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Status Updates posted by MrSyth

  1. I don't like people calling me old.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MrSyth


      I'm building one, ironically enough.

    3. Elfen_


      ancient, aged, olden, antique, former, debilitated, decrepit, elderly, seasoned, veteran, fossil, senior. Like any of those?

    4. MrSyth


      Veteran will do.

  2. OI. Who moved the Other Applications forum-tab up? I'm all confuzzled nao.

  3. You know we out of control; No brakes. Your birthday party sucked; No cakes.

  4. Well that was a fun lamb.

    1. Nug


      I loved it. c:

    2. Nug


      I loved it. c:

  5. People are angry coz' there's no iron mine. *iron mine is opened* People get angry because the iron mine's not good enough.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Timmeh!


      Too dangerous.

    3. Amorphbutt


      I say we burn them. Solves so many problems, and it makes pretty lights.

    4. CloakandDagger


      I laugh because the mine is designed to make iron rare, but everyone already seems to have mass amounts of the stuff.

  6. Oh great, another guide-thing describing High Elves as purely racist, snobby educated RP'ers. Lovely. Exactly what we need to stop people from joining us.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Amorphbutt


      You could get a girl-scout group to hand high elves hypnotizing cookies to join you all ^w^

    3. Dohvi


      Gosh! Those darn nasty High Elves! *shakes his fist grumpily*

      {Insert anti-High Elf propaganda.}

    4. Neri


      I like the High Elves exactly the way they are.

      Don't change, you bigoted racist supremacist elitist dinner-party-loving scientists.

  7. Welp, that was mah last exam for this year. Good luck to all those still having them!

  8. Welp, that was mah last exam for this year. Good luck to all those still having them!

  9. Anyone excited for 4.0 yet?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Volutional


      Oh stop being a bunch of drama llamas. Enjoy what you have, or do something productive about improving it.

    3. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      I'm satisfied with this map, thanks.

    4. yekim8


      If people don't express their dislike for something it won't be fixed. There was no drama here.

  10. "I don't sound like TotalBiscuit, he sounds like me!" -Mithradites, 8 may, 2013

    1. Mithradites


      Not my fault if he copied my voice! Yeesh!

    2. LPT


      Mithradites jimmies status: Russled

    3. Esterlen


      "Backstreet W**replace sounds like a lovely place, I would sure love to work there." - Mithradites 2013

  11. I love cats.

  12. Welp, thanks for updating. Now I can go ahead and not continue RP until I update all my mods!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Valon (Yokey)

      Valon (Yokey)

      I keep all my skins MPMed and mod-ready anyway for those who enjoy using mods

    3. Goldd


      Someone's a grumpy pineapple today :3

    4. Volutional


      Mpm has already updated. There's little else that is REQUIRED for RP.

  13. So... when are we actually gonna start removing region-protection? Most of the world is still regioned, it seems. Obama all over again.

  14. Well spoken Dilara.

  15. These "The server was voted for by ..." messages are rediculous. My chat log's full of them.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tom_Whiteman


      Yea, we just need the messages gone... But at least we've been getting more votes than usual.

    3. Cappy


      They're being removed next restart, according to Reag.

    4. MrSyth


      Thank you.

  16. Mato fato gentlemayun.

    1. Samoblivion


      That magnificent bastard did it again.

  17. GRRR. Not happy.

  18. My apologies for misunderstanding the use of the Mage's guild thread. I've noticed in it's history it's been used for RP conversations, announcements and OOC questions. I thought it was the right place to do so. My bad~

  19. Mmmmmkay, so Slendy's supposed to convince me to turn off adblocker? Seems legit. How 'bout some grudge instead?

    1. argonian


      You can just block Slendy with ad-block.

    2. JtPv


      I love you. ^

  20. Sometimes I just get this proud feeling... And then I'm glad I'm on LotC.

  21. I'm just gonna go ahead and burn my hands off.

  22. I just noticed, I'm nearing 15 thousand profile views! It's the little things in life~

    1. argonian


      Are you just being crafty? Telling people so they look at your profile and check?

    2. Wretched
    3. MrSyth




      Who says I'm using this to gain even more?

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