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Everything posted by Zemzy_Oakheart

  1. A certain Herrlichkeit had been toiling away in the fields with a light headache from recent events. Though she stopped as she'd felt the hairs prickle up the back of her neck as she'd known something seemed off.... Something she wasn't informed of as she felt the hole in her chest grow deeper still.
  2. Finding a missive of such news along the river's edge about her home & a flier that seemed to have been lost to the wind, Rhosyn would manage to track the parchment down until the breeze subsided to read its contents in worry. She'd already been shaken up by finding the homes empty, the streets riddled with many bootprints & not a single soul in sight that day before. The teen was outright worried for the man as she'd not seen the damage that could've been caused, though memories fancied her fear upon the decree. "...." Rhosyn hesitated to say anything at first to herself; as much as she feared the man, she also had the subconscious thoughts to respect him for being older & with more experience of life beneath his belt than she. "...What have ya done...." It was all she could repeat to herself as Rhosyn could feel her hands tremble a bit, her eyes tearing up as she didn't know what to do.
  3. Returning to the settlement with a small bundle of fish in tow, Rhosyn looked confused & more-so worried as she'd noticed the MANY bootprints upon the paths. Not a single soul in sight with answers, but a gut-wrenching sense of dread befell her thoughts as she dropped the semi-alive fish upon the ground in search of anyone; her cousin, her siblings.... Even the Chancellor himself. As much as she feared his might & even grew cocky in the past with the way she'd spoken to him, she worried for his safety as the man was much stronger than herself. Checking through each building, under every rock, within every irrigation unit in the farm fields, Rhosyn could not find anyone. "...What.. have ya d-done...." The teen would mumble to herself as she kept her shepherd's crook of a walking stick close, the only comfort she would find this day being the light upon her stick to enlighten the emptiness that would surround her.
  4. From within the walls of Savoy, did Reetus' younger sister reside as the days grew colder in spirit; with Mori attempting each day to reach into the refugee camps with others shouting out "ASSASSIN! ON THE ROOF!" or finding others picking the dead bodies apart to study in full view, Blume Herrlichkeit sat beside a campfire that she'd aimed herself to face the aviary. The warmth of the fire would not reach her no matter how close she sat near the flickering flames, dancing upon the snackrifices of fuel others would simply call kindling wood. She had awaited any responses to the notes she'd sent to others; some responded, others bid her a greeting in passing along the streets but left to tend to other matters, things that seemed more important than her as she'd seen it but she'd given up on complaining about it within such dark days.... "Weetus...." Blume muttered to herself under her breath, she'd not received any letters from him in all the years they'd been apart. She remembered the last time she'd seen him was either back when their related cousin had brought her to Helious to spend a month together in metaphorically-churned waters, or when they were younger for Krugmas' memories within a city she hadn't stepped foot in for the recent half of her lifetime. She'd remembered them within the past year, & those memories jogged more than enough of an urge to send letters & ask friends to help Blume search for her big brother. She missed Reetus more than he'd ever know; the way she looked up to him within Old Minitz, when the pair of siblings would document the bugs he'd collect within those years into a large compilation that still resided within the collection of tomes preserved from the library she once ran herself. Blume wondered who the name was that shared the same page before when her memories had been lost the day a certain adoptive father now had been put to trial in Urguan, but she knew something had been missing all this time. Despite the deeply seeded ache within the bottom of her heart, Blume could feel a force shift within the world for her, even if she didn't know yet. "..He'll.... have to.. make it to Savoy soon.... It's.. so dangerous out there.... Please... big brother, I.. I need to catch up with you.... You're.. you have to be alive out there, somewhere.... I just.. have to wait for your letter...." & so, the path to insanity had begun; a piece of her memories clicked into place that dug deeper within her mind that she'd never thought would ever surface, that never seemed true when she'd not once thought about it before.... It was just as their parents had disappeared from this plane; Blume was truly the last Herrlichkeit. A Lilting Flower's Melody
  5. "Is there anyone in the city a medic?" The streets of Savoy had been bustling with life before the calm had been shifted by the metaphorical storm that had arrived. From the square itself as she'd been conversing with someone she'd been looking forward to catching up with after so many years apart, Blume Herrlichkeit's head lifted up at the sound of panic. "Hello sir could you help us at our camp.There's jest someone wounded in Mini Minitz.... Barclay." Another piece to the amnesiac puzzle had clicked as she'd began to remember why Blume carried a medical satchel within her own bag everywhere she went. "I'm... a medic" The woman mumbled to herself after the one she spoke with had broken off from their conversation to speak with people entering the makeshift refugee town. Worried about the situation, Blume would walk to the other side of the square to see how serious the situation was for the victim before another piece of the puzzle clicked for her at hearing the one she'd spoken with earlier, “I've a hatred for Minitz Barclays…but my oath as a medic is more important. Bring them to the clinic here.” Barclay.... was all it took to snap that memory back into place for Blume as she didn't seem to focus on the world for however long it had taken to tend to the wounded. Even if she wanted to go & help with her own knowledge on medical practice she'd acquired from the past, her legs held her back whether she thought about it or not. With how long it'd been since people had seen her within her own homestead & afterwards, seeing the soldiers wounded on arrival made her heart sink for them, her memory had flashed back to the walled city as she couldn't help but feel her tears begin to fall for the place she'd been born in so long ago. Her heart lurched at the thought of such a place falling to any force before even Adria had nearby & yet... the worst was more likely to come as she took a moment to realize the situation. "..Yvian.... & Barclays...."
