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Everything posted by beetle

  1. Ada Natalya Colborn dances around in the living room with her parents. "♪ We are fancy now, we dance and we dance to fancy music, with our fancy goats! ♪"
  2. Esmée Gabrielle Kortrevich hangs up the missive in the foyer, proud of her daughter's work!
  3. Esmèe Gabrielle Kortrevich was a jeweler, not a fighter. However that changed today. The Viscountess-regent was busy making swords in her family forge for her kingdom, her righteous home. It's the one place where they accepted her with open arms. "♪ Down with the Orenians, their blood must be spilled, down with the Orenians! ♪" Ada Natalya Colborn sang as she cleaned her family's tavern in Haense. Perhaps this is the start of a new song.
  4. SEEKING DLUM PARCIF Issued by THE VISCOUNTY OF KRUSEV On this day 14th of Joma Ag Umund of 433 E.S. __________________________________________________________________________________ VA VE EDLERVIK, House Kortrevich is saddened to announce the missing remains of all past patriarchs and matriarchs of the family, from Otto I to Jan I. We do not know when the remains were taken but it is very likely they were taken around the time of Elizaveta Alban and Barley Wick’s union. We are unsure of the motive for the stolen bones, leaving the family puzzled. If anyone has any information, please send a letter to Esmée Gabrielle Kortrevich, Viscountess-Regent of Krusev. All we asked for them to be returned safely. We do not wish for any conflict, we want our ancestors to rest in peace. _____________________________________________________________________________________ SIGNÉE PAR, THE HONORABLE, Esmée Gabrielle Kortrevich, Viscountess-Regent of Krusev
  5. beetle

    A Lubba Union

    A certain 'ame screamed from the top of her lungs, "LOTTTTTEEEEEEEEEEE! WE GOTTA DO SOMETHING COOL FOR THEM! LET'S GET THEM A BEAR HEAD!" @marslol
  6. The Viscountess-Regent of Krusev is frantically running around, gathering supplies for the WEDDINGPALOOZA!
  7. MC Name: worldeltaii Discord: dove#0114 Image: Description of Image: It's the family crest of House Kortrevich Dimensions: 1 wide, 1 high
  8. VE KORTREVICH BUSINESSES KORTREVICH KRAFTERS & L’ORCHIDÉE POURPRE COMPANY PEN & INK PENNED ON 8TH OF VYZMEY AG HYFF OF 429 E.S. __________________________________________________________ VA VE EDLERVIK, House Kortrevich is pleased to announce the revival of Kortrevich Krafters, alongside the new beginning of the L'orchidée Pourpre Company, and Pen & Ink. The Viscount and Viscountess-Consort of Krusev have decided to link the three businesses together, to further expand on the families’ creativity and talent. There are three locations where one can find the family businesses. The main and first shop is located within the heart of Karosgrad on the main road. The second location is in Celia’nor, a small tiny stall by the front gates. Last but not least, a small store on the right near the entrance of Vienne. __________________________________________________________ KORTREVICH KRAFTERS Kortrevich Krafters was originally established in 1783 by House Kortrevich in partnership with craftsman Tuvya Hus. However, after many years the company had gone silent until the idea of it’s revival came from the Count Jan Otto Kortrevich, however his untimely death left the project in his youngest son Nikolai’s hands. Now, as the Viscount of Krusev, Nikolai Mikhail Kortrevich has decided to revive the business and add a new variety of products to be sold. Everything sold by Kortrevich Krafters is all made on site at any of the shops or at the Viscounty. Kortrevich Krafters sells a variety of items between farm produce and alcohol all freshly-grown and brewed at the keep, or hand-crafted and stitched by the Viscount and staff themselves. __________________________________________________________ L’ORCHIDÉE POURPRE COMPANY From an early age, Viscountess-Consort Esmèe Gabrielle Kortrevich had an eye for gems, crystals, and the finest jewelry. She also has a sweet tooth for pastries, always munching on a piece. Watching her mother dress up and wear family jewels, and her father baking thousands of pastries for public events, Esmèe had an idea. She wanted to open a business where she could make jewelry, clothing, and goodies for all, no matter their status. And so, the L'orchidée Pourpre Company was made. All items are made by the Viscountess-Consort herself. __________________________________________________________ PEN AND INK Sir Borris Iver Kortrevich has been writing poetry since 411 ES. As time progressed, he has only gotten more comfortable in his works, moving to understand his literary style. This shop is simply to allow access to his published works directly. Complete Volumes of his works shall be available for purchase on the second floor of the shop in Karosgrad and Vienne. __________________________________________________________ All companies are open to commissions. Please send a letter to the corresponding Kortrevich and they will get back to you as soon as possible. Some of the locations are a little bare at the moment, but please check throughout the week to see the new items. Thank you for your business and support. __________________________________________________________ SIGNÉE PAR, THE HONORABLE, Esmée Gabrielle Kortrevich, Viscountess-Regent of Krusev
  9. The Viscountess-Regent sat in her office, staring down at her paperwork. She didn't know what do. Usually, she would've gone to her husband for advice, to cry on his shoulder. But how could she do that if he was in a coma? She was tired of the unfairness that the universe was sending her. She was tired of the constant whispers about her family when she walked through the streets. She was tired of waiting. She was tired of everything. So, Esmée got up from her seat and walked over to the window. All she could do was scream into the void, hoping everything would just stop.
