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    Alexander Antler
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  1. As a vlachian and someone who was once in your irp hit list I’ve seen little to nothing I can say was wrong about how you role-played and same goes for your ooc friendly attitude to all players. This server is no longer what it used to be and is no longer in the hands of the same staff team. I am glad that you have decided to leave and so have I as I do not wish to wake up and spend time in a server where the admins are not putting the safety of minors and other vulnerable people at first. I wish all the best for your future and if you see us in vlachia vc make sure to pop in and say hello
  2. Why are you not respecting god’s pronouns and gender identity? He has referred to himself as a he and a man in the bible. Don’t make god feel gender dysphoric!
  3. You’re fifth place bro.
  4. @budaq @Evrocentrik @chaotikal @olpx @MisterBlitzkrieg @palad1n @AnonymousAlexa @allthebannedbros and @allvlacbros @allriviabros im glad I met you guys. The friends I’ve made on this server are the reason why I think the time I spent on here wasn’t pointless after all ps: @Rigorous @AnonymousAlexamaybe we should make a pessah post….
  5. “Peace but peace with terms set by a mighty imperialist force.” Valter said to a random hyspian lad at the local tavern as he thought about how the new world order will be ran. Perhaps he should join the haenseti imperialist force after all if you can’t beat them join them, right?
  6. MC Name: hzkazoo RP Name: Qaplan Persona Id: 72835
  7. "I buy" Qaplan simply said as he read the missive's title
  8. "Balianites, very easy to kill and don't know how to fight. Good choice council!" Qaplan said as he read the missive
  9. this could only work if a casus belli system was set up: There are set amount of casus belli's that you can choose from: Raiding the city to pillage it battle the city's army Capture someone in the city (only available when the person is online and in the city) Heist the city each of the should have their own set of rules that the nation being raided cant breach the answer is there is no other way to prevent that without the system I said above Make it so that you can only raid at peak hours. But the consequences to the defeated or not rallied nation should be considerably large like loosing a set portion of their treasury
  10. tnt's are very expensive and he dug 400 blocks underground behind 60 iron doors.
  11. the NL hides in a very unreachable area of the city during the one hour notice what then?
  12. nation leader loggs of and tells 5 people of his rally to fight it out so he technically had a rally that showed up. Nation nl doesnt get captured.
  13. + Some may say this hapenned in frp but the only reason it worked in frp is their community, unfortunately the lotc community has grown a fear and hate towards conflict rp and now will search ways to avoid it at all cost. but what if he has to "log off to eat"? also this doesnt answer the main problem, the nation leader can just tell his entire nation to not log on and evade the raid
  14. Imagine, A nation leader is standing in a city that you discovered has a way in to enter and you want to capture them. And in order to capture them you now have to tell them that you are going to try and capture them an hour before. If the nation leader doesnt want to be captured he will just log off and tell everyone else in his city to log off. This will be used as a way to evade all kinds of conflict rp by weak cocky nations
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