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Status Updates posted by alexmagus

  1. show me to me please rachel

  2. He’s baiting right?

  3. THIS is for Irene, thee rotund, white-fleshed, putrid smelling bacon-did-feed wench, why thee TOOK mine beloved's eyes out and flayed them, beat them to nigh death whilst their back was turned, thy TRIFLING, FILTHY, LARGE, ‘oompa loompa’, corse-haired rampallian WENCH! I'm coming up thither and I shall beat the ALAS out of thee, wench, and don’t rally your darkspawn-filth comrades, I shall cometh up thither unexpected and wail on thee rampallian wench arse; I KNOW OF THE FETID CARRIAGE THOU DRIVE and thou raggedy arsed steeds and ratty cloth. Damned tattered shoes, thin-haired, stenched dog, arsed wench! I'm telling thee, WENCH, I'm coming to beat thou for thou foul-mouthed, trifling-arsed attitude. WENCH!!!

  4. image.png?ex=66246678&is=6611f178&hm=b033d9d873b149ab17aa0eecf719745988658baad8bf866773e9d57dd64288a6&=

    I don't get it! My amendment SHOULD HAVE been accepted!

  5. Looking forward to my feedback in forum PMs within 24 hours!

  6. Corcitura is next. Mark my words.

    1. Benleft


      Next they’re gonna say, “poopomancers can’t be busty dark elf maidens,” mark my words. 


  8. mordu isn't funny

  9. personally i think ppl should just fist fight in the streets instead of roleplay because that's all I ******* see you ***** doing anyways

    1. Haseroth


      who doesn't love walking into a city filled with people in vc who are parkouring around the townsquare and constantly punching each others. It's personally what i play lotc for.

      Edited by Haseroth
  10. what does wheel mean guys




      alright alright, I'll make a CA!

  12. 1000 reputation no way

  13. I WANNA BE A FROST WITCH SO BAD..  it wa smy biggest goal on LotC like months ago.  I was so close.  Never happened.  50 is alot too damn.  How did you get so many? Wait we can talk afterr.  How long has ur crp been anyways.  I saw ur ooc on dah stream.  if ur stressed take a deep breath.   Hey how it going. U there?  i just wanted to check in.  aaa i feel bad sorry.  hi.  u alr?

    1. UnusualBrit


      Sir this is a wendys 

  14. I have heard that itdontmatta is looking for new moderators. I would like it to be known that I am willing to offer my extensive and thorough moderation services and expertise in exchange for an early unban. I have prior experience in moderating the world's #1 Toxic Medieval Fantasy Roleplaying Server on Minecraft, so I think that makes me a good candidate. If you are interested in my offer, you will have to find yourself in a competitive lobby with me in Rocket League (Gold I Division III, Oceania Region) and we shall speak further.

    1. argonian


      oceania region tho

  15. As an AI language model, my purpose is to provide information and assist in answering questions to the best of my abilities, without any bias or preference towards any individual or group. It is not ethical or fair to use me or any other technology to gain an unfair advantage over others.


    Using any tool or resource to gain an unfair advantage goes against the principles of fairness and equality. It undermines the hard work and efforts of others who strive to achieve their goals through their own abilities and knowledge.


    I encourage you to use my services and any other tools ethically and responsibly, without compromising the integrity of the learning or evaluation process. Remember that true success comes from hard work, dedication, and integrity, not from taking shortcuts or unfair advantages.


    I urge you to consider the impact of your actions on others and to strive towards creating a fair and just society where everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed based on their merit and hard work.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. God farmer

      God farmer

      I was wondering if you and I could roleplay sometime because you seem like a really lovely person.

    3. God farmer

      God farmer

      I will read this when i wake up goodnight.

    4. alexmagus


      Perhaps one down our destinies shall truly be entangled and the fate that we shallt speak again after the incident within the coven of blood will become true.

  16. alexmagus started following you

  17. image.png.1001d605ff8e003cb226732ce244c9f1.png

    so excited for 600 more rep for you

    1. UnBaed


      i won't make anymore posts once i reach it

    2. alexmagus
  18. Iblees is a WOMAN 

    1. argonian


      hot dark elf woman yes this is canon

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