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Lore Master
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6122 Rep Farm Business Owner

About Zarsies

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  • Birthday November 10

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    Chained in the Attic
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  1. Last sunday was my 10 year anniversary (albeit I lurked the forums for ~1 month prior when we were all waiting for the server to launch) and I planned to make an ELABORATE post about my full history here, all the groups I've passed through, all the friends I've made (and lost), my characters, noteworthy IC and OOC server events, etc. and ideally come to a list of conclusions to advise players from a roleplay standpoint and a 'player' (we're all players) standpoint from my experiences as well as a list of conclusions to advise staff from management, rule-making and rule-breaking, and tenure standpoints. I feel like I have numerous insights worth extracting but I couldn't gather the time and motivation.


    But as of late I'm just too deeply disgruntled. I see staff fumbling for the hundredth time and a striking, wounding lack of professionalism or sensitivity and I see players (some deservedly but this isn't about them) frothing, screaming, and being absolute monkeys without a crumb of sympathy or kindness. Deep down I know LotC is better than that as I STILL enjoy it, I still roleplay and hang out with my friends and ignore the constant passing storms, but lately y'all are just too vexing to engage with. I don't **** with Telanir's thread for a moment but I know we can be so, so much better but I haven't the patience to try to help right now. I hope my upcoming wave of lore and events at least engage people for the time being but this anniversary struck me with how much better we could be doing but choose not to for an innumerable list of reasons. I miss the years when we got along as a community and when staff saw everyone as friends and peers rather than threats or nuisances.

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