  6. From within Savoy would a certain figure would frown at being shown the missive. With a furrowed brow & setting the paper down upon the desk alongside her finished soup bowl, Blume would hesitate about the name said parchment posed to her. "..Max...-" was all Blume would be able to mutter as she'd only had a brief moment to think before her thoughts clicked together much easier than it had been over the years; she had remembered Maximus as he was a child way-back-when, but things must have changed more than she'd thought since then. She hadn't been in touch with them in so long.... It'd take a moment or two before Blume could recollect her thoughts from the mental whiplash of memories returning, she paused before looking down to the parchment one last time before picking it up once more & crumpling it into a ball. "I'm... not surprised, supposed-papa Greg.... At least you sent a letter somewhere after all this time, & yet... you still haven't returned any of mine to answer my questions from before I woke up...." Her personal monologue heard by no one in particular with the empty room. "....Good luck with whatever you do, but you've broken a promise to me for the last time...."
  7. Rhosyn Mösu smiled as she'd read over the parchment her brother Pyeter had brought home for her to find, the young teen's nerves a bit more at ease. "A new home? Closer t' others & cultural benefits?" She couldn't help as she could feel a new era of flourishing for the town about to begin as she looked over to her mule, Eeyore, resting within his stable. "Eeyore~! Ah' hope yer bags can carry all the journals downstairs~!"
  8. Sitting upon a wall ledge with a plate of unfinished dough, allowing the lump to rise beneath the sunlight sat a saddened Blume with trembling hands as she'd been given a copy of the missive from her papa himself as a solid reminder to remember. Her hands trembled for what seemed an eternity as she'd felt a crack in her thoughts break her usual empty-mindedness from the fog as the light had torn through a bit within herself. "Adilers... like Tobi.... Cousin.. Tobi...." Her gaze couldn't look away from the words upon the paper for what seemed like an eternity, but was only several hours in reality. She'd lost sight through her gaze within the first couple of minutes as the tears flowed without restraint down her cheeks, into her lap, or onto the floor. She recognized the surname from the times she'd seen Tobias around town, before the Mori elves had fallen Amathea in the west. "I-I.. remember the.. t-tavern king.... the m-muscle man.... I... I think I'm... . . ." Without having much time after managing to usher the words that clawed up her throat from the pit of her stomach, the feeling of something else followed suit in relation to Blume's emotions as she had to lean over the ledge to expel the metaphorical butterflies in her stomach out to begin her sanity's descent.
  9. From across the river did a set of eyes find the news posted along the road, the woman's brow furrowed in a bit of irony at such a sight posted. "Tch," The woman's heavy boot steps resounded amongst the fields of wheat she tended to across the land for Aaun, "Sounds like m'lady's plights bu' in th' ci'y i'self.... Wonder why they don' ever did i' fer Petsch & th' Herrlichkeit fam'ly?" The brunette's long, braided locks draped over her shoulder as her Scottish accent went unanswered within the golden fields; the scythe whisked away the wheat, bundling it under her arms as she continued on, repairing the irrigation of the land that had been neglected for years. "Yuh'd think they be takin' care of their own kind wit' tha' kind uh irony...." No one would answer the brunette as she worked away in silence after that, minding her own business as the missive was dismissed from her thoughts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile, within the south sat a lumberjack growing into her much older years. She'd kept up on what news she could of lands she'd been in decent standings with in the least over the years & was mainly staying at home recently to relax from the hard days of toiling away in the woods. Seeing such news as she'd taken the opportunity to check in made her furrow her brow a bit in confusion. "Huh, so they give a scheisse about a dead duke, but not for the men who helped structure their laws?" Zemzy Oakheart would question herself as she sat by the fireplace, a boar of considerable size at this point had grown over the years as it lay beside her feet in content. "Looks like another iler takin advantage of their power again, I hope they haven't lost their one brain cell the last time I visited so long ago.... What do yew think, Borealis?" The woman asked her companion beside her feet, its tusks much longer now as it looked up to her with a yawn. "....Fair, they're.. doing what they can to survive at this point.... Hope things don't burn down like the 'aherals did recently.... I pray they don't come knockin on our doors next...."
