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Status Replies posted by Damnit_Delmar

  1. Comment underneath this post if you're okay with me making "trading card" art of your character and sell them in RP in RNG card packs lol.

    (this is for a future project that I plan to do once I'm no longer busy with graduation. if interested please leave a google doc link with references. ty)

    Examples bellow. (art used as examples are relatively old.)





  2. what are some of the easiest or most efficient in-RP ways to earn mina?

    1. Damnit_Delmar


      Honestly either alchemy potions or selling booze/Cactus Green

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  3. what was the most or least enjoyable CRP/pvp encounter you've ever had?

    1. Damnit_Delmar


      Yo! I'm glad both of you enjoyed those fights, those where probably some of my favorite encounters to be in, @SimplySeoand @lemonke


      My favorite CRP conflict, that I can think of, has to either be the Battle of Serheim. Where my then former king, pretty much helped act as a body shield/medic for the Varg. Either that, or the conflict in the Kingswood; where I pretty much just skulked the woods and fought Templar. Both where pretty close ties, but fun all the same. 


      As for the worst encounters, none really come to mind, but I know I had a few bad experiences. I remember one slightly bothersome, though still had some funny rp now that I look back on it, was when a group of thieves blamed my character for stealing something they where attempting to heist. Which ended up becoming a PVP duel. 

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  4. character design can be an integral factor to storytelling. what are some factors of your character's appearance that relate to symbolism, themes, motifs, or an underlying message?

    1. Damnit_Delmar


      Greed; At first visually, he was just described as wearing fine jewelry, and silks. However as he has progressed as a necromancer I changed that. First it was his undead, with gold cracks and chains. Next when became a lich, he ended up exuding gilded smoke around him. Then when he got conjoined with a phantom, gold cracks appeared on his bones, and when gleaming, he became consumed with golden ectoplasm. 


      Visually it all ties with the characters constant progression of gaining more and more, with his own modification and ascension, being the object of his further greed and desire. 

      Tl:DR; Gold on him makes him greedy. 

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  5. what are your lotc hot takes

    1. Damnit_Delmar


      Magic shouldn't mold the character - the character should mold the magic


      I believe a lot of the current mindset that you have to play a Dark or Divine Magic in a particular way is dumb, and instead of forcing it to one particular culture. It should instead allow anyone to expand and do something different. You should be able to see the Constantine type Warlock, just as you should be able to see the Evil Paladin(not saying they don't exist, but such routes seem to often be frowned upon)

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  6. What is the most balanced MA on the server? What is the least balanced MA on the server?

    1. Damnit_Delmar


      Most balanced - Naztherak

      Least balanced(please fix) - Necromancy

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. LotC Trivia of the Day: On what map did the Warhawkes originate?

    1. Damnit_Delmar


      I hangout with a few former ones, and I think; could be wrong. It was Aethara? That or Arcas. 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  8. Who is the most accomplished player-created protagonist in LOTC history and why? 

  9. actually I'm gonna be deadass I don't think it's a huge deal at all and I feel bad for everyone involved 

    1. Damnit_Delmar


      @Werew0lfAlready made my points up above to what you said, and agree for the most part, so not gonna repeat what has already been said and pointed out. 

      But hey, what can I say, I'm a sucker for some free art 

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  10. actually I'm gonna be deadass I don't think it's a huge deal at all and I feel bad for everyone involved 

    1. Damnit_Delmar


      @DcswordAgree with what you say on that


      @Asutto At one point you could access this server from the main LoTC discord artist commission channel. Once in you could self-assign yourself a role that enabled you to see all those "spicy" chats. 

      Then that is an issue, 100%, however from what limited knowledge I got of the situation it wasn't openly being paraded about as something done. 


      So what are you suggesting? We should shrug off the fact that discord severs ran by Staff Members that are hyperlinked into the main LoTC discord contain **** and other NSFW images can be accessed by anyone?


      Lets be honest here, 100% true transparency, do you honestly truly think that this is the only server that exists that does this type of art? Parading around as though this is some big scandal is laughable. While I don't disagree that its a potential issue, I think treating it as anything more then just something to chuckle about is just dumb. 

      If you don't think Staff and NL have powers you're oblivious. They are community leaders. As MaltaMoss mentioned, they govern over young impressionable children and if those young, impressionable children see that their NL or the player who accepted them to the server is in that discord, they'll likely regard it as a safe place only to be met with photos that belong on Rule34. 

      Respectable stance, however respectfully, if that NL or Staff is knowingly promoting such in their discords that is on the individual and thus should be held responsible for subjugating minors to that sort of content. 

