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Status Updates posted by ImpinAintEZ

  1. Any Kentuckians up in hia?!?!

    1. Old-Rattlesnake


      I am, actually. Gaius is too I believe.

  2. I fail to see how some people want to take every little aspect of reality and then complain about when someone doesn't rp it. Somethings are just taken way too seriously.

  3. Off to that damned institution they call "school."

  4. (For those that did not see earlier post) The ancient ways of Aegis have reemerged. Come and see. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/76825-the-reemurgence-of-an-old-era/page__p__637136#entry637136

  5. Ummmm.... guys, we just went up like 50 places on minestatus. Kick ass job!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kaiser


      Voteing = kickass

    3. Samoblivion


      50? More like 300.

    4. ImpinAintEZ


      Well... it was 50 from when I voted.

  6. You can now join the server again... YAY!

  7. I think it's about time to watch a certain trilogy of movies that this server may or may not be based off of, but ya know... ;)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. EboBren'


      Okay, you had me worried for a minute.

    3. maxkenny23


      I'm preparing for the Hobbit too, because... home is behind, and the world ahead.

    4. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      *Sarcasm Mode* Oh you mean batman? Awesome.

  8. Does anyone else that plays guitar notice that there is a constant cycle of losing your pick- looking for your pick- finding your pick- then losing it 5 minutes later?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zebanamana


      Guitar picks occasionally slip into worm holes when you drop them

    3. LedZep98


      I usually lose one, and then tend to find ones I didn't even know I had in the strangest places. Like inside the battery compartment of my phone...

    4. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      Tuck em in the strings. I use thick ones.

  9. I have taken a vow to now become the Grammar Nazi of LoTC. Watch your sentences people, or I'll be coming for you.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. cruzazul


      Pedo bear does not approve.

    3. Taiga


      You may be a grammar Nazi, but you are no Saint of Punctuation. Avoid multiple sentences like you have done above. The correct way of putting it would be,

      "Incorrect, Sir Cat! There should be a space."

    4. ImpinAintEZ


      -_- You would make a good addition.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ImpinAintEZ


      Blasphamy! There is no such word in the dictionary when you are talking of Paramore!

    3. Gemmylou


      I saw them live :3

    4. ImpinAintEZ


      Gah what! Lucky!

  11. Why do some people have to be so rude when they don't agree with something? Maybe that's what wrong with the community right now.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dargene


      YOUR WRONG I DISAGREE!!!! Jokes, I do agree with you, alot of drama and tension atm

    3. Cyndikate


      It's natural on the internet. =/

    4. ImpinAintEZ


      ^ Yea, I think that once most people log onto the internet it's like a total 180, and they all become heartless and decide to not even think of other people's feelings.

  12. Where be Hawk's Modpack subforum?!?!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Garret Baretta (preston19)
    3. Stevie


      Boom. Kid that doesn't even capitalize his name finds it.

    4. ImpinAintEZ


      ^ Lol, I feelz 'tupid...


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      I admit I was fooled, damn you to hell!

    3. The Victor Blair Project

      The Victor Blair Project

      YOu built my dreams up and then smashed them with a hammer.

    4. ImpinAintEZ


      I shall now be called "Dreamcrusher."

  14. You mama's so fat that she fell asleep on Route 12. *Insert picture of Snorlax sleeping on the road.* (Only true Pokemon loves would get this.)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ayresalex


      Thanks reddit.

    3. ImpinAintEZ


      <.< >.> *Whisper* Shhhhhhh... they can't know.

    4. EboBren'


      *Gets Pokeflute.

      *Uses Pokeflute.

      A wild mama apperead!

      I choose you, zubat!

      Zubat uses confusion!

      Wild mama is already confused!

      Wild mama hurts itself with it's confusion!

      Wild mama fainted!

  15. There's a bit of talk about 3.0 coming soon. Has there actually been a legit source to this or are people just guessing? When do we think it'll be out?

    1. Eleatic
    2. ImpinAintEZ


      Ah... so about same time as last year. Makes sense.

    3. Dr. Eggnog
  16. Get ready for the inflow of complaints on the crash.

  17. Ay! Guys, come join in on the Hunger Games Forum Roleplay. Only a little while left until you can't apply! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/73573-the-hunger-games-forum-roleplay/

  18. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/73573-the-hunger-games-forum-roleplay/ If you're a true Hunger Games fan then you should go check this out and apply.
  19. What do you do when you like a girl who has a boyfriend? Hmmm.... FML!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. aron.


      What if her boyfriend unknowingly took her out from under your feet. He is a really awesome guy, and you want to hate him but you can't. these...these my friends... These are the questions!

    3. Garret Baretta (preston19)

      Garret Baretta (preston19)

      Wait it out. Respect her decision. If they break up use your swag on her.

    4. ImpinAintEZ


      Well, she's the only person I've been thinking about for the whole week. I can't let her go. The boyfriend is that typical ******. I do plan to wait it out and see what happens.

  20. #HashtagsAreStupid2012

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