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Everything posted by Bawg

  1. Got on the other LoTC server. First thing I did was blow up someone's house. He was upset. I think.

  2. I am a Masculinist.

    1. DecoLamb


      And I am a deco with a whip~

  3. Is it advertising if you want people to go onto your Teamspeak server instead of LoTC's?... If it is.. I am goin' to do it anyway. Haven't broken that rule yet.

    1. V0idsoldier
    2. Praetor


      Denied. Banned. Permbanned.

    3. DrakeHaze


      No chance of appeal.

  4. Hey Guys! The server may be down! But not Bog-O-Vision! Watch Bog do a livestream in his singleplayer world! http://www.livestream.com/bogovision?t=574848

    1. Coaster


      shut the hell up bog

    2. Austin


      bog have you been up all night

  5. Does anyone want to roleplay with me in Skype?.. I am "Bloodlest".

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Praetor


      You basicly emote and type like on MC, imagining the setting.

    3. Cyndikate


      Yeah, emote using /me on skype.

    4. Gemmylou


      Wish I could but I don't know any of you IC :(


  7. After I was roleplaying with 3 Gobos, and a Uglie Feorc. The server crashes. *Facepalm*

  8. 3/10^ If you are a real female... Want to go out sometime?.. :P
  9. Just figutred out how to escape my ban... It was so simple! I just have to wait for one month too!

    1. DrakeHaze.


      You seem rather sorry :3

  10. *Noms on Pizza ferociously because server down and nothing better to do than eat!*

    1. Miquill


      *noms all his gum craving that pizza*

  11. Petri Followers! Unite!

  12. Jangley! Who are you?.. I have no idea what Gobo you are! Are you Keggi!?

  13. Jokes on you.. I like to be Rick Roll'd.

  14. Hey Guise.. I love to see when I have messages. So message me some more?.. Thanks.

    1. Urahra
    2. Sultan


      Austin is fat.

    3. Fuzzy4ev3r


      Pet me now or die..... What did I just say? lol

  15. I am so impatient! i want a answer now! I want to hear the voices again!

  16. I am so impatient! i want a answer now! I want to hear the voices again!

    1. Kaiser


      excuse me?

  17. This is my opinion, but the orcs are pretty sexy irl.

  18. Unban Rio Coconuts 2012!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      I know he broke a rule. If he didn't, it would not be neccesary to unban him.

    3. danic


      Why IS he banned? What rule(s) did he break?

    4. Skippy


      He called Dusk a bad wooord.

  19. I had a dream that I posted a Ban Report on Skippy. I suppose banning my friends might be my new fetish. Though, if I ban them all? Wouldn't i be lonely..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bawg


      Danic.. What if I told you we were friends?

    3. danic


      i wud be prowd.

    4. craotor


      You can ban skippy his voice doesntt match his name

  20. I wish I was a girl to shave my hairy legs!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. yekim8


      If it bothers you then do it. Who cares if it's considered "gay"? It's your body dude!

    3. Jarkarll


      Bog wants to be a girl for much diffrent reasons..


    4. Shuness
  21. I love you! I miss your voice!

  22. I am so lonely....

    1. Fuzzy4ev3r


      You shouldn't feel lonely. Your never alone. >:D

    2. Ergent Seth
  23. Bawg

    Gitza is so cute!

  24. Guys I am in the Tiny Chats! Join me! http://tinychat.com/comraderenzbro

  25. Looking for People to become orcs to join my clan! I need a army to gain our honor back!

    1. Areon


      PM me on ts3 or forums ts3 name is Malice.

    2. Areon


      PM me on ts3 or forums ts3 name is Malice.

    3. Skippy


      Bog is banned from Teamspeak :/

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