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Royal Peasant

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Everything posted by Royal Peasant

  1. Mega beard, shrouded danger, and a adorable bean. Some interesting range of skins you have here. Looking good!
  2. I always do enjoy writing the tales you bring to life lumi. Thank you for another fun read!
  3. The scholar of a taverns uncle blinked as he heard tales in the wind of a place, something that sparked a gleam of interest as he lifted his head up from the tome he was writing with a tap of his fingers upon the spine of the tome the tool was etching silver ink into. "Well now...this sounds interesting. Aye whole new island with fauna, and creatures yet to be discovered....if we had wanted to fill the shelves of this adventure hall with tomes this seems like aye apt time." Interest peeked he set down the current project. Setting it down to the side for later and drew parchment. Starting to write down on parchment as he prepared the letters to inform the others of the guild. Adventure awaits!
  4. While I never have money for these arts. Its always fun to just take the time and look up the arts, and take them in at times. Beautiful works.
  5. The uncle grins even further at the new piece of information being shared with him. Quickly checking the crystal cask of the rotwater that they had recovered, and he had personally brought back to ensure that it was ready for the big event. Pleased as he felt his breathe 'burning' just being near the bottle. "We will finally find someone that is worthy, and able to handle you. And bring honour to your ancient brew." Yet those words brought a deep, rumble chuckle from his chest as he pictures the 'scene' that the celebrations will bring and all the challengers will face.
  6. The uncle of the tavern, of the lady herself grinned with a maw full of sharp canines as he clapped his hands together. It was time to brew! Sweet water, rot water, fire water, so many special time of 'addicting' waters he had brewed together. "This is going to be fuuuuuun~ Niece, can't believe ya brought that idea to live."
  7. I'm likely not the best person to be considering something like this. I do know that the map has a lot of unused space as it it currently, a lot of places that don't have roleplay and many times when players just don't encounter each other due to the sheer scale of the map. So a small one could benefit from that. But on the con side a lot of that unused space is used for events, and if we shrink things done there will be less space for events from both players and from the story team to work with. On the biomes. I would love more environments to work with, new climates, appearance of different stone, earth, trees, all bring a new avenue of opportunity for people to work with in a creative environment. But of course, with a smaller map that would limit the amount of biomes we could work in without it feeling unnatural and squeezed in. But with the large map we have new ones would work. Both ideas have cons, and pro's to them. Its certainly something to consider.
  8. I can see it! Both for me and for my loveable character. Both of us have the 'beard's these puppers have.
  9. This sounds interesting. What animal would I be?
  10. Tale of Flowers Once upon a time, deep within a forest a man sat within a nook within the forest. Paints, brushes, and paper before him as he began to create a guide through artwork for a student of his. Yet the wild man brought surprise to a wandering elf when she spotted him, making her jump in surprise and almost drew a knife on the man! All things said, it could have been the worst first encounter. Yet from there, the pair of them began to talk, and get to know each other. And in time the nook within that forest became a meeting place for the pair for many years. The artwork that the woman watched him paint turned into inkwork that he would start to mark, and paint against her body. Turning her into a canvas for the artist, and soon introduced him to others that he would create pieces upon. Growing closer, and closer as the years began to pass. They began to have adventurers together exploring the land, going by sea. Seeing whales, dolphins, and sharks as they explored the world. Ruins, buildings. Hidden little villages. New discoveries were found and even festivals joined. Even dancing within the founding celebration of a new settlement. They both found love, and lost love over thirty years of knowing each other. A growing friendship through hardship, comforting each other and being a soothing balm for each other. Flowers began to decorate their life and the presence of each of them being a gentle comfort for them to relax, and be soothed by. Neither knew exactly when the friendship, care, and comfort for each other bloomed into love, into a warmth in their heart that couldn’t be shaken or lost. As they took in a child that was found in a bush and raised them together, as the artist found himself a father and his heart claimed by her. The muse to his mind and soul. As he became her Mimosa flower, and she, his Canvas, his heart. But here they were, ready to be married. And they kindly invite you to join them in this celebration of union.
