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Status Updates posted by Rilath

  1. What do you guys think? Made this in photoshop earlier today due to boredom and I think it came out alright. Now, I know it's amateurish but still! http://imgur.com/BGHwN

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Praetor


      Didn't you link this earlier? You should make a thread if you want to show your art, more effective. ^^

    3. Rilath


      I suppose I could do that, Spammy!

    4. aron.


      I think that looks pretty good

  2. What had started out as a 4 hour battle, turned into a 24 hour war, ending with a trip to the hospital. God I love airsoft

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Viper3X


      Airsoft is great. What injury did you have?

    3. dyehu



    4. Rilath


      @Mithas Oh that's what you were talking about :P

      @Viper I love airsoft. And I fell into some barbed wire. My friends had to get pliers and cut me out of there.

  3. What we are is the sum of a thousand lives. What we know is almost nothing at all. But we are what we are until the day we die, or until we don't have the strength to go on.

  4. What's going on wif the server?

  5. What's going on, bruh?

  6. What's the one thing your girlfriend can say that will make you both happy and sad at the same time? "You're bigger down there than your brother."

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zarsies


      "What's the one thing your /GIRLFRIEND/"

      Unfaithful, mah'good sir?

    3. Zarsies


      "What's the one thing your /GIRLFRIEND/"

      Unfaithful, mah'good sir?

    4. SparehoeCakes


      Yep, your fault for having a GF. :D

  7. Why am I treated like this so often.. Have women decided to just make my entire life a miserable ocean of despair and loneliness..?

  8. Will make an RP post later tonight explaining it, but I am the new leader of the Mages Guild.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Dante


      Rilath or your other guy?

    3. Salamandra


      The new guy, Rilath's dead

    4. Dante


      Who am I going to work with now? Q_Q

  9. With my Character Rilath dead, Shade magic has ended. Him being the last full shade alive, he was the only person that could teach any of his apprentices how to control their magic and to keep it from consuming them. If you were an apprentice of his, your Shade powers should slowly weaken and dwindle away until they are gone.

    1. Eledyr


      so the shades are gone forever? I hope not they would be awesome for rp (if done correctly)

    2. Heero


      What? Rilath is dead?! ;~;

    3. Rilath


      Pretty much gone forever unless someone decides they would like to redo them. No offense to anyone, but it seems everyone that gets Shade magic uses it for their own gain and never to enhance the RP. Which is why I created it in the first place. But if someone does want to start it up, ask my permission, rewrite the lore in your own words and RP WELL! I will oversee your group OOCly if you decide to make one.

  10. Woohoo! Two exams down, two more to go. So far I've made A's on both exams I've taken :)

    1. BannanaToYou


      how do you know the grades you have if you're not finished?

  11. Would an Admin mind changing my visible group to that of the E-Team?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      As in have event team on your profile instead of Forum Moderator? Nope, forums > than events

    3. Neri


      No, he needs E-team, since only E-team can see the E-team forums afaik.

    4. Rilath


      Yes, Robin. That's exactly what I meant .w.

  12. Would if I could, but apparently I'm not an FM anymore.

  13. Wow.. Really creative trolls we have there

  14. Xero, I'm glad we could work out our differences and finally see eye to eye. Thank you for accepting my apology.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. V0idsoldier


      You just called me stupid and immature, and you take me calling you immature as a insult? Cute.

    3. -Max-


      everyone can see you here. move it to another chat.

    4. Dyn


      I'm glad we could work something out friend. Void on the other hand, I don't really plan to try and be his friend.

  15. Yes he is Evelyn.

  16. Yo mama's so skinny, that when she sits around the house, she fits comfortably in every chair.

  17. You don't have to be my friend.. But is too much to ask..? Don't laugh at me.. Don't call me names.. Don't get your pleasure from my pain..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raptorious


      Not sure if lyric from unknown song or someone's been acting like you-know-what to you.

    3. Rilath


      It's lyrics from a song "Don't Laugh At Me"

    4. Merkaken


      Oh. *puts shotgun away*

  18. You know what really chaps my ass? Running a mile with a thong on.

  19. you went all black eyes and tendrils on me [9:38:42 PM] Salalalala: I fell on my butt and looked at you [9:38:45 PM] Salalalala: then asked [9:38:47 PM] Salalalala: :3 [9:39:00 PM] Salalala: All by that tree in Laurelin

  20. Yupyup! Skype name is Rilath

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