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Status Updates posted by Tethras

  1. Happy Birthday NekoDanie and Tigergamer!

  2. Oh god... Here I go >.

    1. Kaun


      You did brilliant Dave.

  3. That moment when you get stuck in another world...

    1. craotor


      Shut up Dave

  4. And so the Empire of Anthos shall rise. Kal' Mew Oren. The Dwarves shall ride forth with their Khar mounts.

  5. The same day...As the steam summer sale. A coincidence? I think that. ((Well at least for my in the UK))

    1. Cloakedsphere


      Steam summer sale aint up yet. wat.

  6. Battle Begins... Crashed then can't get back on >.

    1. comanderbly^


      Feel your pain bro.

  7. Walking around Kal'Urguan in single player... If only someone had a map save of Al'Khazar or of the map Aegis.

  8. And so the Dwarves after beating LoTC. Go to fight the final bosses... The GM's.

    1. Thrym


      First they encountered a mini-boss: Necromancers. Farren did not get out unharmed.... :P

  9. This lag... Before every battle...

    1. Neri


      It annoys us as much as it annoys you :(

    1. Tethras


      Gah the spelling errors... I apologise...

  10. Anyone know what happened to Babalouche?

  11. Gah I hate the unregioning of the map... When someone digs into the Dwarven Antag base...

    1. Ever


      pm me on skype, I'll fix it.

  12. Guys remember, no matter what happens don't worry.(Especially with the recent Battle) Hakuna Matata!

  13. Kill the Monks! Demand racial spawns! :P

  14. I'm a dwarf... And I'm diggin a hole. A very, very long hole >.

  15. Oh god... I'm starting to get video adds on the LoTC Forums. Seriously?

    1. Lago


      Old news. But yeah, an advert that makes noise sorely tempts me to use Adblock or something. I wonder if you can make it solely target adverts that make noise.

  16. Guys this is a ROLEPLAY SERVER. As such we must roleplay on all platforms. Aye, even on TS YER FOOLS! http://i.imgur.com/ykxCzKI.png

    1. Tethras


      I'm joking, but honestly that was so funny.

  17. Out of curiosity what's behind the recent crashes? Been quite a lot recently.

    1. Soggy365


      Firstly, I have no idea :(

      But secondly, could you delete some messages so I can PM you about the clergy? XD

  18. This new death plugin. Any help for speeding up dying? I'm stuck in this death bed.... Gah, so horrible.

    1. Aislin


      /wrists speeds it up

  19. I know it sounds like I'm beating a dead horse here, but why is TS always down?

    1. monkeypoacher


      because raptor14 exists

  20. Server is full... Wasn't the capacity higher? I remember it was like 300 not 200 >.

  21. J-J-J-J-Just s-so g-g-good.... http://tinyurl.com/bthm6yx

  22. Ah the wonders of having a blind character. When people ask you "what direction?" and "Have you seen ***?"

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