  11. The Valah Warrior, the Valah bard, the Valah drui. The man of bismuth and guard of the glade had witnessed...another life lost. Too much lost in a single battle against the constructs made of stone and fire. His mind flashed to the final image he had seen of the man, defiant, blade in hand, just witnessing the top of his head and his sword held high before he vanished under a swipe of steel and fire. He did not realize what had happened to the man until they had returned, until they had retreated. Gathering their wounded. One soul at a time. From Rhae, who clung to life, who had bathed in liquid metal and had a arrow the size of a spear dug deep into her. To Eretria who lips poured with blood and her breathe came out in shock. To Lillyana who flesh was burned by the metal that had been heated. His mind danced to them all. Yet he had not seen Avius, the defiant, who's will was strong with his believes and he had never seen shaken even in the end. Unaware of the man's final thoughts. Respect reached out for him. Just as when he had been defiant against the colossus foe, where he had prayed. Prayed for the Aspects to guide his blade. Now he offered a prayer, of a different intention, a different soul. This one to help guide his weary soul to a place of rest surrounded by friends, and comfort of the kin who had passed many. For the eternal forest to be a place of comfort where the sword might finally be laid down to rest.
  12. Oh now this looks fun. I would love to take on a fully body of my character if that would be possible! Mina in particular.
  13. He looked, gazing upon the tree that had grown where a life had once been as the sweeping emotion of nature, and life still echoed through his body with a gentle vibration that caressed his senses. Sorrow tickled with relief, with joy, emotions colliding and leaving a conflicting feeling. His mind moving over the few, little memories he had of the woman herself. A pleasant life, a good soul. Kindly and gentle from what his memories brought up. "I didn't know you for long...but I do hope that, wherever you ended up within the eternal forest, it is in a place surrounded by those that care for you. To welcome you with a warm, tender embrace." He voiced with a gentle whispered tone. A bow of his head in respect towards the tree, the memory, and growth of the life that had passed before he departed. Leaving the land once more to return to his burrow. And to help the land in his own way as best as he could.
  14. Ser Roylan Grant Sirame finally felt the soothing, gentle soul of the land instead of the twisted silence, and then the scream of nature had finally gone...silence. Peace reigned through his mind as the echo of sorrow of the parting mixed together with the relief of the land and the soft pulse of air. Departing from the place the collision had clashed as the vision of those mani sparked within his eyes. And flashed within his memory. The great moose that had stepped over them within the end. "This...this is going to stick with me for awhile..."
  15. Tale of the Thresher Maw It was sighted shored upon the deep, burning sands of the south, when throats had thirsted for the sweet taste of firewater upon their lips. The ship had been enticing: battered and worn with age, but standing strong and hearty. Cautiously did the travellers approach, their investigations spurred on by respite and desire. They found no life aboard, yet signs of its activity filled the ship: skulls adorned every corner, every corridor, heads in various states of damage and decay decorating the captain's quarters. Should the owners themselves return... these travellers were not willing to risk an ambush, and so they left, taking nothing to not give away their presence. One man, however, looked upon this vessel with a different eye, taking a certain bottle by his own hand; the seeds of ambition had taken root. Time passed. The man who had finally acquired his sweet waters began to plan, and for many months did this plan simmer, as the ship never seemed to leave or raise anchor. Further scouting was performed, trusted allies spoken to, and those that would join the heist recruited. Having gathered a band of men, women, and a daft child that followed after them despite the dangers and warnings, they made for the ship to claim it for themselves. Alas, despite all of their scouting, they had missed an important truth; one soon found out as the first of his men began to creep upon it... They were pirates, pirates of undeath! Alarms were rung and cannons were armed with coconuts to fire down upon the advancing band! A monkey of a man with a patchwork of dead fur swung from the rafters and sent a hail of ammunition descending towards them. But as swift as the rain fell, the men continued to advance, fiery passion and cries of battle roaring as armour clanged and clamoured, the twang of bows echoing in the air as they dove into the water and climbed onto the vessel! The fight was fierce, the deck collapsing from each heavy blow, sending several men plummeting into the depths of the ship with the undead pirates. Their captain revealed himself, throwing the man that had organised the operation through a window in the process... an abomination of a shark with black ichor pouring from its sickly maw! The trusted ally, Taal, almost fell to the brutal assault of the captain, but quick-thinking Tally-bones saved the life of this dearest and cherished friend of many. The head of the beast was severed, the undead brought low. Only the monkey escaped, but their hat was stolen by an Uruk named after a fish of the abyssal deep. And so the Thresher Maw was claimed, and the highlander who began this operation, this theft of ships, became a captain with a straw hat resting comfortably upon his crown. —--------------- Repairs were made, the sails turned to red and green, mirroring a festive theme. With it restored to its full lustre and form, cannons shined and cannon balls forged, the ship