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Status Updates posted by Arkelos

  1. Warning, Loud.
  2. If you remember this song from aegis, you're cool.
    1. Volutional


      An excerpt from the journal of Sage Arcadius... :'(

    2. Arkelos


      Vol you were already cool.

  3. **** I looked back.

  4. +1 this status if you think Ford smells

  5. 5wjSSAh.jpg

    1. Arkelos


      Just gonna leave these here over night.

    2. lev


      all hail the queen of oren

    3. Ardor


      *supplies the salt from all the chats*

  6. 3 day ban for 1 block broken. GG Gms.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arkelos


      Oh right, because intent could clearly be seen on the logs provided.

    3. Space


      ' It should have been locked if you didn't want it broken '

    4. AfricanGlasses


      rip rip ripr ipr ipr irp ripr ipr ripr ipr ripr ipr ripr ipr rip rip break rules get HIT (jk I love u)

  7. Always nice to see people still grasping at straws. Makes me wonder how pathetic their life must be. (Vague Passive aggressive post is Vague and passive aggressive)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Smaw


      Actually, Jonificus, you're wrong.

    3. Runabarn



      Ok carry on now.

    4. Jonificus


      @Smaw But that's where you're wrong. I'm always right.

  8. Any skinners got any openings for Mina? Got 3 separate pieces of a skin that are needed. A hair recoloring, a bandana-like eyepatch, and a set of golem arms.

  9. Bye Korvic

    1. Korvic


      I’m still here. Waiting for things to get sorted out ‘cause there’s no difference it if’s just me on my own or just me in the dev chat in terms of productivity when I don’t have access to anything nor any official word from any other Admins other than an invite for a voice chat later with Mr Telanir himself.

  10. Can we get a update post of whats going on?

  11. do you know de way

  12. Hey man, I kinda like Knox. Don’t go around calling them out like that.

  13. How hard is it to get unwhitelisted? All I wanted was to give my Vardak account to my roommate so he can try to apply here and I can move onto other things like work, but three days of talking with GMs about chatting to admins to get it done and I get absolutely no progress made on the entire thing at all? At this point I can

    1. Arkelos


      God damn it it cut off. Someone just unwhitelist the Vardak account, I'm tired of making no progress in this in three days after talking to multiple people.

  14. I am back. For a while.

    1. Enyahs V.

      Enyahs V.

      HOW DARE YOU NOT TELL ME FIRST! I will find you and hit you with a newspaper for this!

  15. I don't even watch Game of Thrones.

  16. I have not missed a single transition event in the five years I have been playing. This is my second favorite one.

    1. Arkelos
    2. Elad™


      I've been absent for every single one since I joined

  17. If anyone has Teamviewer installed, remove it immediately. Password databases have been hacked. Its currently unsafe to use.

    1. Space


      your not the boss of me

    2. James


      I had teamviewer 4 years ago :)

  18. June 12, 2012. The Spark of Insanity Warclaim.
    June 12, 2017. Redux.

    1. Arkelos


      Just not a warclaim this time, different rules in place. Still gonna be fun.

  19. Let me be a space elf you butthead.

    1. ShameJax


      Welcome to the Space Elves.

  20. Looking for an MAT with longterm magic experience for input and feedback on a work in progress lore. Add me on Skype: VardakxArkelos

  21. Looking for members of the lore team to help me on skype. Need people who can provide criticism and insight to magic lore. Skype: VardakxArkelos

    1. Abeam


      yo **** magic 

    2. Arkelos
  22. Lore,+Druid+TA,+New+Guild,+AHHH,+kms.

    1. Space
    2. Bvie


      Requests to bankroll after being insulted.

  23. Lost both arms at a Mystery Event and I’m just loving EVERYTHING that happened.

    1. AlphaMoist


      is this sarcasm or bitching or a genuine compliment, I can’t tell

    2. Arkelos


      Genuine compliment!

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