloodlines
  13. 17th of the Sun's Smile, 130 S.A. TO ALL CHILDREN OF NORLAND On this day, a great wrong has been committed against my Clan. My secondborn Son, Leon Dominicsson Kvitravn, was captured and executed by members of the Tennallar family. These people have accused my son of Banditry, but rather than extradite him to Norland to face a proper trial for his potential crimes, they executed him without prior notification. My Son did not deserve to be so ruthlessly executed within foreign lands, and this is not something the Kvitravn clan will take lightly. From this day forth, Clan Kvitravn declares an eternal blood feud against the Tennallar family for the kidnapping and murder of Leon Dominicsson Kvitravn, and we shall not rest until every Tennallar responsible for his execution is hung from a tree or is removed of their head. As for the head of their family, I shall draw a blood eagle upon their back to remind them of what happens when you commit such crimes against our Clan. To those Tennallar who had no involvement in the murder of my Son, flee your family's keep now - or die alongside them in battle. Our Blade Never Dulls Signed, Dominic Ragnarsson, Chieftain of Clan Kvitravn, Veteran of the Cartref Mor Uprising
  14. Dominic Kvitravn, older brother of Eyvind Kvitravn II (@Pancho) and Chieftain of Clan Kvitravn, nods in approval. "Assemble the Clan, we ride to war. Iron from Ice!" Styregg Eiriksson Ruric considers writing an official endorsement of his kinsman's mission. Meanwhile, Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric smiles the sun's smile from the All-Father's hall. "Look at 'em, finishing what I started!"
  15. A remnant group of the Pillager People prepare to launch retribution raids against their invaders.
  16. this war in the wasteland is crazy ngl

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      just saw a ton of soldiers run by 👁️👁️


  17. petition to extend Failor's existence by another week just so we can have freebuild longer

  18. [!] This missive is issued to every known settlement within Failor The Deserts of Failor TO ALL DESCENDANT BRETHEREN; Hear me, for I have issued this missive to all who have come to this land in the hopes of a peaceful life free from chaos and war. Not long ago did we flee the realm of Almaris, praying to our respective deities for stability in the transition to a new world. Yet even now, it appears the Descendants cannot achieve such - for there are those amongst us who have taken advantage of our weakened state to wage ruthless and violent raids upon our fledgling civilizations. I speak of course of the bandits that have betrayed their people in exchange for wealth and domination - I speak of those who prey upon travelers within the desert and its vastness. They have dared to slaughter innocents - even the Halfling folk have not been spared in this never-ending campaign against order and law. I, as a fellow descendant, call upon each and every soul within Failor to unite behind a common banner. We must march into the Desert and the Red Wastes and drive these Bandit barbarians to the sea, for they have no place within our civilization! We must drive them from our island in the name of our future, and in the name of our people! Barbarus Delenda Est!
  19. I miss Hyspian Niseep

  20. Why couldn't we use a random island map like we did between Arcas and Almaris bruh

    1. argonian


      didnt we just have some dog-awful vortex purgatory between arcas and almaris or is there smth im forgetting

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      yes but the dog-awful vortex purgatory had freebuild on it

  21. Javert

    Map names

    I'm calling it Hyspialand
  22. Chieftain Dominic Kvitravn wonders what his younger Brother has been up to recently.
  23. 1. Establish a dynasty or noble family that doesn't die two generations later 2. Establish a culture that is used commonly (Whether by individuals or groups) 3. Build a nation from scratch that survives for a long time and doesn't die of inactivity 4. Win a war as either an NL, Rebel, or other form of group leader (Not as a soldier) 5. Host a massive eventline 6. Host a server-wide PVE event 7. Have a persona live a full life without being a royal/noble or in any other position of power (Basically peasant RP) 8. Cause the destruction of a nation through IRP means 9. Cause a massive coalition war 10. Start a war 11. Start five wars throughout my entire time on LOTC (1/5 down)
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