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Everything posted by Elfen_

  1. Mew~

    1. Kim
    2. Elfen_


      what. Okay. Don't hate I just wanted to be a kitty-kat

    3. Zindran
  2. Character name(out of curiosity): Glee Minecraft Name: ElfenLie Race: Wood Elf Gender: Male Age: 750-ish Reference as of hairstyle / face / skin: Basically hair length that is in the spoiler, with the beard and similar styles ears. Specific hair color / eye color: Brown Hair, Emerald-ish Colored eyes. Reference as of clothing attire: Specific clothing colors: Same as reference picture. Agreed price: Well, 350 seems like the average fair price. ((Payment picture to come later))
  3. Who is the best lore master that I could talk to?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Space


      tbqh just ask one and they will point you in the right direction if they can't answer your question

    3. Elfen_
    4. chaotikal


      I heard Swgrclan is vegan so you got all that nature **** there.

  4. I just want to be able to RP without

    1. Demotheus


      Without what.

    2. Elfen_


      wtf.. Apparently status updates are broken too...

      Meant to say without the voting notifications. I hate how it's like "MCNAME JUST VOTED AT MCVOTINGSITE". Like I could care less, hooray for them but, it's somewhat disruptive of RP to see that as you're reading what the other person wrote.

    3. Demotheus


      OH yeah totes get ya there ya m8

  5. Any event team I could speak with...?

  6. Been here almost five years. Wtf.. I mean haven't been the most active but I like to check forums from time to time or jump in game for a month or two...from time to time..

    1. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      1358 posts, 40 rep


      Lets all support this guy to have a good rep ratio

    2. Elfen_
  7. When you sit back and think how many friends, people who generally care, and/or do anything for you, your character has. Seems to me my old character has few and few people he can depend on, those whom he can chat to whenever. 

  8. Armor doesn't degrade in 1.9 ... Thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ShameJax


      QQ wait what...

    3. Elfen_


      @ShameJax I had to read the twitter(something I don't do because never liked it). Guess you're right. Reading forum posts don't always give full story.

    4. Elfen_


      Though slightly confused now.

  9. Why is the forum tab so far right? Feels awkward.

  10. This doesn't seem right...


  11. All you nerds going to school, ha pfft

    1. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      I still have a week and a half until I have to go ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    2. King_Moosh


      One more week :(

    3. Pinochet
  12. So, has anyone recreated snowyfields on the recent map(s)?


    1. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      sun, hahahaha, so funny.

  14. http://prntscr.com/87m65z ...No, stop it I don't want these.
    1. Sentis


      Sounds like someone has beef with his taters.

    2. Elfen_
  15. How many years would have it been since say mid-aegis?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mirtok


      There was a transition map where we went BACK IN TIME!!!!

    3. Space


      man just look at the calendar it includes all that ****

    4. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      Then 99% of characters come from Aegis, which they didn't . It was always implied many more years went by especially when it came to where you had to set your human character when applying for the server

  16. When you have to log in and out like three times because the game doesnt load properly

  17. Mew (≚ᄌ≚)ℒℴѵℯ

  18. Character Name: Glee Minecraft Username: MewEcho Timezone: Eastern Time Usual Playing Times: Anytime
  19. Is it more or does the survey take you through the different races each time?

  20. When are the peak times for wood elves?

    1. AGiantPie


      Middle of the day.

    2. Space


      In about.... 6-8 hours, I'd say? Or around there, atleast.

  21. Anyone else here use Chroma Hills?

  22. When you realized you played a character for about 4 years...

  23. Any good forge minimaps? :/

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