  10. SMALL MAP, SMALL MAP! However! I think ya'll should leave places be. Activity checks make everything and everyone stressed - allowing builds to exist without having a population adds more mystery to the server. When I was a new player a year ago, I was amazed by all the empty/abandoned areas. It kept me interested and curious about the lore behind the server and the area I was exploring. It really does add more feel to the server.
  11. "Is this it? Is this the start of it all?" wondered the Viscountess. Esmée leaned against the doorframe, watching over her sleeping husband. Her hand clutched on her heart locket for dear life, hoping her husband survives. A quiet sigh escaped her, "Dieu, it's not his time yet. Don't take him away from me. Not yet." On the other hand, a certain Mondblume frowned from the Seven Skies. She knew this story already, she knew the ending. However, this is not a story she was willing to watch. She couldn't.
  12. DECLARATION OF REGENCY Issued by THE VISCOUNTY OF KRUSEV On this day 10th of Gronna Ag Droba of 427 E.S. _____________________________________________________________________________________ VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG EDLERVIK, House Kortrevich is saddened to announce a state of regency. The Viscount of Krusev, Nikolai Kortrevich unfortunately had a stroke, and though treatment was delivered quickly, it seems that he has fallen into a state of comatose. It is unknown what could’ve caused the stroke but the family suspects it was stress and overworking. The Viscount’s wife, Esmée Gabrielle Kortrevich, will be acting as the regent until the lord recovers. The family asks for privacy during this time. Prayers are very much appreciated. _____________________________________________________________________________________ SIGNÉE PAR, THE HONORABLE, Esmée Gabrielle Kortrevich, Viscountess-Regent of Krusev
  13. Esmèe was never one to express her thoughts and opinions publicly, she liked to keep to herself. She's always followed that philosophy. As she read the new Queen's rambles, she was surprised to see the opposite. Reading the harsh words made her heart ache for whose who were mentioned. As her eyes read a certain name, she frowned deeply. "... Vy talk and engage with a-" She paused, sighing. Esmèe had standards, she wasn't going to say the word out loud. "Vyr words mean nothing."
  14. AIN MAMETR’S SUPPORT 15TH OF MSITZA AG DARGUND OF 426 E.S. [!] A painting of Esmée Gabrielle Kortrevich holding her youngest daughter, Inessa Louise Roselle Kortrevich. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ VA VE MAMETRZ I HAENSE, When I first became a mother, I was terrified and anxious of motherhood and everything that came with it. Could I truly be a good mother? What if I wasn’t? What could I do to change? Would my children notice? As much as these thoughts clouded my mind while taking care of my little ones, it gave me a solution. I’ve decided to form the Mother Orchid’s Love club for all parents of Haense. Any parent (married, single, nobility or not) is welcomed to join. The support group is intended to help new parents ease into parenthood or those who are currently parents. All meetings will be held at Koenas Street 6. There will be activities and exercises for everyone to engage in. Food and drinks will be served, all homemade. At the end, there will be an open discussion to express any concern or question about being a parent. _____________________________________________________________________________ SIGNÉE PAR, THE HONORABLE, Esmée Gabrielle Kortrevich, Viscountess-Consort of Krusev
  15. The young Captain frowned as Adrianna never arrived to the Seven Skies. "Schwester..." her voice croaked, "You are taking too long to get here." And there she sat. Maya Bishop waited for her until eternally.