      At this point I'm just playing Devils Advocate, love the actual discussion and being considered the 'One out of touch with reality and morality'. I'm happy to keep on making points and counter claims.  

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  11. actually I'm gonna be deadass I don't think it's a huge deal at all and I feel bad for everyone involved 

    1. Damnit_Delmar


      I think Classy said it best here, as for the prior points you made, if they where already dealt with swiftly then I don't see any reason with bringing it up in the argument. In regards to people being added to the wheel without consenting, didn't they just, ask to be removed? Therefore they weren't actually on the wheel, and that screenshot was made at a bad time lol. 


      All and all, there is fair points, I still think this is all silly; certainly when people act like staff and NL positions are actually something important. I find it funny people are treating those positions like their some real world political power outside of LOTC as a whole, and that this is some great big political scandal. 

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  12. actually I'm gonna be deadass I don't think it's a huge deal at all and I feel bad for everyone involved 

    1. Damnit_Delmar


      Never said it wasn't lotc related, just that it wasn't sponsored by it; huge difference. If the adults of that wheel want to get art, in a 18+ server, of their on volition. Then f*ck it, what actual harm is it doing to the greater lotc populace? I personally don't give rats ass either way, seeing as at the end of the day, its all pixels on a screen.  

      Now if their voluntarily spreading such in LOTC sponsored or official places, inviting minors, ect that is another topic entirely. But for the most part, most people are just malding at adults getting spicy art. I can tell you now, that the greater the voice against it; the more likely peeps have to hide shit. But that's just my own two cents. 

      edit: So ready to be called every name under the sun because I think this entire situation is as goofy as can be

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  13. actually I'm gonna be deadass I don't think it's a huge deal at all and I feel bad for everyone involved 

    1. Damnit_Delmar


      I mean if you wanna look at it objectively, it wasn't even on lotc or an lotc sponsored discord. People really need to stop overreacting and blowing this into something world ending and terrible. Just my two cents though before I've had my coffee.  


      This is just my perspective as an outside observer of it all.

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  14. Remember to ask for invitations to Acalmaehr and Valindra's wedding

    1. Damnit_Delmar


      Murkwater also provides catering services

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. im going to remake devirad 

    1. Damnit_Delmar


      Can I establish a stock brokerage and sell dark mage NFTs and stocks, please and thank you

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)


    1. Damnit_Delmar


      I both thank the acknowledgement, and respect the unintentional necro pun.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)


  18. if you follow the "show, don't tell" rule in roleplay how do you incorporate it? im trying to incorporate it into my own roleplay but im having a bit of trouble lol

    1. Damnit_Delmar


      Depends on the situation, though my biggest advice, is incorporating either use of the senses/facial expressions.


      Whether it be feeling a sense of anxiety, so you freeze in place, start to sweat, shortness of breath, taste bile. Or if your in a fight and trying to portray exhaustion, your breathing feels more ragged, lungs tend to burn, sweat dripping into your eyes causing to have blurry vision


      Uncertain if this will help at all

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  19. taking a shot for every 

    'DM me for Ghoul'


  20. Who else produces Minecraft books of lore since I've stopped logging in? I can't cap, Im almost getting that itch to log in and get ya'lls good stuff in the game.

    1. Damnit_Delmar


      I've been writing poetry on certain lore in game if that helps. Hopefully more books in game will incite others to write more

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  21. If anyone wants to contribute to the second attempt at Vexing (which narrowly passed :( ) contact me in the forums or on discord!

  22. anyone who make free skins haha aha a

  23. qotd: what was the most memorable, authentic, story-driven, good-faith narrative or even one-time RP encounter you've ever participated in?

    1. Damnit_Delmar


      Back when I was just doing grunt cultist rp for @_Leyd


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  24. qotd: what's something that strikes true, raw fear into your character? it could be a person, a concept, a magic, etc. you could also talk about an RP interaction relating to a time they were afraid of something, somewhere

    1. Damnit_Delmar


      Losing everything he has built and created for himself

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  25. what's the craziest encounter you've had with a new player

    1. Damnit_Delmar


      Had a new player try to fight and kill me after I did some schizo preacher rp. Then, he proceeded to throw what he thought, was a one shot assassin item. When he showed it, was just an iron nugget with two lines of description. Did not even have a signature or anything. Had to explain to him how items, and item signatures work. Also about lore items, and poisons and the like. 


      Was interesting rp, wonder what he is doing now. 

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

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