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- Aether VIP -
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Status Updates posted by Rilath

  1. I could, if I could get there. Is there a boat, or a method of fast travel?

  2. Oh, what I would say to some of you if it would not get me banned~ ;)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Rilath
    3. Urasept


      I must say Shadow, I do agree, oh the possibilities of words to be said.

    4. Rilath


      Well, I have a feeling that that is a legitimate response, so at least someone else feels the same~

  3. Might be releasing the lore on a style of magic I've been developing since December. I think I may have enough written for it by now.

    1. Cynthia~


      DOOO EEEET. It sounded pretty awesome over OOC.

    2. Samoblivion


      *Crosses fingers*

      Please be blood magic...

    3. Rilath


      I actually had blood magic in mind, but I don't think I'd be allowed to rewrite it.

  4. Server is back up.

  5. Just bought the adobe CS6 master collection :3

    1. Tayelikel


      lol hi person i dont know XD lol i saw your commer and im getting the adobe 6 creative suite package for my computer graphics class :D

    2. Jexdane


      Shadow..give it to me before I do something illegal.

    3. Rilath


      Nu, Jex >:I And, Ritoru, person I don't know, that's actually what I got it for :P Multimedia and Web Design~

  6. Alright.. Skin still won't change.. Any ideas..?

    1. Slic3man


      Search in google, "Steve no more mod minecraft."

    2. SparehoeCakes
    3. Kaiser


      restart your computer

  7. Sigh.. I've got that glitch where you can't change your skin.. Any ideas how to fix it?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ryno2


      just rp a new character based off the skin you cant get out of

    3. Rilath


      That didn't work either.

    4. lemontide331


      It's like that for me too :(

  8. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/69155-the-death-of-the-first-shade-the-rise-of-the-last/ Posting the link again for those who didn't see it. This explains how Salamandra is now RPly in control of the Shades. Happy reading to you all.
  9. Can a GM set my forum rank to Grass VIP? It currently says I'm a diamond VIP.

  10. I hope everyone enjoys my post. I couldn't have done it without Salamandra of course, and I'd like to thank everyone that has every RP'ed with Rilath/Riley for a wonderful character.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JCQuiinn


      Thank you Shadowgunx, for giving us an awesome character who we have been able to RP with for months and months now. I will gladly remember all of our good times together, and look forward to our good times that will come with this new character of yours.

    3. JCQuiinn


      Thank you Shadowgunx, for giving us an awesome character who we have been able to RP with for months and months now. I will gladly remember all of our good times together, and look forward to our good times that will come with this new character of yours.

    4. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      *cracks a smile* You can write, that is for sure, albeit I am personally not into the 'way of writing' you pursue, but you are excellent in your execution which is what matters ;)

  11. Xero, I'm glad we could work out our differences and finally see eye to eye. Thank you for accepting my apology.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. V0idsoldier


      You just called me stupid and immature, and you take me calling you immature as a insult? Cute.

    3. -Max-


      everyone can see you here. move it to another chat.

    4. Dyn


      I'm glad we could work something out friend. Void on the other hand, I don't really plan to try and be his friend.

  12. Rilath

    Just message me on Skype, it's rilath. I'll let you know.

  13. Rilath

    If you really want to know how bad of a day I was having, and why I got so worked up, show this to DSDevil, or Blundermore. Or just message me on skype.

  14. Taking a break from the server. Might be a day, might be a month. Dunno yet. If I decide to leave the server, I'll make a post. Goodbye for now, maybe forever.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Dyn


      This is not what I wanted. At first, we would've just let the report go but you decided to egg on Elene. The report never would've went up if that happened. Also, I would've gladly dropped most of the report if you had just simply apologized and instead, you continued. I'm not forcing you to remove shade magic nor am I a making you start everything over again. I just want you to be more considerate of other's feelings next time. Those rude comments and such weren't ver...

    3. Dyn


      very appreciated*. I hope you don't leave because I do enjoy a majority of your RP and I believe you were simply having a bad day. Your RP has affected a ton of people in a positive way and even I have come to enjoy it. See you if I see you, good night.

    4. Bambi (xBambiraptorx)

      Bambi (xBambiraptorx)

      Don't leave, man. I've barely gotten to know you, but I know as much today this isn't worth leaving over.

  15. Shade lore is being redenied. Starting my LotC experience over entirely. If you wanted to become a Shade, sucks for you.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      :DDD Danic is right.

    3. SparehoeCakes


      Shadowgun, I expected more from you. I figured you would maturely take what was thrown at you. However, you are acting like a child. You got a strike and your VA revoked. I'm sure it wasn't a perma-revoke. You are making it worst for yourself, because you are acting like a child. do yourself a favor, and ATTEMPT to chill out. I don't think you are like this, so don't be like this. Chill pill. Everything will be fine.

    4. Salamandra


      Died and destroyed the Amulet?

  16. This is great.. VA Revoked.. I have a strike.. And Sythra and Lym started a flame war on my GM app. And I can't do anything about it, because I've also been removed from the FM team. ******* awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Slic3man


      Whatever you do is your choice, but many here will be glad to see you back when you're allowed that. you're a great member of the community and deserve that much Shadow, good luck.

    3. Rilath


      Thanks Jester, and Bili, I'm most likely done giving to the community until they can treat me with a little respect as well. I have a few fans I know, and I'm no Auv, but I do my fair share for the server, I do tons of mini events for all of you guys, yet I'm reported and banned on my first offense for being frustrated.

    4. TeaLulu


      pro job lotc

  17. Would if I could, but apparently I'm not an FM anymore.

  18. Phew, hope it's over.. I've single handedly destroyed this spammer's posts. All of them ^.^

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Rilath


      Exactly. You fail to realize, that I'm taking credit for something I did.

    3. K33MST4R


      Shadow, you're a hero, you deserve GM

    4. Rilath


      Thank ou, creeper, I appreciate that.

  19. Rewrote my GM app. Wish me luck.

  20. Shirtless picture on show yourself? Mission accomplished.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rilath


      Yeah, it's pretty hawt right?

    3. Aryon


      It's dayum sexy.

    4. danic


      I notice a pink hatted lady on the left side... Staring at you... Watching you...

  21. Holy sheeeeet dis is goood.

  22. Time to play 'Slender' and see what all the hype is about.

    1. Mini Mordie - Mafia

      Mini Mordie - Mafia

      May god have mercy on your soul..

  23. Went on Vacation again guys, sorry I didn't let anyone know in advance. Hope my teams aren't mad at me ^.^

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