was ready for an expedition! And so began the first of many voyages out into the deep unknown. There were voyages without danger, that brought warmth to the hearts of those that looked out across the ocean. Whales that rose up to greet the travellers as they explored the seas, an awe-inspiring sight to the crew that might have rested upon the deck in those hours. Dolphins that ran alongside the ships, diving amongst schools and colours of sea life dancing through the crystal clear waters. Bardic spirits were well-sated by these feasts of inspiration. But the sea wasn’t always so kind. It was a day of foreshadowing; rot and butchered beasts floated within the waves, spreading a foul scent over the winds that basked the hull of the ship and wreaked sickness among the crew. The captain guided the ship closer to investigate the unnatural waters, to find the source. Yet - it was a trap, a trap by a cunning creature that had left prey wasting away to lure in something larger. Meatier. It slammed into the side of the ship and sent it rocking, almost flinging many of the crew into the waters themselves as the call to arms was bellowed! The iridescent-scaled serpent of the sea slowly revealed itself as it reared its horrific head from the waters. Blind, but a maw filled with razor sharp teeth that hungered for all that it could sense as its thrashings hammered against the deck. And so the battle began. It was a grievous assault. Men were almost devoured, pierced through by its fangs that seemed to cut the very air, only to be saved by the rest of the crew. Cannon fire cracked scales and bloodied the beast. Arrows could only spark against them, a natural armour as hard as platemail, yet found flesh in the cracks that the cannons caused. Flames caught within the maw of the beast as a man shrouded in a blindfold sacrificed themselves, igniting a potion as the creature bit down upon them. The crew, and the ship, just managed to survive. The beast fell dead, laid to rest over the deck of the ship itself. Bone, flesh, scales and fangs were claimed as trophies, brought back to be cooked - a feast for their people after a successful hunt. —--------------- Pirates, undead, and monsters from the sea itself joined together in unison to attack and scorch the land, alongside the ships and their people who dared to venture out into the waters. Their homes burned, their ships sank. Ruin and death ravaged the domain, the ruthless and insane pirates of death finding no solace even as their numbers dwindled, abyssal abominations falling one by one as everything turned to ash. Yet surprisingly, when everything was said and done - when all the ships had plunged into the depths to finally sleep - the Thresher Maw was the only one that still stood. Waiting proudly within the waters for future ventures. —--------------- The actions of the pirates were not something to be taken lightly. They rebuilt, recovered, the lands restored and information gathered to find just where this enemy was residing. Allyship was born with men of faith and bearded folks, and so they came to retaliate as one. The Thresher Maw, unfortunately, was not brought back to avenge its fallen this time. Instead, the crew boarded a new vessel, a gift from these men of faith, with which they led their armada bow-first into violent fray. The pirates' ships burned, their people cut down, and even their sea beast, a monstrosity with tendrils upon tendrils to bear against such righteous onslaught, found itself unable to halt the tides. Yet, this battle bore its own costs. The ship of the faithful sank, lost to cannonfire like many of the pirates' own. From this wilderness of wooden corpses, the crew managed to salvage a single rowboat, joining the Thresher Maw as it rested in its home waters, ready for the next expedition. Which wasn’t long away… —--------------- As the location of the base, the island which the pirates called their own, was discovered. The guardians of the glade stepped upon the ship, an operation of stealth, surveyance and sabotage to be held as they set sail. As they neared, a fog crept in, and with it, a siren's call; Perhaps only a few, perhaps a great chorus, a sultry but morbid melody that also heralded the arrival of monstrous fishmen. One of the crew was captivated, and lured to their death. They gleaned what information they could bit by bit as they avoided the unnatural glow of a lighthouse. Eventually, the light died out, as if it had stopped its search. The eagerness of the crew did not heed caution and rushed to the lighthouse to investigate. A crystal of blood was found upon the top of the tower - but suddenly, an unnatural presence slammed and locked the door behind them. A great explosion burst the top of the tower and alerted the rest of the island to their existence. Retreat was the only option. Arrows flew through the air and cut through the sails as the crew fled a veritable army of pirates, rabid faces ignited in fury and desire to lay claim to their lives. But they escaped! Information in hand. Successful through the flames. —--------------- The final voyage of the once-pirate ship Thresher Maw came in the last expedition out to attack the pirate island. Unfortunately it was not with a familiar crew; only the strawhat captain guided the ship out with Uruk allies singing shanties and arming themselves for combat. The Uruks did not even wait for the ship to reach the shores before they dove off and swam fervently to begin their raid. Rejoining his allies, the captain of straw found himself in battle on land, when a vessel twice the Thresher Maw's own size pulled itself out of the fog and fired upon the ship. There was no way to defend, to fight back. Cannons fell, wood splintered, water rushed in through the gaps. Once a pirate ship, sunk by its own blood. The end of the Thresher Maw was an ironic fate. Captain no more, the man who favoured his hat of straw, teeth, and scale searches once more for a vessel to call his own.
