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Status Updates posted by chaotikal

  1. i keep reading lmao as mayo. idk

  2. i like to think of lotc as an onion. the deeper you go, the more elven you get

    1. mitto


      i like to think of lotc like the ocean, the further you go the saltier it gets

    2. Backup Lago

      Backup Lago

      Lacking in layers?

    3. Travista


      Did someone say onion?

  3. I lurv playing Kazarek. :3 I have to write a VA for him... ;-;

  4. I noticed...may change to Imageshack...what image uploading site you recommend?

  5. I propose farts as an universal language.

  6. I started Olog - an Orc Ogre. Check out my VA to learn more about him! (Check out Villain applicatoins. Links don't work here. :c)

    1. Volutional



      Das troll in Black Speech, from LoTR

    2. chaotikal


      And also a subrace. ;) It is also called Orog.

  7. I'm a guide now. Yeppers.

    1. Nug


      Congrats. :D

    2. The Cleaning Crew

      The Cleaning Crew

      Are ya?

      Well welcome to the group.

  8. I'm developing a Dwarven Culture.

  9. I've restarted my Aegis Noble House, the Northman house of Mournstone. Anyone interested in joining as Bannerman? (It's quite unique, contact me for details!)

  10. Just heard Availer left... Why would you come on, give hope to the server, then leave? It's not odd, nor suspicios, I just feel wrong about it, seems like he's actually hiding a secret... Or maybe he's just back in college.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. aron.


      The moment availer leaves, the DDos attacks start occuring again. Didn't we raise the money a few days ago? when are we getting the anti ddos software?

    3. Cyndikate


      Didn't the DDoS attacks stop when Avalier was doing that fundraiser?

    4. danic


      Nikias, all the money to Shift's paypal, so it would he couldn't even have access to it.

  11. kalamoot sells magic applications for taco bell

  12. lel im banned, see ya in 2016 y'all

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. nordicg_d


      what a spastic haha get fkt

    3. chaotikal


      hey, pissing off supremacy is at least worth the ban. :D

    4. lawnmowerman


      p sure supremacy dont get pissed since it's only a minecraft server after all

  13. Look! I have a Comment section!

  14. Making a new Doomforge Thread! :D

  15. malo is a woman therefore sandwich

    1. Wyvernbane


      Leave poor Malo alone!

    2. Malocchio


      im a b0y gamr!!1!

  16. my status was removed, i feel oppressed...

  17. New Avatar! Completely made by me :D

    1. Fredfort (jens6851)
    2. chaotikal


      you like it? :3

    3. 154684321654951


      Are you using my Kharajyr disguise?

  18. New Cycle of requests opened on my Skin Thread! Post quick!

  19. New Cycle of requests opened on my Skin Thread! Post quick!

    1. Sneaky


      Got mine in:D

    2. Dizzy771


      Suppose I'll go edit my request up with more detail, keep forgetting to :P

  20. New sig! Thanks to Pumpkins for his sig bases :3 I used them for it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Angel~


      Helloo..? :(?

    3. Angel~


      ...AM...ON THE SERVER >:D :D

    4. Angel~


      Dark Pleaze come on server...Im gettin looonnellyy , and i dont know what to do >:(

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