  16. The Hyspian 'ame heard her shout from her hammock. She sat up, holding the missive her hand. "SI, I'M READING IT RIGHT NOW!" She waved it around, "It's nice to see someone is stealing their families' plans!"
  17. Esmée Gabrielle Kortrevich starts to knit a sweater for the newborn!
  18. Esmée Gabrielle Kortrevich watched the death unfold during the feast, now terrified of Queen Emma's baking skills...
  19. when is jon getting his own kingdom?
  20. The Hyspian 'ame shook her head, laughing as her eye scanned the missive. Suddenly she stopped as she read 'You will always have a voice as long as you are in Elysium.' She let out a scoff, "Will always have a voice? I spoke up once, ONCE, and I was thrown out like trash. Por favor. Que tonterías."
  21. VE STARRY HJUD BALL 8TH OF TOV AG YERMEY OF 422 E.S. [!] A painting of the night sky in Jerovitz done by Esmée Gabrielle Kortrevich. VA VE EDLERVIK, As spring sways into the Kingdom, House Kortrevich is eager to announce its very own ball: The Starry Night. Hinted within the name, the ball is all about the night sky, moon and stars. Come and revel in the newly transformed Jerovitz ballroom and participate in a multitude of night-themed events. Indulge yourself with a variety of food and drink specially prepared by the Kortrevich family. Guests are encouraged to dress in colors resembling the night such as blues, yellows, purples, whites, and blacks. VE SCAVENGER HUNT To begin the night, several items relating to the night theme will be hidden throughout the Viscounty. Bring a friend along as everyone will be paired up. Each group will be given a book, filled with riddles and stories - hinting where each item could be. The first five groups will be given rewards and prizes. VE STAR PUZZLE There is a folktale about a prince who wanted to win the love of a lady he knew. He thought long and hard, trying to find the perfect gift for her. Then he got an idea, he climbed the tallest tower he could find, catching a falling star for the lady. Unfortunately, he dropped the shooting star, breaking into pieces. The panicked prince frantically put the star back together, the best he could. Due to the story, there’s a wooden star puzzle based on it. Once the wooden star is undone, it is extremely difficult to put back together. If one can put it back the fastest, mina will be given to the winner. VE LANTERN DANCE To end the night, guests will be redirected into the ballroom of the keep for those who wish to dance. For those who don’t wish to dance can partake in the lantern activity. Each attendee will be given a lantern - they can either write a message on it or not before sending it off into the night. “Night” Balls of white, they float ever continuously in the space above us. Halls of sight, the stillness over takes as the deepness settles in. Walls of light, somehow reaching their gentle hands to give us a faint glow. Calls of night, sleep draws upon us, whispering for us to close our eyes. -B.I.K SIGNÉE PAR, THE HONORABLE, Nikolai Mikhal Kortrevich Kortrevich, Viscount of Krusev, Baron of Koravia THE HONORABLE, Esmée Gabrielle Kortrevich, Viscountess-Consort of Krusev HIS LORDSHIP, Borris Iver Kortrevich HER LADYSHIP, Eileen Baruch
  22. The Lady and Her Cow(s) Isabel, Strawberry, & Berrycake [!] A painting of Isabel Fenika Mondblume and her two cows, Strawberry and Berrycake. It was her fourteen birthday, spending time with her close family, the Talonni’kru. They laughed, they cried, they celebrated - all within the keep of Ritchenburg. The young Mondblume never wanted anything more or less. Finally, a family who cared and loved her. Nearing the end of the night, a guest stopped by, Lord Nikolai Mikhail Kortrevich. On further inspection, it was not just himself! He brought friends with him, Shortcake and Strawberry. He came over to the keep to give Strawberry over to her. Just for Isabel. According to the Lord, Strawberry was due in a few months. Which unsettled Isabel, but she was not going to back down so easily. She even wondered if this would prepare her for motherhood. The Mondblume approached the cow, gently caressing Strawberry’s head. The two instantly had a connection. Unfortunately, the night turned sour between Nikolai and Isabel as the Takinni’kru pestered the Lord about his true intentions with her since he had rejected her a while back. Insults and threats were thrown around, leaving everyone distraught. By the end of it, only Isabel and Strawberry were in the keep. In tears, Isabel brought Strawberry into the residence, down the steps, and into the basement where her bedroom was located. After all, who was