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Status Updates posted by Cracker

  1. Azog Mating Festival, come to Kingston!

  2. emerald u need to unarchive my email man

  3. Hunwald Spy Detected

  4. Didn't u guys learn from the merrymoogle-boxxy incident that unless the IPs match u shouldn't ban on suspicion?

    1. Avacyn


      my IP's did match, though, because we both used the same proxy service. Still not definable proof.

  5. Eddy and Alty unbanned these are better times!

  6. Why not put the effort going into Alras into improving one of the current nations

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Draeris


      I offered 28 people to join in Oren as a sole group 'Festina', and we got declined. Just because me was me, with that mentality I'm sure that more players are like "Yeah I'm going to Alras", if you want to be in a nation that thrives, perhaps you need to learn why Alras is thriving and you are not. Alras is a thing and it will be a nation, it meets all standards.

    3. Cracker


      me and chump were in your skype chat lol you had like 10 guys and half of them didn't even know what was going on half the time

      just seems like another story of a nation of outcasts (which is never a good backbone of a nation)

    4. Draeris


      That was a very while back.. We have 28 people now and a functional goverment with tasks.

  7. Why aren't you Ruskan Orthodox yet

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Cracker


      i made paragon kjell


      ruskan orthodoxy made kjell a paragon

      protip: he's not actually legitimate

    3. Dreek


      i c wut u meen i am russian orthodox now.

      still not ruskan :>

    4. Cracker
  8. Just Realized Talking With All Capitals In The First Letter Of Each Word Makes You #Bold

    1. Mithradites


      Damnit, Cracker! Go back to being innactive, you butt!

    2. WuHanXianShi14


      pRopEr cApiTaliZatiOn is ovErateD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dreek


      u r a cracker babalouche

    3. Snoop


      More like spamming the community for post count.

    4. WuHanXianShi14


      How the **** does post count contribute to your reputation?

  9. come on and slam if you wanna jam

    1. Garukumus


      Jam that slam with the bam ram pam, maam.

    2. DruinsBane
    3. WuHanXianShi14
  10. Email to Grool - Remember to brush your teeth twice a day and always wear fresh undies. Love, Cracker

  11. these ******* better start paying me for this...can't get no more free cracker

    1. Helvetius


      your not getting paid, we need free crackers! xD

    2. bungo


      you're not white...

  12. who here has the highest post-rep ratio

  13. Send Email to Grool.exe

  14. This incident would occur with both RP and PVP default. I do not understand hubbub about it.

  15. I just got pugsied :/

  16. Do a rollback they are creepers everywhere

  17. my favorite pokemon is pedot

    1. Valdis


      =/ mine is meloetta

  18. rip walder frey (nice shot robb)

  19. not the BALLISTAS

    1. Stevie


      h3 w3nt t00 f4r

    2. LPT
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