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Status Updates posted by Sagwort

  1. I suppose only 3.0 will test the...eh...“competence” of the new GMs...

  2. I think I only read rp posts sometimes for the music they add to it....

  3. I think I shalt come back to see how 4.0 turns out.

    1. Lym


      We'll be Challenger Division by then doe.

      Ain't nobody got time fo dat LotC

    2. excited


      Please do! I miss you! ;-;

  4. I think it would do LotC some good to have new blood, and not old shits like me saying what's wrong with it.

  5. If you dont want to start this yet thats fine but i was bored so I thought I would come up with some possible ranks for the scholar guild.


    These people are not members of the guild themselves but work for the scholar class. They are usually in charge of getting supplies for the class such as books and paper.

    Apprentice Scholar

    These are the beginning...

  6. If you get on you can bring the stone to me

  7. Indeed perhaps we can get me and redbaron to meet with you. This weekend perhaps?

  8. It comes to my attention that in Evered's death he has left his manor for sale at the fait price of 45,000 minas. it is a large building and would make a good guildhouse. If we jump on this deal quickly and since he is/was part of the guild he might lower the price if we jump on this quickly before someone else buys it.

  9. It says you commented on my page but it didnt show up

  10. Just send me a message when you are on [silco97]

  11. Just watched "The Perks of Being a Wallflower"...talk about plot twists.

  12. Just wondering...can bedrock vips delete posts on their own threads? I could use it for the trash pit of the Mages Guild's thread.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. K33MST4R


      You can, go to the bottom of the post and an option labeled "post moderation" will show up, from there you can lock/delete topics

    3. K33MST4R


      You can, go to the bottom of the post and an option labeled "post moderation" will show up, from there you can lock/delete topics

    4. Sagwort


      Too bad my bedrock vip title was taken away for some reason...

  13. Ladies and Gents, the moment you have all been waiting for......MAGIC

    1. Lym


      To follow the trend of my previous status update comment:

      Saggy has spoken!

      Still, you forgot all the Undead players in the Current Magic User List under Necromancy ;D

    2. Lanader - Richard Tarus

      Lanader - Richard Tarus

      I'm confused aswell.

    3. Druid Jameson Tarus~

      Druid Jameson Tarus~

      Yesh! Although we still have to test the plugin Ambros. :I

  14. Let us talk about the new 1.3 books. I LOVE THEM! However, you can only have their title so long. Other than that, I think LOTC book writing would be far more...simple if we used this new form of book writing.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. VonEbs


      I agree saggy. You are omniscient.

    3. Samoblivion


      How should we explain the sudden need for librarians? A sudden plague of dreaded book worms?

    4. Dargene
  15. Mind making me bedrock vip? as you know I really am bedrock..and I miss my little pink tag.

  16. Moody lighting feels so much more rp than bright lighting, ya'all should try it.

    1. yekim8


      Bright is best brightness

    2. Lago


      Kal Azgoth looks better on Moody because you can make out the lights.

  17. My MC name is now actually Sagwort!

  18. My question is that i have been with the druids for a bit now learning how another guild like the mage guild works and i have found how well orginized they are. I realise that we have not actually started the guild but the druids seem to have started the guild. Why can't we?

  19. Now your added....

  20. Of course I could write you a song, do you want it more "fiddle" like or someting like Pirates of the Caribbean?

  21. Oh balls....I am retracing my earlier statement about disbanding the Mates Guild...long live the Mates Guild for now...

  22. Ok, to make this easy, can you just moderate the Mages Guild thread and make sure it does not get filled up with too much spam?

  23. oops wrong place

  24. Please be patient they will do it soon

  25. Posting your pic on Show Yourself Thread is like drugs...you do it once and you have to keep doing it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Areon


      Not when you are instantly told mean and hurtful things after you post it. Never going back.

    3. Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}

      Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}

      I've posted twice. <_<

    4. Jon Evaglno

      Jon Evaglno

      False; only some drugs are addictive after one use, i.e. crack cocaine.

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