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Status Replies posted by Liam5232

  1. please send me crowns

    1. Liam5232


      Simply do an IRL side-quest called "Get a job". Though it will lower your happiness stats, if you stay at your parent's house too long or get a low-quality job, it can drain almost all of your stats. You can go to college to get a higher-quality job, but it isn't guaranteed, and most speed-runners will just go straight to entrepreneurship. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. is it worth it


  3. what's with all the tech apps

  4. wonder what happened to whoever this was

    1. Liam5232



      (Just realized how old this is)

      Edited by Liam5232
  5. guys when can we reform oren, I want my isa roleplay :((

  6. CENSORED. I posted a 2000 word essay about how it's all Telanir's fault and it got removed.

  7. Rest in peace Jedi.

    1. Liam5232


      Damn... that's horrible... I'm sorry for your loss


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  8. "The fact that people are all calling the person who is couping Petra a cuck irp speaks volumes as to how shit this server is now"
    "Unban me, NOW! I haven't played in like 3 months and now im banned??!? Great server #gobacktotiktok"

    Personally, I would vote to unban you, but when you post this kind of stuff, it makes me wonder if it would be good to let you back in. 

    EDIT: I had misunderstood the context of the messages, and after talking to him, he seems like a cool dude!

    1. Liam5232


      @DeusVult That makes more sense. I see that you're getting a bunch of upvotes on your unban app, and I can see why! I am with you on the better communication on any bans. Good luck on joining back! LMK if you need anything!

      @AnonymousAlexa There is a way to properly critique things. A critique is supposed to be constructive, and in my personal opinion, neither of the quotes were worded in a way to where they seemed to be wanting to fix or improve something. Maybe I was being a bit harsh, but I believe criticism is supposed to be a bit more friendly. That is all my opinion though.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. In Map Transition Limbo...
    What should I write?

    1. Liam5232


      What do you think will come of Almaris?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. Has anyone had a problem where when attempting to upload new profile pictures, they come out smaller and lower quality than usual?

    1. Liam5232


      images have been funky in general lately from what I've heard

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. taking a break or might be gone forever. idk what to do anymore.  Had a bit of a breakdown yesterday. It was nothing with lotc. Im sorry for those who were concerned, but i am ok now.

  12. It has been one year since I posted my wonk rewrite. THE DEAD DO NOT FORGET

  13. It has been one year since I posted my wonk rewrite. THE DEAD DO NOT FORGET

  14. So, I've made a number of posts hinting at my moderation application in hopes some will see and put in a comment including: A profile update "... while you're here, maybe take a look at my Moderator Application.....", An Ask Me Anything, and generally talking about it with a couple of players. I don't want to throw it in someone's face or ask for "blind praise" on a post, especially one that has to do with the governing of LOTC and its players, but I'm out of ideas. Please, if you have any ideas on something I can write, a topic I could make a post about, or anything else, please reply to this or DM me at ( MrLock#5948 ). Maybe I'm too worried about this and need to just let it flow how it will, but hopefully, y'all can provide a couple of good ideas!

    1. Liam5232


      Argonian - I have a couple times, but I guess they keep forgetting :smiling_face_with_tear:

      Werew0lf - :(

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. well? i dont like what you said. consider urself ban reported. see u in blue tag court, *****.

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