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Ezo Karasuga

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Status Updates posted by Ezo Karasuga

  1. "Orcs killing MY parents? It's more likely than you think."

  2. "Seneschal Lucien" by Jonas Walkingsnake http://bit.ly/129PgDd

  3. (( Dealing with Oren Politics feels like this: http://i.imgur.com/w6C6rYS.jpg))

  4. (( I miss Pepernoot and fbPatty's domestic spats on the private cruise to Anthos))

    1. meg


      You don't need brackets...Status updates are OOC anyways...

    2. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      ((People tell me that. But Im normally im IC 100% on the forums. The non-bracketed statuses are RP related.))

  5. ((Can we get the buddylists upped to 20 names please?))

  6. Writing new Floating Leaf antagonist lore.

  7. VonSchlichtenCo Toilets only claimed 129 lives in Kalos, a new company safety record!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. EndCallCaesar
    3. Blundermore


      Pah, wouldn't happen with the Originator of the Toilet business, Blunder Inc, we've only caused the pollution of four major towns in Aegis, Asulon and the new islands affecting countless water supplies.

    4. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      Company records show a "Crowley Falos" living in the sewers of the vonschlichten Inn unknown for elven days

  8. ((VonSchlichtenCO Engineering in SPAaaaaaace http://i.imgur.com/WgsuGbA.png ))

    1. Avacyn


      the "Facebook updates" on the website aren't meant to be IC lol

  9. ((VonSchlichtenCo looks so bare now without itemframes))

    1. Varstivus


      Tried normal picture frames?

  10. Is chicken a wave or particle? VonSchlichtenCo aims to find out.

    1. Varstivus


      It is a particle due to the fact that it is decended from the cubasaurus, which was a wave.

    2. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      There will be plenty of testing in the bay between Oren and Malior at VonSchlichtenCo. The best minds of Oren are on this task.

  11. ((the moment server lag is fixed, its like relapsing back into an addiction.....ohhhh yeah that feels good))

  12. ((this ....lag....))

    1. Elindor


      Since the new island came in it has been horrendous. I was just trying to get to the docks, cause the soulstones were down, and I lagged out and awoke to find myself drowning in lava by the volcano.

  13. How cattle seem to have become sterile.... alas, no library then...

  14. (( neat Cracked article on medieval myths. Changes some of my RP perspective. http://www.cracked.com/article_20186_6-ridiculous-myths-about-middle-ages-everyone-believes.html ))

    1. Uboob ~Taron Geminine~

      Uboob ~Taron Geminine~

      I think alot of people need to look up more about medieval era so they can understand what sort of time period we are playing in... some people just don't understand.

    2. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      ((I had to OOC rebuke one of my engineers for saying he knew lightning was attracted to tall metal objects... how would a regular joe in LOTC know such things without prior testing?))

  15. *gets another stack of applications from novice tinkerers around the continent* Oi, I should have hired a clerk...

  16. ((Is there any official posting about the server being down? ))

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. christian2142


      Well I hope its up soon... and less laggy then last night lol

    3. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      Not even a "Im working on it" from an admin? Damn.

    4. Telanir


      I'm pretty sure Liri is going to make one soon.

  17. ((To players who are more Hardcore RPers. Those who even stay 100% IC in other games. RPing takes a sense of reality and realism. The stories become real and the characters do as well. ))

  18. ((I encourage all players to spend more time in LOTC interacting rather than the forums. It kills the realism of RP.))

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Haz


      No one said, implied or infered that, friend.

      The argument is simply that sometimes this kind of Roleplay IS necessary.

    3. Kaiser


      I would like to say; You don't have to use the forums. Just like we don't have to use your idea. Best to leave the happy people alone instead of trying to change them, even if you intentions are good

    4. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      Cow, if I were to post a topic or post on your status with my OP. Then yes. This is my status on my forum account. Its just my little pulpit. Take it or leave it. have a wonderful day.

  19. VonSchlichten Company is Hiring!

    1. blindmind


      I remember an Inn of yours along the King's Road, and your big house in the north. Interesting to see that the VonSchlichten name continues! Good luck with the company.

  20. ((The real server back up?))

    1. Zebanamana


      ((It's been up for about a week. Also the town you've been living in, Ildon, was sacked while you were gone. Artorus is dead, happy RP finding this out XD)

  21. ((are there any active engineering guilds that instruct in the trade in Asulon?))

  22. ((I offer my ZombieApoc RPG survival server w/ towny and an established map for the LOTC refugees. PM me if you want to play in the downtime))

    1. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      ((just include your MCname))

    2. DrakeHaze.


      No thanks, I'll stay an unwanted refugee on this server :3

    3. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      ((Hey, its just for those who are chronically bored during this time ;) ))

  23. ((Was RPing and Alstion was brought up from ancient times. Forgot about VonSchlichten Co's failed Bank venture there. Glad the undead attacked so Nitholiak could collect the insurance!))

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zebanamana



      OH MY GOD!

    3. Thatpyrodude


      The good old days

    4. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      ((Sunk about 15,000 minas in total for that bank. Got 2,000 minas after its destruction. Used it to buy "Fire" from some strange person one day and sold that to a collector for 30,000. Hustle like a VonSchlichten))

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