going to stop her? Her papej, Lord Yvo? Her mamej, Princess Petra? The Talonni’kru? None of them were there anymore. Isabel took out her finest blankets and laid them out on the floor near her desk. Then she went into the hallway, seeking for the supply closet - “borrowing” some pillows. She tossed the pillows around the blanket, all for Strawberry. She wanted to make sure she was comfortable and happy despite the trouble earlier. Strawberry didn’t hesitate another moment and laid down. The Mondblume stared at the cow as she stared back up at her. A huff escaped her - Isabel took it as an invitation and sat down beside her. “Stravberry, I hope vy like vyr new home.” Before the maid went to fetch for the Lord, Isabel had made her way to the Jerovitz barn. As always, she smiled at the bull before her, extending her hand out to him. Shortcake looked up in her direction as if he knew she was. Isabel gently caressed his head with growing tears - she knew his time was coming. “Ea'll be vaiting for vy up there, da? Don’t be scared, ve’ll be there.” She took a few steps back, giving Shortcake space. As Isabel stood there, she remembered something from her childhood. There was a demon who took Nikolai’s eye when it was trying to approach her. Isabel was extremely grateful for his heroic gesture. As a thank you, she made him a cow plush - for the times Shortcake couldn’t be with him. Because of that thought, Isabel began to cry. For her, for Nikolai, but most importantly, for Shortcake. Strawberry, being equally as stubborn as Isabel, refused to lay around and relax. She was always on the move. Not because she didn’t like the keep but because she liked exploring, adventuring. Which most of the time gave Isabel a heart attack. Eventually, the two toured around - seeing new places together. Isabel dressed up Strawberry for every occasion they went to. She always made sure her cow companion was cozy and all prepped. If Isabel was wearing a scarf, so was Strawberry. If Isabel wore a kokoshnik, so did Strawberry. The Mondblumes always had to look good, according to Isabel. “Stravberry, ve’re cute da?” A huff was heard, Strawberry agreed. As Shortcake passed in Nikolai’s lap, the Mondblume made her way over to her own cow. When she approached her stable, Strawberry wasn’t there. Isabel stared at the empty ground, panicking, trying to figure out where she could be. Then it hit her - causing her to run towards the keep of Ritchenburg. Once she got there, she spotted the old cow near the lake. “Stravberry, are vy okay?” The cow turned, ignoring her. “Stravberry, please.” The two stood there, in silence. Isabel slowly walked up to her, resting her head against hers, half hugging her. And there they stood for a while until Strawberry nudged Isabel. At that moment, the Mondblume realized what was going on. Her cow was dying too - she came out to the lake for her last adventure. As Isabel’s life had turned for the worse, she fled to Providence. She took all of her belongings and brought Strawberry with her - after all how could she leave her behind? At first, the home wasn’t really home. It was always bare, empty most of the time. However, love and care was put into the garden. Isabel made sure the grass was perfect for her cow, always trimmed. She built her a wooden shed, if she ever wanted to rest outside. Fresh carrots, water, and wheat were always put out - all for Miss Strawberry. As months passed, another addition was added to the family - Strawberry’s first child. Isabel struggled to name the calf, wanting to find the right name for her. She paced around the garden, saying random names out loud as Strawberry silently judged her with a stare. Suddenly, Isabel snapped her fingers. “Her name vill be… Berrycake! Berry from vy - Stravberry. Cake from Shortcake. Supae eazvar perfect!” Strawberry lifted her head up at the sound of her baby’s new name. She seemed to approve of it. As Berrycake grew older, the three lasses went out and about, on new adventures whenever they could. The two had walked back to Jerovitz, settling down in Strawberry’s stable. The old cow laid down on her stomach as Isabel laid down on her back, right beside her. The Mondblume turned on her side, softly scratching the back of Strawberry’s ear. “Stravberry,” Isabel started to choke on her words, “Ea julamar vy szmavre hauchov.” The cow huffed once more, for the last time, almost as if she was saying ‘I love you’ back.
  23. A certain Mondblume watched from the Seven Skies, wondering if there was a curse within her family. "Why are ve suddenly dropping like flies?"
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