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problematic z

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    Slayer of Ahborahjynes
  • Birthday 08/01/1995

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  1. why do people believe different subspecies of humans who evolved in totally different climates have the same levels of intelligence. really makes you think huh...

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    2. monkeypoacher


      Well, I was sort of memeing, but the change in height can easily be chalked up to the availability more nourishing food. I don't believe we're any more "resistant to toxins" (pretty vague) than we previously were, but I have no idea what you mean specifically so I'm not sure if I'm right.

    3. monkeypoacher


      and while it is entirely possible that humans have 'evolved' over the last 5,000 years, you have to understand that our natural selection probably works differently, as animals that are capable of keeping most of their offspring alive to reproduce...

    4. problematic z

      problematic z

      We are animals, oodles. Evolution never stopped. Why would it? What would occur to stop us from evolving?


      Asiatic peoples migrated from somewhere around Central Asia or Siberia to their current locations. That area is the place on Earth which experiences large seasonal swings in temperature. They would have adapted to deal with dry, cold winters, hot, bright summers, and dust. They would have had to deal with dust in the summer and glare from sunlight reflecting off snow in the winter, under conditions where survival was fairly difficult. Thus, they evolved to have larger epicanthic folds to shield their eyes from harm and, controversially, also evolved to be skilled critical thinkers.


      Africans and other subspecies with dark skin evolved that way because large concentrations of melanin protects against ultraviolet light and skin cancers; light-skinned people have about a tenfold greater risk of dying from skin cancer, compared with dark-skinned persons, under equal sunlight exposure.


      basically evolution never stopped. i don't know why people think evolution one day suddenly stopped or no longer applies to humans

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