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Status Updates posted by Silent™

  1. Will the New Year herald the Magic plugin, or are we going to be waiting until 2016? Dun-dun-duuuunnnn.

    1. Endovelicus


      Probably until 2456.

  2. How will you know unless you try?

    1. Kardel


      Through a simulator

  3. Just one more paycheck and I can buy all the parts for my custom computer!

    1. FORƎST


      congrats dude

  4. What would you give for my love?

    1. Rissing


      Are humanoids an option ?

  5. Anyone wanna play Medieval Engineers with me?

    1. Gunner


      Its not multiplayer bud

  6. So... how are you doing?

  7. *Yawn*

    1. L0rdLawyer


      *punches Silent in the face* "Wake up."

  8. Off to work for the rest of the day :P

  9. Feckin' nosebleeds...

    1. Savoyard


      Stop diggin' fer gold then m80

  10. Are you now, or have you ever been, a potato?

  11. What's happening to the server?! I demand answers!

    1. Chrisdena


      Opinions, opinions everywhere.

  12. *Watches you walk walk by then sticks something to your back*

    1. Jake the Dog

      Jake the Dog

      *watches as he sticks items to passers backs, sticking his own upon this sticker!*

  13. Maybe one day my quest to become GM shall be completed... Then I can begin my quest to Admin.

  14. Would you rather be immune to all diseases, or immune to all forms of cancer?

    1. DelaneyG


      Cancer is a disease, so ill go with number 1

  15. *Continues melting ice*

  16. I'm sleep deprived and you know it ;)

  17. My ability to focus on building improves when I am listening to music.

    1. ForbiddenExile


      Music is just the best, is it not?

  18. When I take a step back and look at the server I see flaw upon flaws as all the players and staff who divide into groups, build up walls of salt between each other and then can't get along OOCly, let alone RPly.

  19. Why is the donation page so inaccurate to the actual perks you get?

    1. InfamousGerman


      because nobody bothers to update anything

  20. So the diameter of Vailor is 10km, and after some quick math, the total area including the massive ocean is 78.53km2. I would estimate that only 1/3rd of the map is actually covered by land, so there is approximately 25km2 of land for us to live on.

    I did this because I was bored.

    1. Z3r05t4r




      For your convenience. This is to scale.

  21. Steam sale starts, Tythus makes a post about a slight bonus for donating... coincidence? I think not!

    1. ryno2


      wats the bonus

  22. I got shoes, socks, a shirt and a sweater. Merry grown up Christmas!

    1. Geo


      where's ma fkn legos

  23. Second request in my weapon art shop completed: https://gyazo.com/9533f35066295538316487e8458828f7

    1. Your Favorite Impure

      Your Favorite Impure

      Looks really nice c:

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