  10. From the distant shores of a flowering town, hidden within forests of the west, did Blume overhear the news from the family discussing such news within the keep. She had heard the name before in court as she'd recognized it somehow, but couldn't remember where from. Hearing the gentleman's name once more with even more grave tones than before did her tears began to silently leak without warning. "Why am I crying....?" She asked herself in confusion as her amnesia had continued to fog her thoughts, even stopping to eat as she excused herself from the table in an attempt to cease the trickling stream from dripping upon the table.
  11. As one of the many missives would float through Pavia's streets, Blume Herrlichkeit von Roa would find a copy upon the library's front desk for her to possibly pin up. Reading it over, she would recognize her late uncle's name in bold letters upon the parchment with a bit of confusion. "How can someone catch Uncle Ori who's been dead for years....? What kind of mischief could he have possibly gotten into....?" She would sigh as she decided to crumple up the paper & toss into the bin behind the counter to take out later, "It's been so long since I've even seen him, I hope he's alright...." With that out of the way, Blume would resume her general duties of realigning books stacked upon the shelves & sweeping the library.
  12. From the shores of Pavia, Blume Herrlichkeit would hear the news from a slip of paper slid under her bedroom door, enclosed in an envelope with a wax seal. With a curious glance over the mail to read the Herrlichkeit name upon the front, she would open it to read as she sat more reclined at her desk; a book was lain out as Blume had been working on some writing & took a break to sip some blood lotus tea she had made herself, a small chicken perched in her lap as it purred upon her dress. With a moment to read the parchment inside, Blume couldn't help but nearly expel her tea out her nose from holding in the urge to spit it out at the news; the chicken upon her lap even startled enough by her movements that it sqwaked nervously & fluttered its preened wings for a moment. "Cousin Tobi's getting married??" She was surprised to find out she had missed so much, despite trying to visit every so often & missing her chances with each year that had passed by. Blume would settle herself down before gently petting the chicken's back to calm it down as well, feeling sorry for her subject to be upset on her actions. At least she'd left a gift for them in advance, though a thought crossed her mind as she mumbled to herself in thought. "Maybe... I'll attend, but stay in the back so as not to disrupt the evening; I wish I would've met this 'Mead' person before, but I'm sure they're happy together if they plan on going through with such a commitment.... I'll have to leave after the ceremony though to tend to other things, check on the Gardyn of Feedyn...." ((OOC: I'm sorry i can't make it with my work shift keepin me for an hour even after the event, but i'm happy for both of yew havin such a great moment to remember~!)) ❀
  13. From within the mess hall of the Lord's Keep in Pavia, did Blume Herrlichkeit von Roa hear the news. A soft sigh would be heard from the young woman, sitting upon the bench at the table; a bowl of blueberries she'd plucked herself beside her on the table as she read a missive that had been left there. "Val...." She would utter under her breath as she read the name, "I'm not surprised your antics had caught up to you, but you let a good man go when you had a chance at a good life.... I.. hope the Almighty Spider weaves you into the stars...." She would've finished the sentence, but that wouldn't seem to fit the mood she was in this month.
  14. books? editing? end of March where my birthday lies? Sign me up in helpin~! I'll send yew a message on Discord since i used to go to college as an English major <3
  15. Traveling to & fro across East Fleet on her toasted-brown horse Top Soyle, the teenage Blume Herrlichkeit was in the middle of helping her adoptive family in sorting out the new village within Urguan & was bringing more supplies when her eye caught a glimpse of a paper scrap pinned beside the dockside banker of this news. Miss Sarah? Her childhood teacher? Blume thought to herself as she nearly fell off her horse to halt fast enough to reverse to read the flyer more properly. A picture of the same blonde-haired, blue-eyed bulked beauty confirmed her doubts as her heart was.. conflicted. Sarah isn't bad; she'd never shown any intentions on hurting her at all throughout all the years she'd known Sarah, even the very first memory she had involved miss Sarah coming to the rescue with other adults in running off a darkstalker that drained her as she was only 5 back then. The teen's only opinion about reading about such news was that Sarah hadn't been killed outright & that she could still see her mentor in the following years to come; Sarah was strong, Blume knew this, & whether her gifts are deemed good or evil, the teen knew that power like that can be used to help or harm others. It isn't what the gifts people have, it's what they do with them that deems them good or evil, & in Blume's eyes, Sarah was more good than most of what she'd endured in the past year or two. With a small nod to reassure herself, Blume Herrlichkeit resumed her gallop off with Top Soyle to Urguan & the waterfront path to resume her errands.
