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Status Updates posted by Sultan

  1. Hey did not want to comment on the rp thread.

    But what the hell is the Axis?

  2. Hey honey don't forget do not accept any war-claim that is not put in Active Claims if they cant follow simple rules just ignore them, don't even respond to them.

  3. His Highness, Imperial Princess Henry III

    His Holiness High Pontiff (Choice a name not Bonidel sliverblade a proper pope name)

  4. His Imperial Highness Prince William II, Duke of Westfall.

  5. Hm, thats why lore that is not implemented should not be leaked to the public, the lore is made by me and a group of people so that the staff to consider if we wanted to start fresh with no lore new races etc, but the idea was not accepted its like millons of google docs we got for brainstroming nothing comes of them, most of the time as for the spires there not implemented and wont end the world.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. DoubleDeetz (Fomsil)

      DoubleDeetz (Fomsil)

      Skippy why do you always post a repeat?

    3. Braxis


      Its a Forum bug with lag, All do it for short periods it comes and goes, Or Skippy is just a derp ;P

    4. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      It shouldn't be up to the staff if the server gets a fresh start it should be up to the players.

  6. Hmm you live n Dubai? also who made that picture for you on you avatar thats some great work.

  7. How the Chivys sound like

  8. Hupe latz ave bubhosh tik agh ave bubhosh maten wed zume femexaianze

  9. I do enjoy Chess.

  10. I hope the High Elfs do not lose there culture and ways after merging with Mailnor it would be sad seeing a race that developed itself by itself go away

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. o_Ben_o
    3. Lago


      Doesn't get much more vague than waterfall thing.

    4. steelersfan1221


      Nah. They still tend to separate themselves from the wood elves and dark elves as much as they can. They just have more of a say with the council positions.

  11. I like children

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Wavejammers



    3. Wavejammers



    4. gabriel101x1


      I used to be a pedophile like you. Then I took...

  12. I shall crush OOC

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Archmage_Cataris


      Finally, Mogroka has come to save us :D he must have watched my video pleading for his help :D

    3. Lawrence Berell
    4. Lawrence Berell
  13. I shall crush OOC

  14. I think your going to love my next Warclaim as Godfrey this is for you Gaius

  15. Ian:"You know what, this is stupid **** it! Delete the map! WE'LL DO IT LIVE!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5qU4qudJYk

    1. Zebanamana


      Alex and I know what really goes on behind the scenes of LOTC INC.

  16. If the staff wants better roleplay. They should not punish all the playerbase because of a few trolls. They should implement anti troll policy and go hard on the trolls.

  17. If you are on come on ts I need to speak with you.

  18. If you may can you log in to skype I wish to speak with you.

  19. Il still slap u azz :P

  20. Im not fair much love

  21. Indeed I am from Qatar

  22. Is Teerz active anymore?

    1. GodEmperorFlam


      No, she's on hiatus at the moment. Do you need to get into contact with her?

  23. Is this the type of Lore that we should expect now? https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dagothagahnim/journey-of-the-black-rose/?ref=kicktraq Quality stuff right their.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Peter Chivay
    3. Avacyn


      death to peter chives !

    4. Grizzly Druid

      Grizzly Druid

      Stop trying to stir the pot mog, try to act like an adult. would you kindly.

  24. It is going to be granted I told them to post it :3

  25. it requires 2b I belive.

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