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Status Updates posted by Jarkarll

  1. Your avatar is Durp'lur while he plays with a diamond.

  2. Whoever deleted the post that Availer made, made a bad choice. Deleting only proves it to be true. You don't cut a mans tongue out for slander and "propoganda." That only shows that we he says is true because your scared of what he has to say. There is a quote from Game of Thrones that directly correlates to this.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jarkarll


      It was a very poorly thought out move. If this wasn't true then it would just die off like a rumor. Why go through the trouble of deleting it?

    3. NekoDanie


      As I said, the 1 post was being spammed. While deleting them I ment to leave 1 up but accidently deleted the one. I recovered it so no worries.

    4. Jarkarll
  3. What the hell is up with your background?

  4. Sure just send it to me in a PM, and next time just send it. Don'ot ask me, I've already told you that i'll gladly look at it. :)

  5. I just realized... if your birthday is today then your technically 4....

    1. Jarkarll


      If you were born in 1996, if 1992 then your 5 :3

    2. Mitchamaya


      You mean to say figuratively. Technically, the person would be as old as however many years they've lived.

    3. Volutional


      Let Jarkarll think he's smart :>

  6. Stop stalkin me bro :P

  7. What is this Old Hat stuff?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. craotor


      Its for awsome people like me *insert trollface*

    3. Jarkarll


      ^ Hey shut up if it wasn't for me you wouldn't have that!

    4. craotor


      Yes. I would actualy :)

  8. Of course we do your awesome!

  9. Admin now! Dayum Mogroka Congratulations!

  10. Aussies... always on while we're all sleeping! We miss rping with you!

  11. Oh today is going to be SO much fun!

  12. Is this the maintenance?

    1. Ever


      I think it might be n_n

    2. Jarkarll
    3. Ever



  13. I know your mad at me and you want to punch me, but I still love you.

    1. Austin


      Deep status update is deem.

    2. Vanus


      Okay, i are sad.

  14. Jarkarll Profile Views:


    Craotor:Profile Views:

    1,157 ~Catching up~

  15. Did Minecraft.net just break?

    1. ShadowoKing


      thats what I wondered

  16. Back to back Kick to the teeth this month :/

  17. How do I go about changing my Forum name? I'd like to change it to Jarkarll!

    1. Antharin


      Edit profile and find it there, there is a 'Change display name' somewhere.

  18. Pretty dissapointed in the slander going around about me....

  19. Is Snowboarding won't be on till 9PM EST

  20. I've never felt so ashamed in my life...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jarkarll
    3. Pinsir99


      What happened?

    4. Jarkarll


      I'm not ashamed in myself, I feel ashamed for a community.

  21. Decided i'm not leaving the server...

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