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Everything posted by Silent™

  1. ...I missed the entire weekend of awesomeness... Someone is going to suffer for this...

  2. Mmm... Easter chocolate...

    1. THESSunny


      Dem Reese's peanut butter eggs bro.

    2. Joe_Blackman
  3. Why? Why do I always miss these epic battles?!

  4. If only I could become Sylen Thadius Drayzont the First, in Aegis at the moment he first appeared in Al'Khazar...

  5. That moment when you have a really long and drawn-out fart in the middle of class...

    1. Parading


      gotta hold it in

  6. I wonder when the Anthos map will get put up for download? Then I can put my grand scheme into motion! MWUAHAHAHA!

  7. Attention Lord of The Craft... Testicles. That is all.

    1. Telanir


      Sweet, good stuff. I'll tell my family about this special occasion.

  8. Can't wait for the weekend so I can get on the server and do some RP!

    1. DrakeHaze.


      You mean pvp.

    2. Demotheus


      idk about you but I get plenty of RP even in the fringe. In fact that's the only place I RP anymore. Sure, you get the occassional raid every few hours or so, but meh. MEH I tell you. Just log out when that happen sif you don't like it.

  9. Remember it's April fools today guys.

    1. HuskyPuppy


      Best day of the year.

  10. So we have a Brand New Kitten, a Kinky Kitten, and a Fancy Kitten...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Fact Core

      The Fact Core

      And a fact core

    3. FlareGunCalamity


      I would be something funny but my name is too cool

    4. Anawkin


      I'm an evil Sith Lord.

  11. I have the ultimate plan on how to torture a Harbinger! Mwuhahahaha!

  12. Who here can grow the best pair of Nipple Mustaches!?

    1. ToenailTickler


      I can. For my nipples are that of god.

  13. Nipple Mustaches!

  14. You get to create your own solar system anywhere in the galaxy, including the star type, the planets, and the lifeforms that inhabit the planets. You also get to live on this planet, and can choose to be acknowledge by all its beings as their Creator, or a simple alien life form. Now create!

    1. bossnation12345


      Is this a mental practice or do we type what we create

  15. You get to create your own solar system anywhere in the galaxy, including the star type, the planets, and the lifeforms that inhabit the planets. You also get to live on this planet, and are acknowledge by all its beings as their Creator. Now create!

    1. Rassidic


      My brain has gone somewhere else. Bye.

  16. Maybe I should go to the Fringe...

  17. What is you average wake up time on the weekend, as opposed to a week day?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. everblue2er101


      Week days 7-7:30, weekends usually 8ish.

    3. LPT


      Weekdays 7:30 AM Weekends 1:30 PM

    4. Heff


      9 or later on weekends and 6:20-6:40 weekdays

  18. For every pound of turd you eat, without throwing up, you get to live one extra year. How many pounds could you eat?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gam


      What is this sick trick? I've got my eye on you, citizen!

    3. Huh


      Sounds like a shitty way to live.

    4. Drak3


      Shorty and your puns. :P

  19. You get to cure one problem in the world. What do you choose?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. yopplwasupxxx


      10th prestige on all cods

    3. Bones


      flithy item hungry oren pvp trolls!!!1!

    4. Ctc9592
  20. Don't go eatin' babies now, ya hear!?

  21. Do you know of the actual destructive force even a soccerball-sized meteor has?
  22. Just two and a half weeks, then GoT S4!

  23. I love being part Irish, especially on St. Paddy's day!

  24. I hate how halflings think they are their own race, when back in Aegis, and Early Asulon, they were, and still are, a sub-race of the Humans.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Old-Rattlesnake


      They're pretty much their own race. Just like the Mali'aheral are pretty much one. They're literally completely different from the race they're closest to.

    3. Lago


      They've become very much their own thing nowadays, and they're so friendly and make so little trouble I see no problem with them having their own area in 4.0.

    4. WuHanXianShi14


      hobbits are always their own thing in comtemporary tolkien-esque fantasy. who cares?

  25. I hate how halfling think they are their own race, when back in Aegis, and Early Asulon, they were, and still are, a sub-race of the Humans.

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