  16. From the safer regions of Almaris than the battlefield at hand, the teenage Blume Herrlichkeit was out at the homestead she had commissioned to be built so long ago, patching the wall work as she'd been paranoid for another unwelcome guest to hop over it again. As she mixed the mortar in its bucket, the streaks of red lightning skittered across the sky in an intimidating array of power emanating off from the south. Blume knew it was from the dragon people had been talking about for months now, she thought about Theo being enlisted with others from the Grove to defend Almaris from the Iblees hordes; she knew he was much stronger than herself against the beings, but prayed for his safe return. It'd only been a month since the fight broke out, with the rumbling of earth quaking beneath her boots at the end; it didn't bode well by the feel of it. Is this what adults meant when becoming of age felt like the world was coming to an end? She'd ask herself with a more worried mindset at that. No matter how dark her thoughts grew in pondering the notion, she still couldn't help but pray for Nemea, Theo, Aerendyl & the others to return home safe so she may hear about it & know they were safe.
  17. Returning home from another successful loggin trip in her en-cumbersome suit of armor, it had been many years since Zemzy Oakheart had first worn its plating to protect herself from being recognized on her business runs across Almaris to restock their carpenter's shop. She hated how hot it would become from swingin her axe so much so useless metal draggin it down, but it was worth it to stay safe. Zemzy set her spruce logs down beside the door before takin her helm off & greetin her 2 young saplings with a warm smile. Lookin up to see Ilya Oakheart there as well, she gave a soft smile to him as well as she'd scoop up the youngest to carry over to Ilya as a curious glance over to him had piqued her interest. In his hands was a piece of parchment, rolled up in scroll-form that had been drawn open to read. "Whatcha got there, hun? Junkmail while I was gone?" Zemzy asked half-jokingly as she wouldn't be surprised if the accusation was right, "Maybe somethin Ahern sent?" Seeing Ilya turn to show her the news of Donny did her heart skip a beat- Was it true? She had been paranoid for so many years & still kept the decanter of his blood tucked away from prying eyes that her llir had sent her of Donny's death before in Celi'anor. But this looked official as it was written & announced across the lands. The lumberjack couldn't help but smile as it felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, & it wasn't the kids nor wood's doing this time.
  18. From the cries of the street nearby did Blume Herrlichkeit hear the skirmish from across the bridge. She was still trying to alter the armor colors she had been so proud to wear before, now feared if seen in them. She knew she wasn't a soldier, nor never would be one, but if Blume ever needed it again like she should've worn it the other Saint's day for her herbal exploration, she wouldn't have felt so sick afterwards. Hearing the townspeople who walked by the road to Minitz as Blume checked upon her cart's supplies, she'd overhear about Mayrin being captured by a Glebite, she only thought of not only praying for her honorary sister's safe return & could it possibly have been the Glebite that Ser Phillip & Brandt addressed at the tavern the other day....? Why had they not followed up on that encounter? Despite not knowing where to even begin looking for such a kidnapping, Blume could only keep her eyes & ears open for any signs of safe return, & perhaps word of any news. She knew Mayrin was strong; perhaps even one of the strongest in the city.... "I told you to stay safe, miss Mayrin...." the teen girl would mutter to herself as a tear dripped into the loom's nearby wash basin to wring out the bleached green dye of sleeves she was currently using, "...I.. hope they know what they're doing over there...."
  19. It wasn't longer than awakening with one hell of a hangover in her room did Blume hear the news from Gregorius & Theo that her uncle was no more. But this can't be true, she thought to herself, I just saw him the other day at the celebration of his memories returning.... She tried to mention this to the two, but Theo mentioned she had been out for nearly a month, & Gregorius even mentioned he'd found her asleep at Petsch's grave. She didn't believe their words, but only said she needed to see her uncle. Shuffling to Helious with the two she considered family did she get her answer on the matter; it was indeed true when she'd seen the graves of Orion & Ruthen beside each other, even with fresh blood upon the grass above. "No...." Was all her pain-ridden thoughts could think of after the news began to sink in when she saw the headstones, "Nonononononono....!" Tears began to trickle down her cheeks as her body trembled in emotions, her legs giving out beneath her as the teen collapsed to the ground in a heaping mess. Her honorary brother Theo would try to pick up her pieces to hold close, but the sorrow in Blume's heart only made it crumble more; how many lives must be lost so close & dear to her? Blume's heart didn't want to believe it when she touched the grave to make sure it wasn't a magic trick, she didn't care if her dress got dirt or blood on its fabric; she began to dig. Surely it'd be empty like Mister Bone's grave was back before the new city was built. However, when she struck upon the coffin's surface, she hesitated to open it; she hoped it were empty like Mister Bone's was but upon opening the casket lies the late Orion Adiler in one piece, other than stitches keeping his head intact to his body. She ran her dirtied fingers through his hair as she still didn't want to believe it, but her tears continued to fall relentlessly for her uncle. She had no energy to be mad at the moment, couldn't be happy, couldn't be scared or run off by the sight of blood.... Blume would merely lay down & curl up on Orion's chest & hug him as she sobbed from 6ft below the surface. Theo & Gregorius remained above the hole to watch this teen begin to unravel her mind upon this.