  16. Roylan has been through many things, at the start of his journey in lotc I feel like he would of been listening to music like this. While now he's calmer, more gentle spirited and generally enjoying life to its fullest with a straw hat on his head. Even a father.
  17. Brother Bismuth considered this mission as the sanguine blood of the blighted skies were being cleansed from his arm and garb by alcohol. Purifying his garbs with the clear, pure liquor and filling his home with that stench. Tapping his fingers upon the record he read it with a gleam of thought. "It had been aye relieve when the waters had finally came to an end in their down pour...but that, combined with the screaming of the land had truly strained me will and patience...That basin of nature had been aye blessing for us in that spot." His mind thought on the connection to the great, elder tree, the sense of warmth he felt, the wisdom that filled his mind. "The old lady had been lovely to speak with. Aye do hope that their seedlings do spread well once the lands are healed so we have more gentle souls spread across the land..." His eyes travelled further, onto the battle. His mind going through the rather short battle and finding his lips twitching with a smile. "Aye...don't actually think anyone got hurt did they? Aye almost feel bad for the mages with how quickly they were dealt with....though considering their attempting to end the world. That would truly be foolish." With a final hum he left to the library and returned the documents to the shelves. "We have our course now....hopefully the sacrifice shall not be one too large..." That reminder brought a moment of pain to his heart for the unknown who was going to pain the price. Already feeling the ache to his heart, and the flicker of his inner flame with concern for how that was going to play out.
  18. Brother Bismuth looked over the records of the voidal hunt as he brushed over the details. Letting out a little melody of a hum that fluttered from his lips that danced into the air as he explored each image with a pondering gleam. "The stick did well to guide us through the maze of the voidal hollow...it does seem that we have treaked through there enough to avoid being 'teleported' like we had when we first ventured the hollow." He mused aloud as he brushed over the details with his large fingers. "Valmir toes had also been crushed by the boulder when we evaded that, but aye guess since their metal that doesn't count. There was so many of us that had almost been caught by that massive stone...shame Everwinter didn't get the death he always talks about having!" He voiced with a light laugh before he moved further down the report. Seeing the sneaky part a quirk of his lips pulled up into a smile as he takes the details in. "That sneaking had been aye good plan. One of the few times aye could use me height to me advantage to get everyone up over the ledge without being noticed. They hadn't been expecting that." Finally he thought back to the vision of the tree springing to life and the rift almost swallowing a friend of there's with a moment of pondering consideration.
  19. A man blinked as his sister passed him a missive she had discovered. Intrigue taking hold as he accepted it as they observed a lesson of the spirit and his eyes danced upon the page. Taking in the words. "Aye poetic spirit...aye poetic soul. Yet one that walks among the blood of cold, gripping dread and calls us mortal...which is very true, for all things should be." He voiced as he folded the missive and offered it back. "We shall see what this entity is, eventually. Aye am sure."
  20. Strolled by and blinked in confusion as he saw the sight of someone being amped up with everyone taking a 'stance' to build up their spirit. He slowly cocked his head, witnessing the sight before him with a puzzled set of eyes for a good long moment. And then the horn was blown! A blast of powerful lungs giving the horn of nevaehlen flowing deep and loudly throughout the entire forest for all man, child, and beast to hear! Just before the ground resounded with the winded man's body. "Nice pair of lungs ya have there lad!"
  21. If we're talking about sea food we must bring up the delicious existence that is prawns.
  22. A man listened to this news, and took a stolen little peek at the signature that was marked upon the pages as he lets out a hum and smiled softly as he saw the knowledge on the pages. "Miven signature is the best one on this page." He voiced with a spark of amusement as he reached out for his mug and pulled it to his lips. Taking a big gulp and letting the liquid flow and fill his body and flow through his being as he lets out a warm, flowing breathe. "Ay'elame! Niece, chiefs, and llir's. Lets drink well to celebrate the end of these wars and heralding in more peace!"
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