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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by christman

  1. hiii ender :3333 hiiiiiiii hiii ender hello :333333333 how is norland treating u music recommendations at the moment ? when will u return to [REDACTED]vc
  2. congrats on player of the week, august 15th 2011

    1. cadazio


      rock on, nanatsuno! but really congrats lolzbro, miss u! we still need 2 finish elven language tho! :3

  3. bye freak love you (not gay)
  4. big story team 

    1. Netphreak


      Biggest team on the serv.

  5. The media.... UNRELATED, the CANONIST CHURCH; cooperate with AAUNIC government in southern Balian (annexed land by HAENSE SUPERSTATE) to INTERFERE with "crude oil" exports... hmm... curious..

  6. THE DEATH OF DEVILRY WE HAVE COME BEFORE GOD WITH A SACRIFICE OF VIRTUE; By decree of the Tribunal, witnessed by the Canonist flock, a member of the underground demonic Cabal was sentenced to death for her sins against the Scrolls. The witch's soul had been PERVERTED, sold to DEVILISH FIENDS in exchange for reprehensible sorcery. Upon her burning the skies lit up in an aurora of colour — a display most holy and blessed. SEE THIS, DEMONS. YOUR EVIL SCHEMES ARE KNOWN TO OUR EYES. INFIRMIA SINE FIDE WEAKNESS WITHOUT FAITH | HULTASUNA SINETSIZ
  7. christman


    The cardinal lay before his altar. Weeping. His hands had been interlaced around prayer beads, woody and hefty in his grasp. Thick trails of sweet smoke—burnt from a strong incense, myrrh—danced about a dimly lit room and candleflame flickered as its tongues of fire leapt up against cracked stone walls. Eyes watched the back Mattia’s head. In the early hours of the night he had rattled off the repetitive prayer with ease, but when it grew late he choked on every word. Sticky, foamy spit stuck to the top of his tongue. He hadn’t tasted water since beginning. SaSaint Lothar’s portrait had been propped up above the door and looked upon Mattia in his prayer. The icons of the Four Exalted remained steadfast in their absolute glory, unflinching as the splintered font. “Pater noster…” He started again with a croak, but the words couldn’t be spoken anymore. A shuddering cough rattled him. His weak body collapsed and the man fell into a terrible sleep. Fever struck him that night. Strewn across cracked cobbles and only kept warm by a cassock, Mattia of Tyria wouldn’t wake rested. The candles burnt to a nub and the smoke stopped flowing.
  8. anyone want to play a demon and be evil and fucekd up

    1. Markisstreaming


      I want to play a demon and be evil and fucekd up

  9. ALL of these offers SUCK. but mine doesn't. join MY group. we're different. OKAY?!

  10. taking biggest hater applications 

    1. Benleft


      Thanks for accepting mine. 

  11. Greater Boon The Devil's Sonata (Ra’zevir’zak zaakr) Desired by the insatiable prodigy or masters plagued by their own self doubt this deal grants total mastery over all instruments and compositions. Songwriting and melody become second nature with every note played thought to be hauntingly beautiful. This passion will soon twist into obsession as the maestro will be compelled to play or compose at detriment to their own health. A singer sings until her throat is swollen and sore, a violinist plays until his fingers bleed, a composer refuses to eat or sleep for days on end while writing.
  12. The stale air swirled about two green stones as a song shook their little cave. It pleaded, "Balmak, vokarl a, a'ziltak. Vatukay re'narg'badurz? Vatukay re'narg'badurz?"
  13. i cant believe they let you run a nation

    1. Crevel


      he went from a smart fella to a fart smella

    2. Gandhi


      im very good at this very very very very good you can trust me and i do NOT smell farts

  15. taking biggest fan applications 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Gaja


      no way ur sleeping on me im a legend of the game

    3. Tav


      mee !! mee!!! memememmeemmememememememememememememememememememem!!!eeee!!! pick mee!!!! pick me christmanism!!! 

    4. Phersades


      Application - 

      Name: Phersades, Known to you as Catalina
      Age: 22
      Reasons: I'll stop being mean to you if you choose me. 

  16. Mattia of Tyria prayed over this union! Jubilation!
  17. Cardinal Mattia of Tyria was proud to have witnessed this blessed union. That night he prayed for their safe-keeping and the fruitfulness of the marriage.
  18. The protector of Eulersberg smiled the suns smile !!!!!!
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