  20. Knowing that this was a big step into becoming an adult & being an active member of the community's prosperity, Blume would head to the voting booths with Greg to cast her vote for the Burghermeister. Would she mess up? Would she choose wrong? Only time will tell now.
  21. From the fields of Neu Brandthof, within the walls of a gradually built homestead was a teenaged Blume Herrlichkeit; she grieved for her father's passing not even a month ago as she took solace in her flowers at least, she was good at tending to her floral children if their leaves needed pruning or soil fertilized. Something felt... off today, & not from her grief clouding her thoughts. A small sense of pain crept to the back of her mind as she went to make sure her garden was watered for the day. White powder. On Every. Last. Petal. "No..." The young girl began to tear up to the sight, "Nononono....! I WON'T LOSE YOU ALL, TOO! I CAN'T!!" Blume scrambled to tie on a cloth mask & her pair of gardening gloves; ready to get as down to earth as she had to to salvage her leafy children from the mildew that clung to these flowers she'd taken care of for so long. She tried gently scraping the powder off with the backside of her pruning shears, burning the pruned-powdered leaves to see how it'd react, even doing so to those who were too far gone to save. Blume hated this plague, as it reminded her more & more of the troubles her family had & how she struggled so hard to figure out how to save it, but the young teen wouldn't relent until this mildew was eradicated; opening up to anyone who had positive outcomes for their crops if they passed by.
  22. From within the home of the Roan tribe, Blume Herrlichkeit had finally felt like the feeling of regaining her strength after the mess of being kidnapped & returning back to the city of Neu Brandthof not even a year ago as she was going to try & seize the day for once! Not even a step out the doorway, the young teen would see a paper had been pinned to the door outside as she skimmed the page if it were junkmail, but the name caught her eye; Petsch von Minitz, Papa. Blume dropped to the ground immediately; her legs gave out as she couldn't believe its title; Petsch von Minitz DEAD. "P...p-papa...." cracked her voice, the tears began to well up as it blurred her vision, "Y-you were... n-never the bad luck.... I.. was the unl-lucky one.... I... j-just wanted... y-you to... c-come home.... I love y-you, p... p.. papa...." She began to cry harder upon the road as she took the scrap of paper inside & shambled to the depths below; curling up upon a bed with a plush as she began to sob her heart out for the lost soul she'd never been able to speak to ever again. Fate was cruel to the remnants of the Herrlichkeits this day.
  23. Full Name: Blume Viola Herrlichkeit Age: 13 Gender: Female Race: Human Minitz Rank: Burgher [Username: ] Zemzy_Oakheart [Discord: ] Zem-Fate#1496
  24. From the simple homestead of the Herrlichkeits, Blume would notice the announcement after having seen the lashing out that had occured prior at Greg & Val's wedding; she felt the tears in her eyes well up & burn as her hands began to tremble as she had held the notice in her hands. "Why, uncle Ori...." Blume would mutter to herself, the first tear dropped onto the paper, "..Why would you not explain things to me from outside.... I.." She hesitated for a moment as her brows furrowed; she didn't have the heart to say what had first come to mind, but muttered nonetheless, "...I l-loved you...."
  25. Blume Herrlichkeit would see her papa shed a tear upon hearing the news ring throughout the town, hugging his waist from the side as she thought he needed cheering up. "Don't cry, papa," She'd try to reassure papa Petsch, "In a way, you helped Mister Leon too~! It's gonna be a good thing; I can feel it~!" Blume Herrlichkeit would see her papa shed a tear upon hearing the news ring throughout the town, hugging his waist from the side as she thought he needed cheering up. "Don't cry, papa," She'd try to reassure papa Petsch, "In a way, you helped Mister Leon too~! It's gonna be a good thing; I can feel it~!"
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